Chapter 1 - Different Paths

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{are you ready for, ready for; a perfect storm, perfect storm...}


Hale eyelids fluttered open and he stared at the elegant chandelier on the ceiling. He had been sleeping for over ten hours on the huge California king bed. He groaned loudly and ran his hands through his messy golden hair. The bright sunlight peeking through the silk curtains blinded him as he turned onto his side.

The two weeks were up. He was supposed to meet Zach and the rest of the crew at a restaurant in California tonight. He had spent the last two weeks drinking Absolut Vodka and sleeping. Now, he dreaded having to face people. Especially, Kat and Macey.

After his utter rejection by Kat and Macey he couldn't bear but cringe at the fact that he was to have dinner with them tonight.

Hale leaned over and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, calling for his jet to come.

It was going to be a long flight and an even longer dinner.


Kat blinked as she watched Macey's mouth move but couldn't quote hear the words.

"Kat!" Macey snapped, "Kat!"

"Hmm?" The girl who was obviously not paying attention answered.

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying to you?" Macey asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah," Kat said while stirring her tea, "Something about Hale..."

And that was just the problem. After saving Macey from what Hale had done to her and the humiliation, Kat felt like she had sold her soul. Only she had sold it to someone worse than the devil. Kat had sold it to Macey McHenry.

Truth be told, Kat didn't think Macey was that bad.

Macey decided to spend the two weeks they had off shopping and eating in all the fanciest places. Worst of all, she made Kat drink tea and spent the entire time talking about Hale.


The last thing Kat wanted was to have to face him tonight after what had happened between them.

But, it was inevitable.

"Macey," Kat smiled at the pretty, dark-haired girl, "Our flight leaves in an hour. We'll be late if we don't go now."

"Deal!" Macey grabbed her 7 shopping bags from the floor and slapped a hundred on the table.

Retail therapy had been helping her remain sane after what had happened with Hale. With his harsh words he had left her heartbroken, and Macey McHenry has NEVER been heartbroken.

Macey's smile started to fade the more she thought about Hale. Kat immediately notice and linked arms with her.

"It'll be fine," Kat reassured her as if she could read her mind.

Macey gave her a small nod and a tight smile.

Sure it'll be fine...


"Here is your breakfast Mr. Dempsey," Ciana said, handing the boy on the bed the tray of cooked food.

"Thank you," Dempsey said without even glancing at her.

He got up and walked into the large bathroom and looked in the mirror.

His appearance shocked him and yet was no surprise.

His brown mop of hair was everywhere as usual but his usual clear skin had bruises all over it. His bright green eyes were bloodshot and his knuckles were split and bloody.

He reached his hand up to touch his black eye and winced at the pain.

Placing his large hands on the sink, Dempsey looked down and thought about the events of the night before.

Before he could replay it, he shook the thoughts out of his head. It was a new day and besides, his two weeks were up.

His flight for California left in a few hours and he needed to meet the crew for dinner.

Walking into the walk-in closet, Dempsey grabbed random clothes off of hangers and into the suitcase he had laying on the ground.

He wondered where Kat was. He had missed her these last two weeks and honestly could not wait to see her again. Dempsey was also curious about the new girl, Bex, that was going to work with them. She was the one that had knocked him out and he was quite interested in working with her.


The boy sighed as he heard his mother's voice calling out his name and her footsteps getting closer. The last thing he wanted was for her to see him like this.

She'd know.

He quickly ran into his bathroom and locked the door.

"I'm in the bathroom, Mother!" He replied to her.

"Ok honey! Just come out to the living room so I can see you before you leave!"

That's just it, Dempsey thought.

He didn't want her to see him.


Zach let out a cough as the dust and cobwebs filled his lungs.

He could barely see anything as the crawled out of the air-vent and into the light.

"So what'd you get?" The big man's voice asked impatiently.

They were talking outside of the large building. The traffic outside was heavy as usual. You could hear the honking of cars and yelling of people.

"They're planning to over-run you guys. Gonna plant a few bugs and maybe even a spy. Basically, they'll find your weaknesses and take you down from the inside," Zach replied.

"Not anymore they won't," The mad growled.

The petite blonde girl next to him pushed her glasses up her nose, clearly blushing, though Zach didn't seem to notice or care.

"Kortnie, pay him." The man ordered.

The girl stumbled a little but grabbed a tied up wad of bills out of her purse.

"Two thousand dollars. As promised."

Zach took the cash, smiled at her, and walked away.

He needed to get a taxi and to the airport.

He had a ticket to buy and a plane to catch.

note: enjoy. xx

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