Pub and Go

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(I'm not too desperate but I'm friendly and funny if ya wanna follow me.. I'll text you if you want lmao)
Also sorry about the weird POV changes, editing this makes me realize how scattered they are :o

The five main members walked across the decks headed toward Ruby's Tavern, the best pub in town. (Y/N)'s hips swayed softly and (H/C) hair flowed elegantly while the she walked towards the entrance. Feli and Lovi opened the door for you and you stepped in like the powerful woman you were. "Capitano. I'll be right across the street, I'm gonna go look in the shop!" You looked at him and nodded him away. You turned back to the pub and quickly evaluated it.

Guitar music was played in the back and a couple bottles smashed and clinked together as many people were drunk, laughing, or hitting on the prostitutes. Only to put it lightly. (Y/N) was disgusted by the 'women of the night', flaunting themselves around in skimpy dresses and that nasty alcoholic breathe. Gross.

She quietly but confidently sat on the rows of bar seats and tapped her long and slightly pointed nails on the counter. There was a reason her and her ship were named Calico, Like the cat.
She sat there for a while listening to music and dosing off.

The old chubby bartender with a scruffy beard came to you with a content smile and rosy cheeks.. kinda like Santa....

"What would you like, Dear?" He reached up for a small glass but you raise your hand slightly.
"I'd like some whiskey. Your strongest, please" you smile and laugh at his shocked face.

"Strong drink for such a small lady!" He chuckles deep in his throat and hands you a full bottle of Irish whiskey.
"Thanks." You smile and salute with a wink and toss a small bag of gold coins to him. He takes it and slides it into a small space under the counter.

You two had decent conversations while the other group of your men were playing poker with some people across the pub.

You take a drink of your whiskey, thinking to yourself about your beloved ship when suddenly, the pub door swings open to reveal a tan, Spanish pirate that was panting and alert and his tall, green eyed captain who was looking for something. Or someone.
You turn around looking curious with the bottle of whiskey tilted a little more than sideways while you drank it. The blonde captain spotted you and glared slightly. Then he noticed the drink and raised an eyebrow. So you set it down and stand up, wanting to greet him. You walk casually towards him and he looks suspiciously familiar.

Arthur. Kirkland.

'Ohfuckme' You keep your cool.

"(F/N) (L/N)... the second most known pirate around..." Drunkards and whores around the bar laugh obnoxiously and spit in your direction.
"Well it's strange seeing you here, Calico. You know, in my territory. Why are you here actually?" He says looking hella high and mighty.

"Only dogs mark their territory in disgusting places such as this. I'm just here to visit. Is there something wrong with just a visit, Arthur?" You seethed but still kept your cool, he could try something at any time...
He chuckled huskily.
'Jesus. Low voice..'

"I see you're not after any trouble," He stopped smiling and drew his sword quickly. But not quick enough as a second before he did, you had a gun cocked, loaded, and aimed directly between his eyes.

"But it seems as though your friends are." The Spaniard pulled in a frightened looking Italian boy by the arm. What could poor little Feli have possibly done wrong..?
"He was caught stealing from the general store across the way. Do you have an excuse for him?"
The Italian started sobbing pathetically.
"Excus-a me, sir, but it-a wasn't my fault!!"  His Italian accent slipped through cutely as he cried.
"This little blonde boy-a snuck that candy in-a my bag, I swear it!! His-a name was-a... PETER!! His name was-a Peter, sir!" He looked at the captain, wanting to make eye contact with him, but you and him were content with the glaring contest you were having. Suddenly, the captain blinked and sheathed his sword like nothing happened and with a chuckle he waved the Spaniard off of the Italian and he ran to his brother, sobbing.

You kept your gun aimed right at the captain and he tilts his head slightly, cocking his brow at you.
You walked around him, keeping the gun aimed at him. "Next time your bratty little spy tries to get my crew in trouble, it's your head on the line." He opened his mouth to retaliate but you tensed the finger that was laying on the trigger. He shut his mouth and stepped away from the door. You walked passed the Spaniard and glared at him, making him flinch.

"It's time to go." And with that you put the gun back in your holster and walked away with Alfred, Matthew, Lovi, and Feli.

Little did you know that the green eyed man was gazing at the girl. Although he could only see her hair and the curves of her waist through the jacket, he knew she would be an excellent victim. If only she knew what was coming..


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