Chapter 17

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*Your POV*

"F\N do I really have to go to this? I really don't want to. I can't see him again." I say as I pull on the dress that F\N has forced me into. "This this is to fucking short!" I yell as I pull on the dress and I feel a slight tug in the back on my mind.  I growl lightly and shove it away. "Y\N did you just growl?" "Yes F\N. I did just growl." "Why?" "Avi trying to intrude again." I growl out and she sighs. "Just let him in! Its been what three months?" "Yes. I don't see why they needed to give me the tickets so ridiculously early. I don't even want to go to this!!" "Well tough shit! Your going! I have no idea what he decided to do but guess what, your gonna get over it and open up your fucking link! I bet he has been trying to apologize this entire time but you wont let him! Just open the fuck up!" "No I don't want to get hurt again! He hurt me enough by pretending to care! No one ever cares about me!!!" I shout and I feel a major pull in the back of my head and I felt a surge of panic. 'Y\N please let me in! Are you ok?!'  'Quit pretending that you care!!' 'What are you talking about?! I do care! I have always cared! For dragons sake Y\N! I lov-'  'No don't lie to me!' I scream and push the barrier and lock the link once again. "F\N I am not going and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Now help me get this dress off." "No." "No?" "NO! YOU ARE GOING EVEN IF I HAVE TO DRAG YOU THERE!!" F\N shouts as she grabs me and starts to drag me to my car. "F\N!! Uh-hand me this instant! Quit forcing me to go where I don't want to go!" "Suck it up Y\N! We are going to that concert and you can't stop me! So help me if I have to call my ex to come and help then I will!" "Wait you and F\BF\N broke up?" I ask and momentarily stop struggling. "Yes. He said I was to obsessed with Kevin and Abby Stars for him." She sighs. "Oh F\N I am so sorry." I say and shrugs and pushes me into the car that she got me to taking the advantage of my momentary stop. "F\N!" I shout as she shuts the door and jumps into the drivers seat. "I told yo u are going even if I have to drag you there." She says starting up my car. "Whatever." I huff and stare out the window at the scenery. "If I have to see him though I am gonna hurt you." "Y\N what did he even do to you?" "the link was Unblocked and well he said some choice words that he promised never to say again." "And those words are?" "He said he hated me and he hated how much he had to hang out with me when all he wanted to do was hang out with his friends. I guess I was to clingy and he wasn't afraid to point it out. This happened only once before when I asked if he could hang out and he blew up at me and said all that then stormed out. Three weeks later and I left for a good two months. When I came back he was begging me to forgive him. It took another month before I forgave him. He promised that he would never say it again but he did so now I am trying to avoid him." "Y\N that was three months ago. Get over it." "F\N I felt the raw anger that came with it. I could feel the sincerity of it. He meant it F\N. Imagine someone that you grew up with and that was basically family said that to you. How would you take it? Its bad enough that those words are bouncing around my skull all the time now." I say and she glares at the road. "I guess I wouldn't take it all that well either. Sorry Y\N." She says Glancing away from the road for a spit second. I smile and she pulls into the parking lot of the stadium. "Don't worry Y\N I will try to my best to keep him away and all but if I can't just ignore him." "What if I get picked to go up on stage?" "Try your best not to be noticed. Blend in. Im sure that you have done that before at sometime am I right?" "Ya I suppose." "See now lets just pass through security." She says I nod and climb out of the car. "Alright I'll trust you this time. Just never drag me off again." I say and she laughs. "Hey isn't that a student of yours?" F\N has just enough time to ask before Stephanie starts running towards me David right behind her. I smile and nod passing though security. "DRAGON!!" "Hey little tulip! How are you?" "Mrs. L\N!" David yells jumping on me. "Hey Mr.Rabbe how are you?" "Im good!" Stephanie and David say and I smile. "So Y\N I am assuming that one of them is a student?" "Ah F\N yes this is David and his sister Stephanie." I say and she nods. "HI Im Y\Ns friend F\N, Now should we get to our seats?" She asks motioning to the stadium. David winces and nods. "F\N do I have to go in there?" "Yes!" "I am going to hurt you." I say as I walk toward the stadium. WE get to our seats with perfect view of the stage. 'If I wasn't so mad or scared that I would see Avi, this would be so exciting.' Soon all the lights die down. Soon they start the concert, but Avi seems a bit distracted. 'I wonder whats his problem?' 

Hey everyone Im not dead! I m sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I have been working and had a small bout of writers block. Again I am so sorry. I will attempt to update more frequently, I promise. I LOVE YOU ALL MY LITTLE SHADOWS!!!!!!"


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