1: I Didn't Want You

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Riley's POV

"Austin," I breathe out.

"Riley," he says staring into my brown eyes.

"Daddy?" Taylor asks from behind him, "That's Brook," she says taking a few steps closer to me.

"No, honey that's your birth mom," Austin stutters.

"I thought you were named Brooks?" Taylor asks skeptical and scared as she curls into Austin.

"I am, but....I can explain," I start.

"No, no, you lied!" Taylor yells running back up through the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Taylor! Taylor," Austin says running after her but stops and turns back to me.

"Just give me a few minutes," I say desperately taking a few steps in his direction while watching my kids and some random girl and a baby stand shocked in the kitchen.

"Hi," I say glancing up at them, timidly.

"Mommy, did you lie?" Kait blurts out.

"NO, I didn't. I just kept a secret from Taylor. It has nothing to do with you, how about you ask the blonde servant take you out back?" I suggest.

"Excuse me?" she cuts in.

"I'm sorry, what's your name?" I ask.

"Emily for your information. And I am not a servant or a nanny. If you weren't busy wasting air somewhere, you would have known who I am" Emily tells me in an angry shaky voice.

"Okay, geez I'm sorry, I think it's time for us to go," I say grabbing their backpacks and heading towards the door.

"Nope, no one is leaving yet. In the family room, let's go," Austin shouts at us all before hurrying back up the stairs.

"Come on kids, let's take a seat on the couch," Emily says leading them into the room, "Hey Austin? Do you mind throwing down her dog and blanket?"

"Here it is," he says moments later before tossing it from the top of the stairs.

"Thank you," Emily says getting up and grabbing the stuff. I watch her carefully wrap the baby in the warm looking blanket before sticking a pacifier in the child's mouth and settling a tiny dog in her hands.

"Ya know, if you wrapped her in a swaddle, she would go to sleep easier," I comment.

"You have no authority over me, please stop," the girl answers angrily.

"Riley don't even start," Austin says walking down the stairs with another older blonde behind him. He gives me a teasing smile before taking a seat on the couch. The woman adjusts Taylor on her lap before wrapping her arms protectively around her.

"Alright, Riley, since you were so hell bent on explaining yourself, how about you do so?" Austin says.

"Okay, I guess I'll start at the beginning. We met sophomore year but we didn't date until we were seniors. I told you I was pregnant when I was nineteen and I stayed with you for most of the pregnancy but at seven months I couldn't handle it. So I decided that I needed to leave, I didn't tell you anything except I had committed suicide. I had recently found out that we were having twins and I decided not to tell you. I moved to LA with the help of my siblings and friends. Then around eight and a half months, the kids were born, and there was actually three. Strangely, but anyway I found a guy and we got married. His wife had recently and we were only friends at first but then...we just fell in love," I say remembering the beginning of the past four years.

"How did Jen get Taylor?" the older blonde lady asks.

"Well, I didn't want very many kids in the first place, and this was before Matt so I went in one night and gathered all the stuff. Taylor happened to be the least developed and she had the most problems. So I packed her up and drove to a rich neighborhood before dropping her off," I say not feeling guilty at all. Look at this place, it's gorgeous who wouldn't have wanted to end up here.

"So you are saying you just plain didn't want Taylor?" Emily speaks up.

Austin's POV

"Well, not really. Just kind of. Okay yes..." Riley answers, somehow chuckling at her response.

"What the... what's a matter with you?"Claire answers.

"Riley, kids I think it's time for you to leave," Emily says setting Faith in the bouncer.

"I agree. Shoes on, coats on, Let's go," Riley says sternly making the already nervous kids jump.

"Get out Riley!" Taylor yells. "Get out of my house and leave me alone!" she screams jumping off Claire's lap.

"Come on kids, Taylor and Jen just aren't our friends," Riley says taking the crying kids hands and dragging them outside. This isn't the Riley I knew four years ago. I knew a sweet, kind, selfless, intelligent, faithful Riley. Someone who was gentle and amazingly thoughtful. Now I don't even know who that girl was. She just happened to have the same name as that other girl I used to know.

Once the door shut, Taylor ran upstairs to her room. Claire followed her quickly while I nervously absorbed the information I just found out.


Thanks for everything!

CQ: What will be Jen's reaction?

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