Chapter 10

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*Your POV*

'Shit. I wasn't expecting him to be here.' "Hey tulip why don't you go and play with your brother real quick ok? I will be right back." I say and she shakes her head. "Brother is right there." She says pointing right behind Avi. "Mr. Rabbie are you standing behind Mr. Kaplan?" I ask and he walks around. "Maybe?" He says and Stephanie giggles. "Mrs. Dragon can I go play Frisbee with brother?" She asks and I smile. "Of course tulip. Mr. Rabbie can you and Mr. Fergus go and play with little tulip here?" I ask he nods. "Mrs.L\N why did you give her a nickname but not us?" He asks and I laugh. "Well I couldn't call you a nickname in class now could I? That could be disastrous for your choir career." I tease and they laugh. "Please Choir? We are training to be like Home free and Pentatonix. We want to do ACapella its always been appealing to us." Steven says and Avi smiles. "Well I guess you guys are in luck." He says and I see the rest of them come over. "Oh my goodness. David pinch me I must be dreaming." I smile. "No Steven You are not dreaming, but you must be nice you know." "Heads up!" I hear coming from behind me and I twist around catching the softball before it could hit Stephanie. I throw the ball back and look at Stephanie. "Hey little tulip are you ok?" I ask and she jumps at me. "I catch her and spin around a little and she squeals. "Ya im ok. But can we see if we can go play with them?" She asks and I smile. "YA if its ok with you guys." I say looking back at Esther and Pentatonix. "Hey we will go with you! I want to play as well." Esther says and the rest nod. "Alright little tulip! Hold on!" I say and David smiles. "Are you proposing that we race there Ms. L\N?" He asks teasingly. "Why Mr. Rabbie what would make you think such a thing?" I ask then take off running. "Hey no fair!" I hear Steven shout followed by Stephanie's laughter. "Faster Faster!" She chants and I smile. "As you wish my dear." I say and speed up. We reach the two boys long before anyone else. "Sorry about that stray ball earlier but hey you got a strong arm. You want to play?" they ask and I nod. "Sure but can a few other of my friends play as well?" I ask and he smiles "Sure the more the merrier!" By this time everyone else caught up. "So Ms. L\N can we play?" David asks me and I nod with a smile. "Well what are we waiting for? Lets play!"

*Avis POV*

'Wow I didn't know she was so good with kids yet. I mean I could still see it but the fact that she still can play with them like that. I thought I would never see her like that again.' I think as I sit on the sidelines watching the others play baseball. "Here little tulip throw it here!" Y\N yells and 'little tulip' throws her the ball witch she then throws it to Scott who tags Mr. Rabbie out. "Wow Ms. L|N who knew you had such an arm!" He says and walks back to the batting line. I see Y\N frown and she pulls out her phone. The ball is hit in her direction and without looking up she catches the ball. "Your OUT!" Kevin yells laughing.  "Hang on a sec guys I have to take this." Y\N says and answers the phone. I see her frown and sigh. "OK guys I am sorry bout that. It was just a friend." She says and I shake my head. "Thats not what your facial expression said. " I mumble and Scott sighs. "Sorry guys we have to get going if we want to make our next concert." Scott says dragging Mitch and Kirstie with him Kevin and Esther following. "Alright Ill take you guys home." Y\N says to her students and 'little tulip.'. "Thanks for letting us play with you guys it was a lot of fun." She says and the boys nod. "See you in class Ms.L\N!" They shout and run away. Y\N just laughs and hugs everyone goodbye, Well except me because I am already walking away.

*Your POV*

"Alright there you go. I will see you guys tomorrow, just be safe ok." I say as I drop them off at Mr. Rabbies house. I smile and start to walk home thinking of the events that have perspired. 'I defiantly wasn't expecting to see Avi today. I wasn't prepared.' I sigh and unlock my apartment to find F\N sitting in my living room. "Now lets talk about that room."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait and then the short chapter. I LOVE YOU ALL!


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