Chapter 11

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"F\N I know that I promised you but right now I can't. I have had a very busy day, with some very horrid moments in it." I say as I walk past her to my kitchen. "Oh really enlighten me." She says rolling her eyes. "Well I had to meet up with Esther, an old friend, have to save a couple of students from a bully with a knife then I had to meet up with my other friend from childhood, Avi and deal with him glaring at me all day. The only up side, I got to play with some kids." I shout whipping around to see her staring at me. "Are Esther and Avi siblings?" She asks her voice soft. "Uh ya? They have the same last name and everything." I say and she smiles. "What is their last name?" She asks the mystery of the door seemingly forgotten. "Its Kaplan." I say and cover my ears just in time. "YOUR FRIEND ARE AVI AND ESTHER KAPLAN!!!!! YOU SO HAVE TO TAKE ME TO MEET THEM."  She screams at me and I frown. "F\N Avi doesn't even talk to me and Esther may very well never want to see me again. They are also leaving for the last show of their tour." I say and she glares at me. "You got to meet all of Pentatonix and even grow up with two of them! You could be super famous!" She says and I frown. "I am already famous enough." I say and she frowns. "How you are just a college teacher, they aren't very famous." She says and I nod. "Maybe not to the public but to the kids? Like I said I am already famous enough." She sighs, and I smile. "Well your no Abby Stars, but your popular and famous to me." She says and I smile. 'Oh F|N you have no idea.' 

*Avi POV*

"Oh my goodness, She was so good with those kids! Esther who was that?!"  'That was my  old time friend and right now she is quickly gaining back my trust.' I think as Esther looks at me. "She was an old friend." She says and I sigh. "That was Y\N we grew up with her. She left suddenly one day but I never got back in contact with her. After all she just left Esther a note to tell  me." I say and Esther sighs. "It was only because you were at a friends house and I didn't want to call you back. You were having fun. In all honesty if you should be mad at anyone it is me." She says with tears in her eyes and I smile. "I never said I hate her now..." I say trailing off and her face splits into a smile. "Then what do you say tomorrow we surprise her with pentaonix tickets?" She asks and I smile sadly. "I don't know if she hates me. I mean you see how she was with those kids. Who's to say that they weren't hers!" I shout and she puts her hands on her hips. "For your information she saved those kids, from a bully with a knife. They were to scared to be left alone and she didn't feel right with leaving them. So I offered that we all go to the park and then you guys called. They were not hers because the house that she went to had the parents name right on the house! Mr.David Rabbie is not her kid! Neither is Steven or the little girl!" Esther says before storming off. "Esther wait up!" Kirstie yells and runs after her shoving past my frozen frame. 'She saved those kids from another kid with a KNIFE?! Well I guess that she really didn't change. I still can't believe that she is still that amazing with kids.'  "I can't believe that I didn't see that. Now I understand why the kids were shaking so much and the other ones didn't stray far from her." I mutter and they look at me. "Is that why you sat out from the game?" Scott asks and I nod slowly. "I was seeing everyone's body language and categorizing it. Like you Scott were leaning more towards Mitch and Esther and Kirstie were leaning more towards Y\N."  I say and Scott blushes. "AVI COME HERE!!!"

*Your POV*

"Ok Y\N I am staying here tonight. You are gonna tell me a bunch of stories about how Esther and Avi were as they were growing up." She says running upstairs and to her room. "Well I guess I wont be writing tonight then." I mutter to myself and start to cook some supper for me and the now ever present F\N. I hear the door slam as I put the water on the supper to start to make some lasagna. "Hows lasagna sound there F\N?" I ask and all I hear is a thump. "F\N?" I ask and turn the corner to find F\N laying on the floor in front of an open door. "Sorry Y\N I opened the door and someone threw that box at me." She says pointing to the box laying on the floor. I smile and poke my head out the door. "Thanks!" I yell at the retreating postage man. He waves behind him with a surprisingly familiar hand gesture. I close the door and grab the box F\N is holding out. "Oh and  lasagna sounds fantastic." She says and I smile and head back to the kitchen. "Uh Y\N Who's Bassman?"

Hey everyone sorry for the wait I have been quite busy lately, and I can only hope that you are enjoying the story. Again I am so sorry that you have to wait. I do have a question though, if you had any super power what would it be? Please let me know and I may incorporate it in the story later on. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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