Chapter 3 - Information

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{im only after success...}

"We aren't discussing the 'job' till we get back to Hale's place," Zach said, interrupting Bex's thoughts.

Bex looked at the boy who was picking at his tortellini alfredo. Even though he had done things to Cammie, she was ready to get past that. Besides, something told her that he and Cammie were alright.

"Sounds good," Dempsey agreed.

Bex couldn't help but let her brown eyes linger on the boy sitting across from her.

He. Was. Hot.

Bex scolded herself for thinking that but realized she couldn't help it.

He had messy brown hair, a killer smile, and very green eyes. His style was very "greaser" and she loved the look.

His eyes caught hers and he smiled a little. Bex, surprising herself, smiled back.

Macey noticed the two smiling at each other out of the corner of her eye.

"Someone catch your eye?" She leaned over and whispered to Bex.

"Shut your bloody mouth," Bex snapped back with a small smile.

"Fiesty," Macey giggled and took a sip of her wine.

Macey glanced at Kat and Hale who were in deep conversation about someone named "Uncle Eddie." She smiled sadly at them, wondering how they could make-up so quickly. It was probably because they knew each other for so long, and they were best friends. She and Hale didn't have that.

"You okay?" Macey looked up at the boy that had asked her the question.

"Yeah Zach, I'm fine," Macey said taking another sip of her wine.

"We should probably get going," Zach said, placing his hands on his knees.

"Um, are we going to pay?" Kat asked timidly.

"I'm a member here," Hale replied, "It'll all be put on my card."

Kat was used to having everything paid for by Hale, but for some reason, now she felt as if it was almost choking her.

Maybe she wanted to pay for her dinner herself, was that so wrong?

Kat watched as everyone else stood up from the table, seemingly having no problem with Hale paying.

As Kat stood up she noticed a girl at the table across from theirs.

The girl was very average looking. Probably about 16 years old with medium-length brunette hair and brown eyes. Her skin was smooth and tan and she seemed to be lost in conversation with the family she sat with.

However, Kat noticed something different about the girl, a sparkle in her right ear.

"Kat are you coming?" Macey asked the distracted girl.

Kat then realized that everyone was already making their way out of the restaurant.

As Kat spun to follow Macey, she noticed the sparkle in the girl's ear again.

Kat's eyes widened as she realized what it was; it was a silver ear comm.

Dempsey held the door for the two girls as they walked out of the restaurant and into the cool California air.

"Hey," He said, gently tapping on Kat's arm.

"Hey," Kat gave him a warm smile.

"You look good," He flashed his perfect white teeth.

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