Chapter 2 - Reunion

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{ and you know, we're on each other's teams...}

Dempsey rubbed his clammy hands on his tight black jeans with holes at the knees. He was wearing a red patterned flannel with the few top buttons undone and his black worn out converse. Anyone at the restaurant would never peg him as a boy who lived in mansions and had servants at his beck-and-call.

Dempsey had been sitting at the restaurant for a few minutes and was already starting to get impatient. He looked down at the gold Rolex his new step-dad had gotten him just the last week. He shuddered at the thought. Daniel was now his step-dad. The time was 7:30pm and everyone had agreed to meet at 7:00pm. He decided to wait till at least 8:00pm before he started getting worried.

10 minutes later a tall, dirty blonde, boy stepped into the room. He was was wearing tan pants and a grey button-up shirt. His ray-bans were placed in his tousled hair and his hands were shoved into his pockets. Every woman in the Italian restaurant could not help but look. The boy walked with so much grace, air, and confidence it was hard to tell whether he was a boy of 17 or a man of 25. Either way, he was lovely to look at.

Suddenly, the boy strode to the table where the boy with the ripped jeans was sitting, and sat down.

"Hale," Dempsey acknowledged the boy with a nod of the head.

"Dempsey," Hale doing likewise.

The two boys sat in almost and awkward silence till Dempsey decided to speak up.

"What'd you do with your two weeks off?"

"Not a lot. I spent the entire time in London in my suite."

"Let me guess, liquor and women?" Dempsey cocked an eyebrow at the spoiled boy.

"Yes, to the liquor. No, to the women. I'm not quite ready to move on."

"From who? Kat or Macey?" Dempsey hissed sharply.

Hale glared at Dempsey and sucked in a long breath.

"How long are we going to hold that over my head?" Haled asked.

"Till you apologize and learn how to treat women correctly," Dempsey stated matter-of-factly.

"I'll apologize to them, sheesh," Hale muttered.

"You guys order yet?"

Both Hale and Dempsey looked up, clearly shocked that they hadn't noticed the boy in black t-shirt approach their table.

Well he is a spy, Dempsey thought to himself.

"We haven't..." Hale said quietly, obviously afraid of the dark-haired boy.

"You guys haven't torn each other apart yet," Zach pointed back and forth between the two boys.

"We've moved past it," Hale answered quickly, "We can get past it also."

"I'm already past it Hale," Zach spat.

"When are the girls going to get here?" Dempsey asked, hoping to relieve some of the tension.

"No clue," Hale sighed loudly.

Just as Hale said that, both girls walked into the restaurant and the boys could not help it as each of their jaws dropped.

Macey's porcelain skin was gleaming and her shiny black hair was thrown into and easy ponytail. She was wearing a simple, short, skin-tight black dress with combat boots. Her aviator sunglasses were pushed into her hair and her plump pink lips were set into a straight line.

Kat on the other hand had styled her now shoulder-length hair into simple waves. She was wearing tight navy blue jeans, a loose white blouse, and white Doctor Martens. All courtesy of her and Macey's two week shopping extravaganza.

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