Chapter 7

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*Esther POV*

"Avi how can you be sure its her, if you won't talk to her?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "I guess my logic doesn't really make since does it?" He asks while shaking his head. "Ok I vow not to contact her." He says and stands up to walk away. "Esther please. Do not try and make me see her. I am not ready for that the wound is still to fresh." Avi says with a pained voice and walks away. 'Why can't you see she still loves you? Why could you not see that when we were younger? I hope you see her again soon. God knows I can only handle so much of you with this attitude.' "You really don't care about her that much do you?" I whisper to myself and frown in his direction. "Well I don't care what you say I am going to see her and you can't stop me." I mutter and pick up my phone.

*Your POV*

"Now who wants to be Walter? Ok Andrew you can be-" I am cut off by my phone ringing. "Oh Ms.L\N you didn't turn your phone off!!" The class yells and I smile, and pick up my phone only to see Esther is calling me. "Uh I have to take this. Im sorry I will be right back." I walk out of the room. "Esther? Is that really you?" I ask and I hear a sigh on the other end of the phone. "Ya Y\N it's me. Its been awhile since we talked hasn't it?" "Ya it has been. Not to be rude but why are you calling? I am kinda busy with class." I say and I hear her wince. "Sorry I was wondering if we could meet up again. I miss you." "How about this. I will call you after work. Then we can plan right now i have to go." I say and hang up and Run back into the room. "Cody put that down! That is not for you to play with!" I shout as I walk back to the front of the room. "EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" I shout and everyone shuts up. Well almost everyone. "What if I don't want to?" Anthony asks me and I glare at him. "Fine then lets put it this way. You don't sit down and shut it or you fail my class without a chance of retaking it." I say and he freezes. "You wouldn't." He starts and I cut him off. "Try me." I growl and he has a bit of panic in his eyes. He sits down and shuts his trap and I glare around the room. "Alright Andrew you are Walter, and Cody you can be Travis. Now start reading." I sit down at my desk and open the book.

*Esther POV*

'She just hung up on me. She did say she had to get back to class, I hope i didn't interrupt anything important.'  I shake my head and get up to head to the back when Kirstie steps in front of me. "Who was that?" She asks me and I sigh. "I can't tell you. Avi would be super mad at me. I'm not even supposed to talk about her." I say and Kirstie nods. "I guess I understand. How about this, I want to go shopping with Mitch and Scott, but I might need a bit of muscle to help keep them on track. Do you think that Avi would be ok with helping me out in about oh say, ten twenty minutes?" She asks with a smirk. "I don't know how long its gonna take her to call back or how long we are gonna be out." I say and she smiles. "Don't worry I can keep them out until you text me the all clear." She tells me and I smile. "Thanks Kirstie I owe you one." I say while giving her a hug. "No you don't I always wanted everyone to be happy. I don't know why but neither you or Avi seem to be happy anymore. I want to change that. You deserve happiness and not that fake stuff that everyone's tired of believing." I open my mouth to argue when my phone rings. "Ill go drag Avi to the mall, text me when your done!" Kirstie shouts as she runs off towards Avis room.

*Your POV*

"All right everyone that is where we will stop for today. I will see you tomorrow and we will continue this assignment." They all run out of the room and I pick up my phone. 'Well I guess its time to call Esther.'  I dial the number that she previously called me on. "Hello?" She answers hesitantly. "Hey Esther so where do you want to meet up?"

Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update I have been really busy. I am also sorry for the short chapter and I hope that I can update again soon. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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