6 - She's Gone..

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Hello! I just wanted to let my followers know that they will now be called the 'Ender Clan'! And contest details will be in the last author note :) Thank you all so much.


Jason's POV (Get ready XD)


I don't know what was more heart breaking. The fact I was too scared to tell Olivia my feelings or that she left without saying goodbye. I only went outside to see what Ty & Martin were up to. When i see Olivia on her bike, My heart drops "See ya later guys" I start to cry softly. Thats it! I cant take it anymore I'm going to my room, I start to run inside "Jason?" Adam says I ignore him and run up the stairs slamming the door behind me. I start to cry, I should have just told her how i felt. The door opens quietly "Jason, You ok?" Adam asks "Just go away Adam" I mumble "Dude, What's up?" Adam says "JUST GO AWAY!!" I yell "No Jason, Tell me what's wrong. I wont leave till you tell me" He says "Maybe you should ask Ty!" I Say throwing a pillow at adam "Just cool down Jason" Ian says "Why cant i just be left alone!" I say Walking towards my closet locking it from inside. "Jason please come out!" Adam says. I sit inside for what seems like hours, I finally giving up and I enter a dreamless sleep


Adam's POV


"Why cant i just be left alone!" Jason says walking towards his closet. I run towards the doors to try to open it but he locked it "Jason please come out" I say. I was seriously worried, Jason never acts like this "Jason.." Ian says. He doesn't respond "I'm going to ask Ty." I say walking down the stairs "TY! I need you" I yell walking around the house "I'm in the Kitchen!" I walk towards the kitchen "Ty, What's going on.." I say "What do you mean Adam?"He replies "Well for starters Jason locked himself in his closet. He's really upset" I Say. Ty's face goes slightly pale "Nothing.." He says "Ty, Tell me" I Quietly shout "I-I cant tell you" He says "Why not! We are friends! Friends tell each other everything" I yell "I.. Promised" He says "Who did you promise" I ask "Someone" He whispers "WHO DID YOU PROMISE!" I yell. Bodil walks into the room, A look of shock appears on his face "DO YOU KNOW BODIL?" I yell shaking him "..... Let Bodil go.." I let go of Bodil and he falls onto the ground "You ok Bodil?" Ty asks "Yeah.. Fine" He mumbles "Don't you care about Jason" I say "Wait.. Jason.." Ty says "Yes I do care.. But if he heard..." "HEARD WHAT!!" I yell "That's just it.. I cant tell you" He says. Ian comes rushing down the stairs into the kitchen "She's gone..." Ian says "Who?" I say "Olivia"


Olivia's POV


"Oh my god" I had just opened the box on my porch. It was full of all my childhood things. My trophies,Paintings,Posters, Bean bags Even my teddy bears from when I was little "Thank you Anna" I whisper. I open the door to my house Pulling the box inside the house. "Excuse me, But what are you doing?" I turn my head towards the voice "This is my house.." I say "Oh! Right! You must be Olivia Ender" Says the woman "Yes that's me and you are?" "My name is Twilight spark. I'm your room mate" "I have a room mate?" I say "Yeah... But guessing from your reaction you weren't told, huh" she says "No.. I wasn't" I say looking at her "Well, I'll Explain, If you didn't know this house has two parts, The top 2 stories and the rooms underneath. You bought the rooms on top, while I bought the rooms downstairs" She says "Well It makes sense" I say "True dat" She says smiling "Well lets talk! What do you like?" I ask "Well I heart Minecraft! Best game ever, And I'm really into the sky... Not as in the Youtuber but the actual sky" She says "I can tell we will be good friends then!" I say laughing "Why? WAIT!! Do you like Minecraft??" She says Excitedly "Hell yeah!" I say "OMG! YAY!! Finally another girl who likes MC" She says hugging me. I return the hug "Well, What Youtubers do you watch?" I ask "Well pretty much all of TC and some other Youtubers... Well now you tell me!" She says "Well I like Minecraft and I enjoy playing baseball" I say "Cool! I like watching Baseball! What are the odds??" She says "Anyway! Want me to help you unpack?" She says while fiddling with her jet black hair "Sure! Thanks for the help!" I say. My phone starts to ring I look down 'Olivia! Its an Emergency, Adam has gone CRAZY!! Help. Trying my best not to tell but I'm going to crack! Come quick'-Ty "Hey twilight, Do you mind just unpacking my stuff? I know i just got here and all but i have an Emergency i need to attend too right away" I say "Oh! Sure thats no problem just here's my number to text me/call me" She says . Pulling her phone out of her pocket she passes it to me, I put the number in my phone "BE RIGHT BACK!!" I yell closing the door and jumping on my motorcycle. "Ty, I'm coming" I think to myself and I press my Acceleration to the max.


Ty's POV


"GOD DAM TY! JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE WENT!" Adam yells in my ear "For the last time Adam! I cant tell you its a promise" I say "Adam! Let go of Ty, Your going to hurt him!" Mitch says "HE HURT JASON! I'M TRYING TO FIND OUT WHY!" He yells at Mitch "Calm it dood!" Jerome says "HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN ONE OF MY FRIENDS LOCKED THEMSELVES IN A CLOSET BECAUSE OF A SECERT THEY HEARD!" Adam shouts. I manage to get out of Adams grasp. I grab my phone off the counter only to quickly text Olivia, She's gotta help.. Right?? "WHERE ARE YOU TY?" Adam yells. I dive behind the couch "Ty.. Are you here?" Bodil whispers "Yeah.." I whisper "I FOUND YOU BODIL!! TELL ME NOW!!" Adam yells grabbing him by the arm "Let me go Adam!" He screams "TELL ME NOW!" Adam yells. From what I could see Adam started squeezing Bodil's arm. Bodil starts to scream louder & louder finally I couldn't stand to see Adam hurt Bodil anymore "I'M OVER HERE ADAM!" I yell running towards the front door "GET BACK HERE TY!" He yells. I hear a loud thud "Bodil? You ok.." Jerome says "I-i Cant feel it" He says "TY! I GOT YOU" I turn. Adam starts to hold me up by the neck "WHERE IS OLIVIA?!?" He yells, I start to choke as his grip gets harder and harder. "SHE'S RIGHT HERE!" I open my eye's. Olivia is standing in the doorway she walks up to Adam and slaps him. Hard. He let's go of my the throat making me fall to the ground. I suddenly realised.. I couldn't breathe properly "Ty? Are you ok?"She yells shaking me. I manage to cough two words "Can't--Breathe". I close my eyes again as the darkness washes over me.


I Think Adam went a bit to far :P ANYWAY!


This contest will determine 3 new characters in my story! To enter you

must private msg me the following:







Crush out of: Adam,Quentin,Ian,Mitch,Jerome and CaptianSparkleZ


And only 3 will be picked! One person each chapter :)

So read carefully XD Peace!

A Map Made Just For You- A Bodil40 fanfic //ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now