1.-Getting Attacked at Minecon

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Motorcycles are Boss.
I have always wanted one but anyway here is the next chapter!

Olivia's P.O.V


I didn't realize how many Different motorcycles there were till I stopped at this shop 'Wheels R us'. Lucky it was open because I still had some time to kill before they let V.I.Ps in at the convention. After looking around for a while I saw it

I found the perfect motorcycle. It had a Red paint job with black stars near the tires. Looking just like a racer's car all colored up for the big race except it was well, a motorcycle. 

"Excuse me, But how much is that motorcycle?" I ask softly, not really wanting to walk far away.

"Oh, that motorcycle was about to be smashed up. It's in pretty good condition though so I'll give it to you for six hundred and fifty. If that that's alright?" the man replies, not wanting to look up from the paper in his hands.

"I'll take it!" I say smiling, placing the money carefully on the desk. He takes a quickly look at it before chucking a few things at me. "Here's the keys, Oh! And a helmet. Enjoy the bike!" He grumbles. I didn't even really know his name.

"Thanks!" I shout, despite him being only a few meters away. Puting on the black helmet and strapping my bags inside the boot. Carefully moving it outside the store. I climbed onto the bike  start to ride it.


I finally reach Minecon and park my bike in the car park grabbing my Minecon bag from the back. I sprint to the Line-up for Youtubers. No one was in line so i walked to the front. "Pass Please miss?" I pull out my pass "Welcome EnderYoshi to Minecon" he replies and gives me my pass. "Thanks i mention and I walk straight Inside. This would be the perfect time to make a Vlog! No one is inside Minecon! so I take out my camera and start to film "Hey guys EnderYoshi here bringing to you.... MINECON!" i point the camera at all the things around the entrance "I am the first here and that's a surprise but anyway i will be signing stuff at 12-1 So come meet me here! if u can't i will record the whole Minecon 2013 for you all! Catch ya later Yoshi squad!" I end the video and quickly upload it to my channel. 1 million subscribers whoa. Looks like I'm gonna have to make a MC special! "Hello! Welcome to Minecon!" I turn around. Oh no they opened the public Minecon entrance i quickly walk towards my stand and picked up the bag that was on top of it "Enjoy Minecon! here is a bag of items you will need!" i took off the note and opened the bag. Markers, A list of times i was meant to be somewhere and a Bunch of Minecraft stuff. "Looks like at 7 i have to help introduce Minecon. Then I'm signing stuff at 9 & 12 a clock. Then i have 2 panels one about Minecraft Animations and the other being the MASSIVE you-tuber panel. That's just day one! I'm going to be so Tired after this. "What time is it?" I look at my watch 6:15. I have about 15 minutes to look around then i have to go to the intro. i step out of my stand and write a sign. 'Hey! you missed me but you can see me at the start of Minecon but i will be back at 9am! See you then!- EnderYoshi.

This is turning out to be great so far! Thinking ahead i go the Miner cave the only Interactive attraction online and a make another Vlog "OMG! Its EnderYoshi!" I look behind me and see a whole heap of people walking towards me. "Um,Sorry everyone i have to go.... Do stuff" I say and quickly walk away. *After a short walk to the stage and an introduction to Minecon* All i have to say is that intro to Minecon is going on my channel Only cause i got to slap CaptianSparkles with a fish saying FISHSLAP really loud. LOL! anyway i guess i was so caught up in thought i bumped into someone. i was about to apologize when they started to Walk fast towards the next panel and they dropped their phone. I ran and picked it up "Hey! you dropped your phone!" i yelled. Almost like magic I was given strange looks but i didn't care i chased after that guy i had bumped into, Dodging fans and Youtubers i finally caught up with him and i tapped him on the shoulder "Um, Hey you dropped your phone. I bumped into you and I wanted to apologize" I say passing him the phone. He turns around he looks about my age "Oh! thanks! That would have been really bad if i lost it, I'm Martin and you are?" He asks "I'm Olivia. No problem i mean i made you lose your phone.." I reply. He just stands there.. staring at me. He blushes "Anyway, I need to go to my panel see you later?" he says in a hurry and runs off. "Yeah maybe we can talk later!" i shout as i see him running towards the Creative Construction panel. Awesome, Now to go and sign stuff. I walk towards my booth when i look over at my booth the line stretched all the way to the entrance. Looks like I'm going to be here for a while. Sitting down at my booth I was asked to sign a LOT of strange things From Pet mice to Giant avatars of themselves. It was crazy but finally i had one person left standing in line. It was Alice "Hey Alice!" i say "Hi! I did tell you i was coming!" she says "Alice i have a question" i ask "Yes?" "Who was on the Creative construction panel?" "Bodil40,Sethbling and some other guys." she says "Thanks! anyway what do you want me to sign?" "Nothing! unless you will sign my phone case?" she says with a smile "I shall sign thys phone case!" i say in a Thor voice she laughs and i sign her case. "Thanks!" she says and walks away. I start to pack up the signing stuff when someone comes over "Hi how can i help?" i ask. i didn't even turn around "I'm looking for Deadlox's stand do you know where it is?" he asks "I'm sure its Two stands down" i reply "Thanks!" he says and walks off I mentally facepalm myself I forgot to find ty! Finishing packing up the markers and the mess i place the sign back on the stand and grab my Minecon bags and walk down to Tys tent. He's packing up as well i knock on the stands table "I'm sorry but signing stuff is-" he turns around "Olivia! how did you get here!" He says Giving me our special hand shake & I give him my number "Ever heard of EnderYoshi? " I ask with a smile "Wait! EnderYoshi's here?" he asks "Your looking at her!" I answer and he laughs another Youtuber walks over "Hey Ty. Who is this? you know we have to go by EnderYoshi's stand to ask about joining Team crafted!" he says Ty & I just burst out laughing "Um.... What's so funny." he asks "Meet EnderYoshi!" Ty says laughing his head off "Oh. Well it's nice to meet you. Even though i thought you were a guy." he says i stop laughing "Wait. You thought I was a guy?" i say "Well i thought only guys played Baseball.." he says "Adam. you did not just say that." Ty says I stand there looking at him giving him the biggest death stare i have ever given. But then suddenly as if out of nowhere fan girls started pulling me away from Adam and Ty "He's mine girl! back off!" "Get those's eyes off our Adam!" they scream "Ty! A little help" I manage to yell "Can't you girls leave us alone!" Ty yells "Fine! we will leave you alone but not with her! Let's get her!" they scream I start to run as fast as i can out of Minecon While Adam and Ty try to catch up to me. I run towards my motorcycle but i run around it. Running back into Minecon i think to myself. These girls just won't give up so I run towards the stage climbing up on top hoping to lose them. I realized my mistake as the girls formed a ring around me all wanting a piece of me. This was just like high school, But lucky enough for me I managed to slide underneath them Baseball style. Out of the corner of my eye i could see some other Youtubers staring at me in shock. I guess they didn't think girls play baseball either. I managed to hide behind a wall to text Ty "Halp! There still following! where do I go? have a suggestion?" I send it "Girls she's over here!" one of them yell. Man, I can't get any privacy here! I start to run again when they start throwing things at me i see all sorts of objects fly past me. Making a dive behind my desk i hear a crash and i look up over the desk big mistake as a a plastic block hits me in the face. I go to get up when i realize they are going to throw a desk! i duck under my stand.As soon as the desk hit the stand I blacked out.


Bodil40's POV



I was packing up my stand when all I could hear was yelling and screaming I took a quick look. It was her! Olivia was running away from angry fan girls I go to say stop when she disappears around the corner not thinking I look. She's so..... Beautiful standing there then a look of terror crosses her face I'm worried she knew I was there but it wasn't me she was worried about it was the group of fan girls that had been chasing her for the past hour "Girls she's over here!" One of the lady's yells. I don't have any clue why they are being so...... Protective. Olivia starts to run as the girls start to throw things at her. Quickly thinking she dives under the desk as a chair goes crashing into Minecraft universes stand. He's not gonna be happy about that. I hear Deadlox and Sky yelling at the fan girls when they start throwing bigger things at her. Olivia try's to get up. Ty and Adam try to push towards the fan girls that are about to throw a desk at the stand. They are too late and the desk goes crashing into the stand. "Olivia!" Ty yells and they both run towards her. I run faster and get there first moving the desk aside. I pick her up bridal style and place her near my stand away from the rubble that was once her stand. I gently put her down Adam comes towards me "Bodil? How did you get here?" Adam asks "That's not important. What happened!" I ask almost yelling at Adam. Wait... Why would i yell? Well... I guess I do like this girl..."Crazy fan girls. Is she alright?" Adam asks. Ty finally gets over here "Is Olivia alright? Is she ok??" He asks. He sounds really worried now I wish I knew the whole story "Well one thing is for sure. We need to get her out of here before the fan girls see us and strike again." Adam says "Where?" Ty says "We could bring her to the Team crafted house." i suggest "Good thinking Bodil, But we need to figure out how she got here so we can grab her car and bring it as well" Adam replies "Knowing Olivia, she wouldn't buy a car. She would buy a motorcycle." Ty says "Ok, i have good news There's only one motorbike in the car park bad news is the car I used only has three seats." Adam says. I look down at Olivia She's moaning "Guys, She's ok. I think she just got hit on the head" Ty answers "SKY! MARRY ME!" "Well there's the choice. I'll take the bike you two take the car" Adam says running off with Olivia's motorcycle keys "Meet you guys at the house!" He yells "SIGN MY BUTTER SKY!" "I'll drive." Ty answers. We start running towards the car when We could hear the fan girls coming "BODIL! MAKE A MAP FOR ME!" "Ty! Hurry she's in!" I shout. He starts the car and we drive off to the Team crafted house.


I really hope my Bodil POV was good! anyway guys thanks for reading my story XD 'The fan girls have struck!' Jks! This was the first scene i have ever written about fan girls! hope it wasn't Tooooooo over the top! anyway Thanks for reading! XD

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