20-Nightmares Do Come True

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Olivia's POV


I was standing in the house. No lights were on, All I could hear were screams. What the hell! "Where are you! I'll help you" I yell. No anwser. More high pitched screaming fills the air, I run towards the screaming. I finally reach the room and there I see a horrible sight. Martin, Hung and completley cut open. Blood writen words covered the walls. "Martin! Martin" I shout shaking him. No anwser. 'You should have been here' 'Baseball will be your death' Things like this were writen all over the walls. "NO! This isnt real! I'm dreaming!" I shout. I run out of the room and down the hall I see the front door. I sprint as fast I can only to find the door locked. Looking around I spot my bat I use it and smash open the door. Only to find myself standing on what appeared to be a Baseball field. "ENDER! ENDER! ENDER!" The fans scream and I see Kensworth standing on the other side of the field with a bloody knife in hand, along side with him is Kai holding a black remote with a giant red button. I run towards them only to fly backwards. I see their faces laughing as I see blood pour from me like a hose.. I see a grated fence come flying towards me and I close my eyes. I knew I wasn't going to live. I woke up in cold sweat and quickly looked around. The clock read 3:45am. Thank god for apples that was a dream. "Hey..Olivia, Why you up so early?" I look and see a yawning Martin.I can feel myself lightly shiver. "Hey whats wrong?" He asks. I explain the whole dream to hm..Except the fact he was cut open and hung.. I'll tell him later. "Olivia, It was just a dream. Its not real" He smiles and hugs me. I hug back "But there's more" I whisper and frown. I explain the start of the dream. "That wont ever happen Olivia" Martin kisses me on the lips and I slightly feel safer. I start to feel I little sick. "Martin, I need to go to the bathroom" I say "Oh, is it that stomach flu again?" Martin helps me out of the bed and guides me to the bathroom. That's when I start to puke in the toilet. Did I mention I love my life? I finally stopped and cleaned my face of puke. I finally walk out "Well its a start of a new beginning..? The one where I get sick all the time it seems." I smile. Martin help me back to my room and gets me back into bed. "Goodnight Martin" "Goodnight Olivia, See you in the morning"

Violet's POV

I was sitting at home, It was about 4:00 in the morning but I didn't care, I was still tying to solve out this remote, Looking back and forth over it. I knew it was connected to something... Then my light went out. Must be a black out? But its not even raining.. I grab a match box and light a few candles. At least I could still see! I grabbed my screw driver and started to open the back of the remote. Who ever made this had some extreme skills in the electronics department! But they missed on little thing, A loose wire! HA! I pulled it out and started to hack my way into this remote. I finally manged to find out what it was connected too...What the F****! I have to tell Olivia and Martin! I reach out to grab my phone when I feel a hand in the spot my phone was supposed yo be in. I turn around and I get hit in the head. The world goes black but not before I am able to grab and hide my phone in my shirt.

*Next Day*

Ash's POV

I was waiting at the hospital with the rest of Team Crafted. Ty had actually asked to see me! The Ty! Deadlox! I looked around the group. One person was missing besides Adam and Ty. It was that girl that had run off before I got to talk to her. I knew she was the girl who hacked the media show but I didn't really care! That job sucked anyway! "Hey guys! Anyone know where Violet is?" Resa asks. So that was her name! Violet! That was a really awesome name! "Nope, Haven't seen her since we all left" Jason, Ian and Mitch answer. "I saw her yesterday after you all left, Just Martin, Olivia, Jordan and myself not to mention Violet were there. She was on to something about that remote" Gabby says. Jerome just looks at Mitch "You don't think it could be.." "Jerome just don't think about it! She could have just slept in" "I don't think so..Violet doesn't miss anything! Especially if its about friends!" Resa slightly yells. I just stand there in awkward silence. "I have a question.." I ask "Who are the people hurting Olivia and Martin..Ty and Adam" "There names are Kai and Josh kensworth, Not really important right now." I slightly turn pale. They were the names of the people that asked me to make something! Shit! And yes I needed to swear! I Grab Resa's hand and Ian gives me a death stare. I ignore it and ask Resa if I can talk to her for a second. "Resa, I need to tell you something you cant tell anyone..yet" I mumble "What? Is it more important that seeing Adam and Ty come out of the hospital?" "Yes! Much more important! As in this could kill heaps of people" I whisper yell. She simply looks at me in shock "Go on.." "You know those people that hurt everyone in the first place. They sound like the same people that offered me a job a couple of days ago." I answer. "What was the job Ash." "The job was to wire a couple of things..explosive things to a remote control" "What kind of explosives" "A Bomb"


Legit drama bomb XD anyway thank you guys for all the support! LUV YA! Don't forget if you have questions just MSG me on Twitter! :D You can find that on my profile! PEACE ENDER CLAN! DO NT FORGET TO RAVE THE UNIVERSE!! XD

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