Chapter 23

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*Your POV*

"Ya sure I can bring my kids and my uh friend." I say looking away from Avis confused face. "What color is the theme?" "Uh I believe that it is blue but hang on a second let me ask Sabrina." Dylan says before yelling away from the phone and I think his hand is covering the speaker as its a bit muffled. "Well Avi I guess that we are going to a wedding. Dylan's to be precise and I wasn't sure what we were so I just said that we were friends and that Dylan is a bit protective of me so..." I say holding the phone away from my ear and Avi nods. "Y|N? Well I was wrong the color scheme is black and red." he says and I smile. "Perfect I have to perfect dress to match that scheme, and I am sure that Avi can find something to fit the colors." I say and I hear Dylan chuckle. "Well you I have no doubt, and Its not that hard to color coordinate those colors. Well I have to go and help Sabrina so Ill see you guys there?" He asks and I nod. "Yep all four of us." I say and Dylan makes a choking sound. "FOUR?!" "Bye Dylan." I say with a chuckle and hang up. "Wait didn't you tell him that you adopted kids?" Avi asks and I nod. "Ya at the beginning of the phone call I said I can bring my kids and my uh friend remember?" I ask and Avi nods. "That was me telling him as I have never had a boyfriend so he would now that I could never have children without adopting." I say picking up Stephanie and start to head back out to the car. "Now come on we have to go shopping. Well at least little tulip, David and I do." I say and Avi chuckles. "Well hey I want to come to! I can't wait for the wedding I can practice my dance moves." He says running after me David following. "Wait up mom!" David shouts and runs past Avi. "It is okay that I call you mom right? I mean dad has been saying anyway." He says as he climbs into the car. "Well if you want to call me mom you can. What ever you are comfortable with." I say as Avi gets into the car. "Well as much as I would love to stay I can't can you drop me off at the studio so I can get to soundcheck?" Avi asks and I smile. "Yes I can do that but I will also drop the kids back off at the apartment seeing as I have to go get somethings." I say as I pull into the driveway and hand David the keys. "Here lock the door after you get into the house and dont open the door for anyone. If anyone tries to break in go to the guest bedroom and in the closet there is a pull away wall that gives away to a hide out. Hide in there and make sure to keep little tulip safe." I say and he nods. "I will. How long will you two be gone?" David asks and I smile. "I'll be gone for roughly two hours. I don't know about Avi ok?" I ask and David nods. "Well up and at them kids we got places to be, just promise to be careful?" I ask and David smiles. "We will." He says as Stephanie pulls on his arm. I watch them go inside before I start to back out. "Well I didn't think that you would be that protective of them." Avi says and he turns to face me. "Ya well, what can I say I love kids, I just hope I can be a good mother to them. I'll just take them shopping later, Calleigh needs me again but this time down at the office. Were having some problems with the editors again. I am just about done with these people I might have to go to a different editor if this one doesn't step up and work better with us."

*Avis POV*

I can hear the frustration in her voice when she talks about this editor but I can also feel the exhaustion that she has with dealing with these people or well person. "Hey it's ok. I promise, You are an amazing author and I can't believe that an editor is giving you this much trouble." I say as I grab her hand and intertwine our hands. She glances away from the road at me and back. "Well I just don't want to let anyone down, but this editor is giving Calleigh a hard time. I don't see why as Calleigh does her job excellently." Y\N says as she turns into the studios parking lot. " I know she does, I mean I was at the sighing and I saw all that she did to keep your identity a  secret and she did I didn't know that it was you and that saying something. If I were you I would just fire those editors and just have Calleigh and a few close friends that you trust be your editors. Now I have to go but good luck." I say and give her a kiss on the cheek. 'I love you.' 'I love you too.'

Hey everyone sorry for the wait and I just hope that the next chapter doesn't take me so long to write and I thank you all for sticking with me and reading this you have no idea how much that means to me. It seems like the story is coming to a close we might have to change that wont we? I LOVE YOU ALL!! I will see you all next time, well not literally but you get the point.


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