18-What is that!

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A Parody about parodies has been made by yours truly. *Points at self* Now go an enjoy the chapter

Adam's POV


"Kai!?!" She turns around "Hello Adam." "GET OUT! I will call the police" I say as I pull out my phone. "You wouldn't want to do that Adam" She says and points a small blade towards Ty's Neck. "One wrong move and I'll do it" I stop in my tracks "If you hurt Ty I will kill you in your sleep..You wont ever see it coming" I hiss. "I just came to deliver something" She says placing a remote with one giant red button. "What the hell is that!" I ask "Something important" She answers "Now Adam I cant have you following me" She walks towards me and swings her arm towards me. The knife cuts my chest a little. "Thats got a powerful drug on it! Have fun" She laughs. I could feel my body getting heavy and my eyes closing. I use my strength to step a little out of the room and I see the guys "Adam! we told you to wait!" Mitch yells. "Com-" I fall to the ground. Shit. "ADAM! Are you ok?" Jason shouts. the guys are still at the other end of the hallway. I close my eyes. Only to not be able to open them again. I could still hear though "Adam! Adam!" I hear footsteps approach the room "Adam! What the hell this isn't time to joke around" Ian says. "Kai" I shout but it only comes out as a whisper "Crap. hold on Adam" Mitch says. "He's bleeding Mitch..Badly" Jerome whispers "IAN! Get the doctor!" Jason yells. I open my eyes a little and try to crawl my still bleeding body to Ty's side-table. I pick up the remote "Brake this" I groan "What is it?" Mitch asks "Remote" I slump over and hit my head on the ground. "What seems to be the-" The world goes black

Martin's POV


What was CaptianSparkleZ even doing Emailing Olivia. I turned off her phone and walked towards her room. I could hear yelling come from down the hall way. but as I walked towards Olivia's room

I could see blood seeping out into the hallway. I run towards the room. It was Ty's room and on the ground lay a bleeding Adam. "What happened!" I say. The guys turn around "Martin! When did you get here?" Mitch asks. "I just saw Kai walking up the staircase! She said something about giving a remote to Ty" "This remote?" Jerome points towards Adam. He had it in his hand I gasp a little. "This man should be fine for now, I think we would need to get him cleaned up and on a bed" The doctor says "Can he be in this room" Jason asks "Sure young man." The doctor replies. "You need to get rid of that remote. Brake it" I say. The doctor talks on his walkie talkie. "Sorry guys, I gotta go see Olivia. If Ty wakes up tell him I'm sorry!" I say as I rush towards Olivia's room. I walk inside the room "SHHHH!" The nurse says. I sit down on a chair right next to her bed. "I hope you wake up soon.." I whisper and place my hand on Olivia's. I hear footsteps approaching the room. I close my eyes for a little bit, I didn't want to see who was visiting Olivia. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder. I open my eyes and I see all the girls standing there. "Martin it will be ok" Gabby says smiling. I get out of the chair and stand up "I don't believe I have meet you all!" I say. A girl wearing Earmuffs and a sweater walks up "I'm Yulia" she holds out her hand and I give her a handshake. Another two girl step forward "I think I know you. Your the girl we meet at color crush? Right" I ask "Yeah that's me! my name is violet! This is my best buddy Resa!" She says hugging the girl next to her. She had a troll face shirt and was wearing a blue jacket "Well Hi Resa" I say giving her my famous grin. "And hello Amber!" I say. "Is Olivia alright??" Yulia asks "Yeah perfectly fine." "I think you should all go see Ty and the others, he is in worse shape then Olivia" I say "I think I shall stay here with Olivia" Gabby says. "Thanks Gabby, I'll show the others Ty's room." I reply. "LEZZGOO!" I say and they start to laugh a little. We walk towards Ty's room when I see Yulia get a bit tense. We walk inside and I introduce the girls to everyone. "What is that?" Violet asks pointing towards the remote Jerome was holding. "No one knows..We I don't know if Martin knows but yeah.." He answers. "I actually have no idea what it is" I shrug. "Mind if I hold it?" Violet asks "Um..Sure I guess" Jerome passes the remote to Violet. I look around the room and see Mitch walk closer to Amber. I knew it! They are going out! "Hey Resa! Mind if I talk to you for a moment!" Ian says. She smiles and nods. They walk outside, While Yulia just shuffles towards Ty's bed. I see where this is going so I say goodbye and walk towards Olivia's room. I can see Resa and Ian talking while I walk but I don't want to get in the middle of that jazz. I finally reach Olivia's room, "Olivia if you can here me I want you to know everyone misses you" I see Gabby talking to Olivia. I walk towards her and put my hand on her shoulder "I'm sure she can hear you" I whisper. So Gabby and I just sit down and talk about Olivia for a little bit when we hear someone running down the hall toward this room. Its Violet "Hey whats wrong?" I ask "This! This is important" She says and waves the remote in my face. "What is the remotes problem?" "Its connected to something that no one wants" She whispers "What??" A doctor bursts into the room. "I have got the test results Mr.Petrov, And I found something that might be a little Interesting" "Ok, Please tell me" "Mrs. Ender is pregnant"


Shiz is going down now! Thank you all for 2,000 Reads! This means so much to me! I also wanted to let you all know, You remember when I hit 1,000 reads how I asked you to tell me you-tubers you would like to write fan fictions about! Well! I have written them! A CaptianSparkleZ one called: A Sparkle Inside My Heart & Not Just Any Bro.. A PewDiePie Fan fiction! Thank you all and Peace Ender Clan! Don't forget to RAVE XD!!

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