Chapter 6

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*Your POV*

' I so didn't hear that right.' "Im sorry what was that?" I ask and look up only to freeze. "Uh it's Avi Kaplan." He says and I nod and look back down at the book."Thank you." 'Anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself and those around you. Abby.' I hand the book back to him right as Calleigh comes running from behind the corner. "Abby lets go we have to reading you have to get to!" She says and pulls my arm revealing the bracelet that Avi gave me so many years ago. I hear him take a sharp intake of breathe then I am tugged off to the reading area. "Calleigh that was a childhood friend and you showed the bracelet that he gave me! I am so screwed." I say to her in a panic and she sighs. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but hey maybe he didn't see it." She says hopefully. "Lets hope so. For you sake you better hope so." I say and Calleigh nervously laughs and guides me to the reading.  "Hey everybody! How would you like to hear me read a chapter in Iron Heart?" I ask and I see Avi watching me with a sad look in his eyes. The library erupts with cheers. "Shhh! We are in a library but calm down and I will start." The second I am done speaking the room goes deathly quiet. I smile and begin to read.

*Avis POV*

I smile sadly at the sound of the excitement and the passion in her voice and I can truly see how much she loves her job. 'I am so sorry Y/N I wish I would have gotten in contact with you again.'  I  sigh and Esther frowns and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Avi calm down, I am pretty sure that it isn't Y\N. It doesn't even look to much like that." She says and I sigh. "She was wearing the bracelet Esther." I say and she sighs. "Avi that could be a very popular bracelet and she could just have liked it." She try's to assure me and she  is failing. "Esther. just stop please. There is nothing you can really do to convince me 'Abby' didn't even look at me. When she saw me she froze then looked back at the book. She wouldn't even look me in the eye." I say and she sighs. "Alright lets listen to Abby read. I highly doubt that its Y\N but she does have that slight southern lit like Y\N did. (A/N Sorry if you don't have a lit or if you do, if its not southern.) "I told you!" I shout with a smile. "Excuse me." I hear a slightly pissed Abby ask. "Uh oh." Esther says and looks towards her. "Im sorry Abby I was just trying to calm my brothers fan girling down it won't happen again." Esther says and I frown at her as Abby laughs. "Its ok. but please Mister. If you are going to shout do so in another room." Esther chuckles at me along with everyone else. "Har har very funny. can we continue now?" I ask and Abby nods. "Thank you." I say and she continues. 

*Your POV*

I have just finished the chapter and now it was time to depart. "I'm sorry everyone. It's time for me to go now." I say and Calleigh smiles, "I wish I could have scheduled more time in but unfortunately I couldn't." Calleigh says and they all sigh. I smile. "Alright how about this. As you are leaving, I can take a picture with each of you and if you came in a group one group photo." I say and they all cheer. I smile and get by the door. They start to line up and take photos as they leave. "Thank you." "Your Welcome."  Then last came Pentatonix they did their group photo first then separated. First was Scott, then Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin, then Esther, and last Avi. "Thank you sooo much Abby. We all love your books. This was an amazing experience." Scott and Mitch say. I smile "Thank you boys. Now I really hate to say it but I must be going." I say sadly and Scott smiles. "Well Would you like to come with us for a bit?" I smile and Calleigh runs to me. "Abby we have to go! My daughter is in the hospital giving birth! I need to be there!" She shouts pulling me to the car. "I'm sorry I would have loved to 'not really to awkward' but i need to be there for my editor." I say and they smile. "We understand. Congratulations by the way." They say and I can see Avi and Esther don't believe anything me and Calleigh are saying. "Come on Abby we need to go!" "Alright I am coming!" I shout and run to the car, and jump in Calleigh does the same and stomps on the gas peeling out of the parking lot. "That was Rose and Bassman, wasn't it." She says and I nod. "My only childhood friends. I almost lost them when I moved away. I never thought that I would see them again or talk to them again. But they just proved me wrong. I just have to hope that they didn't recognize me. If they did I could very well be screwed. They could very well expose me." I say worried and she sighs. "They are you are friends. I highly doubt that they would expose you." She says and I glare at her. "They stopped talking to me in High school, well at least Esther did Avi never did contact me again. I have no idea what they would or could do Calleigh. Oh go to the hospital and we will run in. We have a tail." I say and she smiles and does as I say and sure enough I see Avi and Esther drive by and turn off. We stay in the hospital for roughly another half an hour seeing Calleigh's doctor. "Calleigh are you ok?" Her doctor asks and she smiles. "Ya but I just need my check up." She says and he smiles. "This will take no more than five minutes." He says and I smile.

*Avis POV*

"Thanks for coming with me Esther. I know the others believed them but I thought their story was a little staged." I say and she nods. "Well I guess it wasn't." Esther says as I shut the car off and walk into the hotel so we can get ready to go to our next location for our tour. "Avi I still don't understand why you haven't talked to her about it yet." Esther asks me and I frown. "Until I see her again the real her I have a vow to never talk to her." 

Hey everyone. I am sorry for breaking that promise about the updating but I hope I can update again tomorrow, and Monday. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

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