A Map Made Just For You- A Bodil40 fanfic

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A Map Made Just For You- A Bodil40 fanfiction

Olivia's P.O.V-----------------Arguing, That's what I hear every single morning.

 "Give me the milk! You brat" 

"Nope It's Mine! Get over it princess" My sisters continue bicker.

 They've been screaming like this ever since my parents died. 

"Can't you guys share!" I yell from my room " For goodness sake you sound like children!"

 Well, Today is my lucky day! I'm going to New York, to go to Minecon .. and play in my international baseball team.

Not only that but I bought a house there, you never knew how the games could turn out. I put my glasses on and grabbed my bags. It was time to give my goodbyes. 

"See ya Kay & Anna! Hope you enjoy each other!" I shout, "Olivia! Its your turn-" I slam the door in her face. That felt so good, I call a taxi to pick me up. I cant wait to get to new York! With the chance of meeting Ty at Minecon. I'd heard he'd also become successful on Youtube just as I had.

Oh right, I forgot to mention Ty & I go way back. We used to be best buds in primary school but then he changed schools for a few family reasons. The taxi arrived at the house, "Can I please go to the airport" I ask quietly with a smile.

 "Sure get in" He replies gruffly.

I placed my bags into the back of the taxi and close the door. Suddenly a jolt of speed comes from the taxi we speed off to the airport. clutching my chest I sighed quietly. I hope Ty remembers me. I look down at my phone. I had just received a text.


 It's from my sister Kay, no doubt she'd had something to drink. I simply deleted her number from my phone and make sure I had everything with me. My worn baseball gear. Check. Phone , wallet & keys. Check. My bright clothes and shoes. Check. My Minecon pass. Check. My motor scooter. No... Oh well I'll just have to buy a new motorbike in New York when I get there.

 "That would be 20 dollars mam," I give the taxi driver the money which was still very crisp. Grabbing  my bags and head straight for the airport's check in.

-----------------Time Skip(2 hours)-----------------

Finally I start to walk onto the plane,

"Hello Miss; welcome aboard flight twenty four, to New York. Have a nice day!"

"You too" I reply, " Enjoy your day." Sitting in my soft seat in the plane. Zoning out, I start to listen to my music, with all the drops included. I get a light tap on my shoulder "Um ,Hey are you going to Minecon?" I look over its a girl about my age with short and curly red hair.

"Yeah I am. What's your name?" I ask slowly, "It's Alice." she smiled brightly, " Nice to meet you...."


"Wait." Alice paused with her eyes sparkling. 

"Are you The EnderYoshi?" She asks quietly.

 Well least I'm sitting next to a fan I guess, "Yeah,That's me" I say half smiling.

"Wow! I cannot believe I'm sitting next to you! Sorry. I'm fan girling" she replies, "I never knew I had good yoshis like you with all the spam and the advertising. You don't need to apologize."

"So what are you going to do at minecon?" I ask "Well I was actually going to see if i could find you.. And go to all the panels." she replies "Well that makes me feel awesome. Why don't we chat for a while? I have the time" I mention.

She nods with a massive grin on her face. So that's how I spent almost all the plane trip. Talking with one of my Yoshis! Wow and I thought I was going to be forever alone.

*6 Hours later*

"Preparing to land. Stay in your seats please" It was about 5am. I did actually get some sleep on the plane surprisingly! I gave Alice my skype and Number "You should call me sometime!" I laughed

"Best day Ever!" she replies "Oh! And what did u want me to sign?" I ask. She passes me a poster of my Minecraft character riding a Yoshi in the End. "Wow. did you draw this?" I ask "Yep! Your videos are AWESOME!" she replies. I sign the poster and thank her. "You may now proceed to the exit." says the host.

Man, New York is awesome! I Get off the plane and grab my stuff heading straight for the exit. I had a motorbike to buy.

-------------------------Thanks guys and i hope you enjoy my cliff-hanger! See ya next time XD

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