22- The Bulgarian Squad

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All I can say is Sorry..

Olivia's POV


I Hi-Five Martin as we shoot everyone that comes out of the door. "Seriously guys! You could of just knocked" Ty mumbles. Martin and I fall over in laughter and I start crying tears of joy. That's when I began felt sick.. "Martin" I give him the look "Its that again" and he grabs my hand and helps me up. "Hey Wait!" Adam yells. We continue to run till we got to my room. "Martin, You know we should tell them about...this" I say. "All in good time Olivia. Everyone is still shaken up after..that" He replies. As I continue to puke my phone goes off. "I'll get it!" Martin shouts. I see him run and grab my phone "Its a text!" That's when his face goes pale. "Martin? What does it say?" I ask. He was clearly frightened about it "Don't worry Olivia. I need to talk to the others about something, Would you mind staying here. I give him a look "Sure" I say. He holds my phone in his hand as he runs out of the room. What was on that phone that made him worry? 

Martin's POV

I couldn't tell Olivia what text she had received. She would be to worried and frighted."Olivia! I'm fine, Tell everyone else I'm going to escape! Just a couple of hours and I think I'll be out of Josh and Kai's grasp" Didn't she think Olivia would freak out! Luck I got the phone instead of her. I raced to Adam and Ty's room. They all stared at me "Why did you two run off like that!?!" I  yelled.

Resa gave Ian a look and his expression softened. "Look at this text" I say, Passing it to Resa. Her face went white and she fainted. Ian managed to catch her before she hit the floor. Ty got up in a panic "She she ok Ian" "Yeah, Fine" Adam turned to look at me "What was on that phone Martin" "That's what I'm asking you" I say. I give him the phone. "Well looks like Resa was right" Ash shifted uncomfortably in the corner "Is Violet...With them?" I looked at Ash, He knew something, I could tell.

"What the hell is going on!?" I turned to see a very annoyed Olivia. I froze. "Don't worry" I fake smile. "No Martin, Tell me whats up" "Its for your own good that I don't tell you" I say. I don't lose eye contact so she knows I'm being serious. "Alright Martin. Doctor said I can leave tomorrow. And Someone texted you" She smiles and passes me my phone "Thanks Olivia" I smile. She waves goodbye at everyone and leaves. I sigh, That was too close. I check my phone.. Simon, Double and Baki!?!

Ryan's POV (Double)

"Baki! Come on, I need to concentrate!" I say. Trying to drive at night was difficult enough without Baki and Simon being trolly.  In the corner of my eye I could see a person running. Fast. I put my foot on the brake as fast as I could. But it didn't make it in time *THUMP*

"What was that Ryan!?!" Simon yelled. I got out of the car as fast as I could and look at the person sprawled on the ground in front of the car. Blood poured from her leg. Ugh... I picked her up, We were going to the hospital anyway. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HER!?!" I saw an angry guy and girl run towards me "BACK OFF SON!" Baki yells. He takes position in font of me, While Simon stands next to me."What do you want!" Simon yells "She's our friend. Just a little drunk" The man says. "What's your names" I ask. "Well, I'm Kai and that's Josh" The girl replies.

"I don't trust them.." I whisper to Baki. "Just give-" Josh tackles Simon to the ground "Ryan! In the car!" Baki yells. I freeze, I cant just leave them here! I place the girl in the back seat and lock the door. "Get off him!" I yell pushing Josh off Simon. "Thanks" I step between Kai and Baki.

"STOP!" She punches me in the face and I fall down. My jaw starts to hurt. Stop it Double, You gotta help the guys. "WE JUST WANT OUR FRIEND BACK!" Kai yells. "I DON'T THINK SO!" Baki pulls out his phone "Yeah Kai! Get off them." I hear from the speaker.

Its Bodil! "Call the police Simon!" I yell. I grab Kai's arms and hold them behind her. "You aren't getting away this time" Bodil yells. ~This time? Had she and the other guy done something to Martin before??~  "JOSH GET BACK HERE!" Kia yells. "Ryan, You and Baki go to the hospital to meet Martin. I'll stay here" Simon says. I frown "No, Baki will stay. Simon.. Come on" I grab his arm and pull him into the car.

Lucky enough for Baki, The police came before we left. "Wait!" I see him speed up to the car. He sits next to Simon. The girl laying on his shoulder. "I hope shes alright.." I say. -LE TIME SKIP CAUSE YOSO- We had reached the hospital and I saw a girl sprint out to us "Is she alright!?!" I jumped slightly in fright. The rest of TC followed, I was expecting Martin to come out, But he never did "Hey guys, Wheres Martin?" I ask. "Hes inside with Olivia" "Olivia? Is that-" "Yes! Martin got a GF, That he will never see a again!" Simon yelled.

The guys started to laugh. "Come on, Lets get her inside" Adam says. The others help us carry her inside "Is Violet gonna be ok?" "Yeah, hope so Ash" Simon wouldn't stop staring at "Resa". I personally couldn't wait to see Bodil! It had been for ever! "Thank you, We will clean her up ASAP!" "Come on Ryan,Baki and Simon! We will take you to see Bodil!" Ty smiles. we continued to walk up the stairs and down the corridor. Nothing exciting was happening..  Finally we reached the room Martin was in. We all walked inside.No Martin here. That's when I look down and see blood drip from my mouth. Dam that girl could hit hard.

WHOOP! I will probs update twice today :3 Anyway! WOW! I UPDATED! Pleased to say....I"M NOT DEAD!!! Peace Ender Clan :D Don't forget to RAVE on moon!

A Map Made Just For You- A Bodil40 fanfic //ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now