Chapter 12 - Gone

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"Don't cause a scene," Adalberto whispered in Macey's ear as he dragged her out of the large and crowded hall into a quiet hallway.

Macey bit her lip and decided to keep quiet. If she wanted to, she could have broken his arm and cracked his skull before he had the chance to beg for his life. But instead, she was quiet and calm. As dangerous as this was, maybe she'd get answers.

Still as Macey was being dragged off to God-knows-where by God-knows-whom, she felt a sting in her chest. She knew she should be worried about her life or where she was going or even what was going to happen. Instead, Dempsey's words swirled around in her mind. She knew they were true but the way he had said them just caused a further impact. Macey had ripped Hale away from Kat only to be discarded by him later when he came to his senses. Yet here she was, ready to crawl back to him because of a few smiles and some text messages.

"I'm an idiot." Macey muttered under her breath, shaking her head.

"Don't be so hard on yourself sweetheart, obviously my charm worked on you," Adalberto sneered.

"I wasn't talking about you, perv."

The man chuckled and held a tighter grip around Macey's arm as he led her down a flight of stairs.

"Where are you taking me?" Macey asked, with her best innocent voice.

"Somewhere we can talk."

"Talk about what?"


Macey's countenance faltered for a minute but she acted as if the comment didn't faze her.

"What about her?"

"You must think she is the one committing these murders, yes?"

"I don't think anything, yet."

"Well, maybe after our little chat you'll start thinking a lot more."


"Have you seen Macey?" Zach pressed Dempsey.

"I was just gesturing at her to come over to me and then i looked around and she was gone," Zach continued.

Dempsey stood up, immediately on alert. Macey wasn't the type to get lost.

"Maybe she went to the powder room," Bex suggested, coming up behind them.

"But she just disappeared." Zach argued.

"Where are Kat and Hale?" Dempsey asked.

"Well, I'm right here." Kat came up to the group.

"As am I," Hale came up behind Kat.

"Okay guys, we gotta find Macey. Everyone split up and meet at the entrance at midnight, whether you found her or not," Zach ordered.

"Sir, yes sir," Dempsey smirked at him.


"You see, Macey, there's more to all of this than you know," Adalberto said, twirling a knife in his hand, walking around her.

Macey rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. She was sitting on a chair in what she assumed was the dungeon. He was obviously a bad guy, that much she'd gathered, but what did he have to do with any of this?

"Then why don't you tell me?" Macey asked sarcastically.

"These paintings that Julia steals...they aren't just ANY paintings."

"How so?"

"Most of them were already stolen."

"The families that donated them stole them?"

"Yes. "

"So why did they donate them?"

"Years ago the Interpol started cracking down on finding stolen art. Most of these families got scared and immediately gave their artwork to several museums."

"So why is Julia stealing them?"

"That's where you come in."

"Me?" Macey was startled.

"Yes, you. I need you to find out why she's stealing them."


"These pieces are now worth MILLIONS of dollars on the black market. Help me or I'll kill you," Adalberto smiled grimly.

"Just how you killed Ashaf Malashonak?" Macey raised her eyebrows, having figured it all out.


note: don't forget to vote! xx

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