Dette kapittlet er dedikert til min bestevenn Niamslubetube, fordi hun er en helt fantastisk person! Hun har støttet meg igjennom en hard og tung tid i livet mitt <3 Og jeg er kjempeglad i henne! Hun er som en søster for meg! <3 Så hvis dere vil, kan dere lese fanfiction hennes 'The dare' (engelsk). Det ville betydd utrolig mye for henne :) <3
Hope p.o.v
Harry sukket før han så ned i fanget sitt, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want too", "I want to", hvisket han. Jeg nikket og tok tak i hånden hans.
"When I was little I lived with my mother, father and my sister. I remember my mum would always have some blue marks on her skin and some cuts, she had this broken smile that I can't get out of my head. My dad didn't have any work because he came piss drunk to work one day, he would always come home drunk and my mum would tell me to stay in my room and come out when she called for me.
I'm going to make this short, when I got older my dad began hurting me too. When I was about sixteen, I began boxing! I wanted to defend myself and my mum.
After about 6months I was the best boxer in the gym.
One evening, my dad was drunk and began hitting my mum. So I decided to save her, I grabbed his shoulders and punched him so hard that he fell to the floor. He looked at me, shocked and angry. 'Harold you are nothing! You will always be a little chicken! You are worthless and nobody will ever love you!!' when he said that somthing snapped inside of me, I don't know what it was but all of the sudden I was on top of dad and punched him. His nose and mouth was bleeding, and he didn't even fight back anymore! I couldn't stop!
But my mums screaming snapped me out of my trance and I looked at her after standing up from my dad. I walked over to her but she walked backwards. 'No Harry' 'What mum! I saved you, we can finally be free, we don't have to deal with him anymore!' 'Harry, I can't, I love him, I'm sorry' I walked out of the livingroom and towards the frontdoor. 'I'll go weither you come with me or not' she didn't answer so I turned around, and do you know what she did Hope? She was helping him! So I opend the door and walked out, just as I closed the door I whispered 'I love you mum'.
After that I got in the wrong crowd and became the most feared guy in London, but after awhile I decided that it was boxing that was my thing. Not all of that gang shit!
I am now the best boxer in the country and I haven't been in contact with my family ever since that one night".
Jeg var sjokkert, jeg kan ikke tro at han måtte oppleve det! Ingen fortjener en sånn barndom! Harry så forsatt ned i fanget sitt, men holdt hånden min hardt. Som om han er redd for at jeg skal forlate han.
"Harry", hvisket jeg, han så sakte opp på meg. "I don't know what to say! I won't tell you I'm sorry because I'm sure you don't want to hear that. But one thing is that I'm proud of you Harry! So proud". Sa jeg mens jeg smilte.
"That you told me your story, because I know it was hard for you to tell me", han smilte litt før han reiste seg opp fra sofaen og gikk inn på badet.
**Ti minutter senere**
Harry har fremdeles ikke kommet ut av badet og dusjen står ikke på, så jeg bestemte meg for å sjekke om det går bra med han.
Døren var ikke låst så jeg gikk rett inn, der satt han med hodet sitt i hendene sine. Jeg hørte at han sniffet litt. Jeg gikk sakte bort til han og satte meg på huk framfor han og tok hendene mine på hans.
"Harry", hvisket jeg, han så på meg. "Don't hide your tears from me, it's not good to be alone with your thoughts".
Han smilte svakt og tok armene sine rundt meg, jeg tok armene mine rundt nakken hans og hvilte hodet mitt på hans.
"Thank you", hvisket han.
Beklager at det har vært så lenge siden sist....det har bare vært så mye lekser å sånt! Men jeg lover og prøve å komme med nye deler oftere :)
Håper dere likte kapittelet ;)
( Traileren er på siden! <3 )
Håper dere får en god uke videre! :) <3
Ta vare på dere selv og de du er glad i! <3
Madelen xx
You & I - Harry Styles fanfiction ( Norsk )
FanfictionHope, en snill og god jente som har vært igjennom mye. På grunn av dette flykter hun og flytter inn til venninnen sin i London. Ingen vet hva hun har vært igjennom, men det er før hun møter Harry Styles.