21-Finding Violet & Olivia's Recovery

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So sorry broZ for not giving you dis chapter ages ago. *Rages* NUWW! 5 Pages are gone D:

Olivia's POV


I woke up in a cold sweat. Was this another dream? Was it? I pinch myself. Nope not a dream. Thank god for APPLES! I breathe slowly in and out. (Sounded so wrong >_<) I look around the room to find Martin still asleep. Just for fun...I decide poke him in the face.He jumps "I'M AWAKE!" *Crash* there goes Martin's chair. "Smart Martin" I laugh. "You mind helping me up?" He asks. I extend my hand to help him up. "Wow Olivia! Your a lot stronger, When do you think you'll be out?" "I don't know Martin, Its been 5 days" I look down. Ashamed. This was all my fault, Kia and Josh. "Don't worry. Its almost time for the guys to come back. Want to prank them?" He asks. I smile and nod my head. This was going to be funny! "Well, What are we going to do?" I ask. Martin gives me his famous grin,"Ok..So we have to-"

Violet's POV


I was sitting in a cold, dark and damp room. It doesn't really help I cant see a thing here...I think I have a blindfold on. People are talking on the other side of the room. "Did they press the button?" "No, But they have too. Its the only way our plan will work" "Cant we just blackmail them into pressing it? I mean we have her" "No, Wont work." "But it would!" "NO IT WONT" I hear a loud slap sound and turn my head in the direction of the sound. "J-Josh, I think she can hear us" "Don't be ridiculous! She hasn't woken up yet" These guys are idiots, This should be easy then. All I need to do is make an escape plan.. I still had my phone on me, Not to mention the button. I wriggled my hands out of the loosely tied rope and grab my phone. Only 40% Left, But it would still get the job done. I texted the first number I could find on my phone. Olivia. "Olivia! I'm fine, Tell everyone else I'm going to escape! Just a couple of hours and I think I'll be out of Josh and Kai's grasp" I sent it then I face-palmed. Olivia didn't even know I was taken! This could break her. I hear footsteps leave the room and I pull off my blindfold. Its show time. I get up and look around the room, They didn't even bar the windows. I place my phone and the button into my pocket, I open the window. Its quite dark out here..I haul myself to the top of the window and look down. It was a fairly big drop to the ground. But yolo! I landed wrong. Pain shooted up my right leg "Balls" I manged to crawl to the other side of the "yard" "SHES GONE!" "Quick Josh, She couldn't have gotten far" I freeze, How did they find out so quickly, Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as I first thought. I got up to walk when my right leg gave out. JUST GREAT! I look down at my leg, There was a huge gash on the side. I must of cut it when I jumped down. I drag myself to the bushes. "I think she went out here Kai" I look over. Shit, My blood was all over the wall. I started to move towards the road "Did you hear that?" That's when I got up and bolted. I didn't care about my leg, I needed to get away. I had reached the other side of the road when "COME BACK HERE" I turn to see that girl Kai chasing me. With Josh close behind. I started to run forward without looking where I was going. I hear the sounds of a cars horn and that's when it goes black.

Resa's POV

Did he just say Bomb? Out of instinct I slap him in the face. "Sorry!" "No its ok, I deserve it "Ash! Resa! You guys done talking?" Ian asks. Ash just looks at the floor. I gave Ash the "You gotta tell them" Look. Ian just gave me a bit of a weird look but Ignored it for now. "I have something to tell everyone." Ash says. He simply pushes Ian out of the way and rushes to Ty's room. "Resa, What was that about?" Ian asks. He grabs my hand and I slightly blush. Then I explain. All I can say is Ian did not look very happy "Why the hell would he do that!" Ian shouts "Ian! This is no place to fight, Do it somewhere else" I shout back. He simply grabs my hand and runs towards Ty and Adam's room. Ash is standing in the middle and everyone has shocked faces. "Guys! We cant tell Olivia and Martin yet! They will freak out. Not only that but we don't even know where it is" Jordan replies. "But what if we don't tell them! What if it is too late!" Adam yells. "Guys! Chill out. We don't even know if they are awake." I shout. "Your right, We should-" I hear a loud sound and look out *SMACK* I cant feel my face. "HEAD-SHOT! HEAD-SHOT!" That's a voice I hadn't heard in a while. "Olivia, What did you shoot me with?" I ask "Who said it was Olivia?" I hear Martin laugh. Oh god, There trolling again!


So sorry Ender Clan! I had originally written 5 pages for you guys but... ITS GONE D:! I was really upset! But I will be updating more than I have been.. I think its been 3-4 weeks. Idk, But I'm back! :D Expect to see more. NOW! Onto the good stuff! I have a challenge for you all! But First I would like to say "WELL DONE @CwazieCwaizeGurl" She did my challenge :D Will you be able to??? Go read my book: BOOKS ARE FLIPPING AWESOME! And you shall see my challenge ^_^ Peace Ender clan (Hope I get better :D) And Don't forget to RAVE TILL MIDNIGHT!

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