Chapter 8

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*Your POV*

"Look I need to go and see someone at the plaza in like ten minutes can't this wait a little bit F\N and no you can not come." I say into my phone exasperated. "Well excuse me for wanting to spend time with my friend and want to know what she is up to. How long is this meeting gonna be?" She asks and I sigh. "I honestly have no clue F\N It all depends on how we see each other and how we greet each other." I say and she sighs. "Fine just don't take too long I want to meet up again and talk about that creepy locked door by the guest room that you always have me staying in." "I can't promise that I will release to much. That is the point of it always being locked. Maybe I have things in there that I don't really want to face right at this very moment."  I sigh as I walk into the plaza park. I see Esther sitting under a tree not far from the tree I have climbed if I ever needed to escape from life or stress ever since I got here for college. "Look F\N I have to go. I will call you later." I say and she sighs. "Fine. I will be patiently awaiting your call." She says and hangs up. I am about to put my phone in my purse when I see Calleigh texted me. 'Call me as soon as you can this is urgent.' 'God dammit. Ill call her real quick' I open up her contact and call her. "Oh thank goodness Y\N! We have a slight problem with the new books." I sigh. "And what would that problem be this time Calleigh I am about to meet with someone I have not meet in years." I say and she sighs. 'The production has been very upset with me for the Dedications. I was wondering if you could give them a call real quick and start putting the dictations in when you write it? If its not to much trouble." She says and I sigh. "Ya I can thanks Calleigh I will call you when I am done meeting with this friend." "Great and thanks Y\N It means a lot." I sigh and end the call and call the publishing company. "Hello this is Abby Stars I would love it if you could stop pestering my editor for she is just checking everything and sometimes I forget the dedication. Thank you." I say and hang up. I walk over to Esther who has been looking at her phone for the past ten minutes. "Sorry Esther I had school troubles." I say and she jumps up and looks at me. "Oh uh. It's ok." She says and I laugh. "Look Y\N I am sorry for not contacting you at all and...." I cut her off. "Esther its fine I am not mad at you at all I mean you must have been busy being a manager and all." I say and she smiles. "Ya it's a lot of work but I love it and.. Hey wait a minute how did you know I was a manager?" "I had my class do a paper on there favorite music artist and one of my students did theirs on Pentatonix and mentioned the bass of the group had a sister who is also the manager. They may have mentioned names they didn't have to. I connected the dots. I am so happy for you two." I say and she jumps on me and latches me into a hug.

*Esther POV*

'I am so happy that she is not mad at me. I just hope that she isn't mad at Avi as well.'  "Y\N I hate to ask you this but are you mad at Avi for never contacting you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Did you not read the letter? I am pretty sure that I put in there that I wouldn't blame either of you if you never contacted me again." She says and I sigh. "I really am sorry that we never got in contact with you again, but I see that you at least accomplished one of your dreams." I say and she smiles. "Ya me to. I am happy that you and Avi accomplished your dreams as well." I smile and give her another hug. "Hey lets go for a walk ya?" She asks and I nod. 

*Your POV*

Me and Esther start to walk the path in the Plaza. "Did you know that when I need to get away that I would walk this path and think about the past when everything was ok?" She asks me and I smile. "Well Ya. Did you know that one of these trees along the path, I would climb to get away from everything for awhile? One time when I was up there you walked right underneath me." I say and she smiles. Shes about to say something when my phone rings. "Oh go ahead. It could be important I can wait." I smile at her and she smiles back. I glance at the caller ID and frown. "Mr. Rabbie what do you need?" I ask and I hear crying on the other end. "Ms. L\N its horrible. Anthony is at my house and he has a knife to Stevens neck please come quick!" He says and I feel my stomach drop to my feet. " I will be right there! Just hang on OK?"  I ask and grab Esther's arm. He hangs up and I look at her. "Please tell me you drove here!" I say and she nods. "Good one of my students are in trouble can I steal your car for a little bit?" I ask and she nods again. "Can I help in some way?" She asks and I nod. "Yes come with me and help save a life."

Hey everyone! How was it? I hope it was up to your guys standards, I will update again hopefully soon and maybe you will find out if poor Steven lives or maybe you will find out where Avi and everyone else went. OK Im gonna stop rambling now.... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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