Chapter 18

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*Your POV*

Just after I had finished that thought a shot rang out and Avi drops to the ground. I scream and push through the crowd heading towards the doors. "I'm sorry miss you are going to have to leave." "But you don't understand I have to see if my friend is ok! He can't be hurt I won't allow it!" I scream knowing darn well that he is injured I can feel his pain through the link. "Please I swear! I just need to see if he is ok!" "Y\N! I NEED YOU!" I hear Scott yell and I shove past the guard with determination in my eyes. "Scott is he ok?!" I scream as  I run towards the stage. "Not really he was shot in the shoulder, hes lost a lot of blood and hes not waking up. " Mitch says through his sobs. I look around and I see Kevin crying, Kristie trying to calm Kevin down, Mitch is attached to Scott barring his head into Scott's chest while Scott is just staring at me with a blank face his arms wrapped around Mitch. "Alright I need bandages, tape and if the bullet didn't go all the way through, then we need a tweezers. Lets just hope that the ambulance gets here before I have to dig through him." I say and I am pulled away from Avi as the paramedics get there. I look down at my hands and see that they are covered in blood. Avis blood. "Thank you guys for getting here in time. I really didn't want to dig through my friend to find a bullet." I say and they nod before rushing him off to the hospital. Esther jumps into the ambulance and drags me in with her. "This is his soulmate, dont even try to separate them. It will hurt him even worse when he wakes up and shes not there. You know this." Esther says and I smile shyly. "Esther its ok. I don't even know if that is true." "Of course it is!" She shouts as the ambulance starts to speed towards the hospital. "Ok Miss, do you two share thoughts?" I nod and the paramedic nods and marks that down on his board. "Um Whats your name?" Esther asks and he blushes. "My name? Uh its Dawson. Anyway are you able to feel his pain?" "Yes." I say and he smiles. "How would you feel if I said that Avi isn't gonna make it?" "I would feel sad I guess." I say as I try to calm the anger inside me. "Really because your eyes are rimmed with black." Dawson smiles and I gasp. "Congratulations. I now pronounce you two soulmates." He says and I frown. "I thought it was just a fairy tale and that it wasn't true." I say and pull out my phone to call F\N. "F\N Your dream is partially true! Wait you knew! Thats why you told me! Wait does that mean it actually happened?! Call me back when you get this." I say and Esther raised an eyebrow at me. "She didn't answer and you left that panicked of a voicemail?!""Yes now if you excuse me." I say as I run out of the ambulance into the hospital. "Hi I'm here for Avriel Kaplan." I say and the receptionist points to the waiting room. "Im sorry but Mr. Kaplan is currently in surgery to stop the bleeding and to close the wound. The doctor will let you know when you can see him. Until then you are going to have to wait. Im sorry." "Excuse me but she is his soulmate, she must be near and must know that he is ok! Please!" "Esther it is fine. Sorry about that miss." I say as I pull Esther towards the waiting room. Esther is struggling not to cry as I sit her down. "Oh Y\N how are you doing? I bet you can feel all the pain that he is going through." I shake my head. "Its ok Esther. I just have to take some pain killers that's all. I don't feel all of it I just feel a small ache that's all." "Please tell me that you didn't feel the pain when he was shot." "Well I thought it was just a muscle being torn, but in turn that was when I realized that Avi was shot. I totally spaced that the pain was right where Avi was shot. Esther I guess I really am his soulmate." With that last word past my lips, I cry out as pain shoots through my skull, and blackness surrounds my senses.

*Avis POV*

I wake up a slight pain in my shoulder. I look around only to see Y\N laying in the bed beside me. "Y\N!" I shout as I attempt to sit up, but I yelp out in pain. 'Ok I can't do that again. Lets try this again.' I think as I slowly sit up and look over at Y\N and I can't help but frown. 'Oh Y\N what happened? Please tell me that you didn't get shot too..'  "Avi she didn't get shot. She just accepted the facts." "What facts and who are you?" "I am F\N, I am Y\N's emergency contact. That and she left me a very long message about how wait I can't tell you. Thats something for you to find out on your own." I sigh and shake my head glancing over at Y\N laying in her bed. "Are you sure that she is ok?" "Yes Avi she is fine. Just lay down and rest Avi. I will wake you up when she wakes up ok?" I nod and lay down.'Please be ok....'

Hey everyone Im sorry for the long wait. I have been having some troubles with my internet sorry about that. Thank you all for being so patient,and don't forget....I LOVE YOU ALL!!

P.S. If you want powers in your 'dark side' let me know what they are and ill see what ones I'll put in.


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