Chapter 19

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*Your POV*

I am floating in what seems to be a black void. 'Im not dead Right?' 'God I hope not that would mean that I am dead.' 'Avi?' 'Yes?' 'Are you alright?' 'Just a touch worried that my soulmate is laying passed out on the bed next to me. Do me a huge favor and wake up so I can see those pretty E\C eyes. Please?' 'I have been trying but it hasn't been working, wait are you asleep?' 'Nope wide awake. Seems I got a slight concussion when I fell.' 'Oh then it may take me another couple of hours before I wake up. Sorry you are just gonna have to wait.' I think and I think I may have jumped in the bed when I feel fingers wrap around my hand. 'Well then I will just sit here and wait for you to wake up. Then again that's all anyone is allowing me to do. Oh and David and 'little tulip' need to talk to you too. Something about their parents.' With that last sentence my eyes shoot open and then slam shut from the lights shining in my eyes. "Avi where are they now?" "Uh their house, they told me to have you call them as soon as you wake up." "Well then get someone in here with a phone I need to talk to them and has anyone called into work for me since I have been absent this morning?" I ask as Avi reaches over and hits his little button to get a nurse in the room. "Uh yeah Esther called in for you. She just explained what happened and they said to take all the time you need, actually it sounded more like and order for you to take time off. Have you been overworking yourself?" 'Oh Avi you have no Idea.' "No Avi I haven't they were probably worried I would try to go back injured that's all." I say and Avi frowns. "What do you mean I have no Idea?" He asks a slight growl in his voice almost making it sound deeper. "Well I can't really tell you here and I don't know how you will take it." I say and he frowns and attempts to cross his arms. "Try me." He says wincing from the pull on his stitches. "Would you stop crossing your arms?! Its hurting me to you know." I say and he quickly unfolds his arms, deciding to glare at me instead. "Avi glaring at me isn't going to do anything." I say as I take the phone from the nurse and dialing Davids number. "Hello David is everything ok?" I ask and I hear him start to cry. "David listen to me I am going to send a good friend of mine to pick you up and bring you here then you can tell me is that ok?" I ask kindly and I hear a faint ok. "Alright David I will call you right back ok?" I hear another ok and he hangs up. Next I ring up Calleigh and Jasmine. "Hey guys I need a big favor to ask you but Jasmine can you go out to the car I already know that you are going to agree its Calleigh that I have to convince." "ya sure Y\N I'll go wait in the car." "Thanks Jazz. Calleigh is she gone now?" I ask and I hear a sigh. "Ya she's gone now what is it?" She asks irritated. "Calleigh right now I am not asking a favor from a friend I am asking a favor from my editor. I need you to with Jazz and pick up David and Stephanie. They have something to tell me that they can't get out over the phone. Please I'M not asking as Y\N I am asking as..." I glance over at Avi who is now glaring at me a little less angry and more curious. "I'M asking as Abby." I sigh out and she gasps. "You better trust the area you are in Y\N I hope no one heard you." She says and I laugh. "No one heard me but my soulmate now calm down, I said it to quiet for even him to hear. Now please go and get David and Stephanie?" I ask and she sighs. "Fine. Ill be there soon." "Thanks Calleigh." "No problem Y\N." She says and hangs up. I immediately call David back. "Hey David I have Calleigh and Jasmine come get you ok? You remember them right?" "Y-Yeah I D-Do." He sobs out and I sigh. "Alright David I have to go now I will see you soon ok?" I say. "O-o-okay. S-see you s-so-soon." He says and hangs up. I sigh and hear and slight squeal come from Avi. "YOUR !!" He started to shout but I slammed my hands over his mouth. "NO! You can't let anyone else know about this. You are not even supposed to know!" I say and he nods. "I don't understand why you don't want others to know how good with kids you are." He says and I shake my head. "Never mind. I thought you were gonna say something else." I say as I shake my head. Avi open his mouth to talk but is cut off my David and Stephanie running into the room followed by Calleigh and Jasmine. "Mrs. L\N I- My parents- They-" David starts crying once again. Stephanie walks up towards me and climbs on my bed her eyes red and full of confusion. "Dragon? Why is De crying and why are mommy and daddy not coming back home?"

Hey everyone How goes it? I hope you are all well and I have good news I will be updating more often so I will get new stuff out to you as soon as possible. Thank you all fro being so patient and I hope to see you all again soon. Bye! Oh and I can't forget I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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