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You had run off to your room and yelled happily. You had bested the great Captain Kirkland and won the rightful title of the Greatest Pirate Alive. And you're a female. Imagine how that's gonna go throughout the years.

You had yelled and celebrated enough so you sat down and looked at your map. You were about two days away from the Vadik Islands.

--- Upstairs

The men were hustling to get as many drinks and party things as they they could and ran them down into the "living room" of the ship. They cleared the tables and crew stuff out of the way so it was a normal room with two couches on either side and a bar to the left side of the room.

Shits gonna get fucked up

Alfred was talking to Arthur about (Y/N) and how she is when she's drunk.
"She turns into a completely different person when she's drunk.. she's normally reserved and happy, but when she's drunk.. she's either angry and dangerous or like... reaaaaalllllly... "touchy"... Last year we played strip poker and she was hammered out of her mind, and she kept losing on purpose.. I had to take her to her room after she tried taking her bra off, she was going crazy..." Alfred chuckled.
"Good luck with her tonight. Don't let her drink the rum, that shit makes her angry."
Arthur was staring at him weirdly.
"What "game" are we playing tonight?" Arthur crosses his arms.
Like he was answering, Gilbert bursts through the door with a paper. "PICK ONE BITCHES. SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN, SPIN THE BOTTLE, OR HIDE AND SEEK"
"For the last time Gil," Alfred glares at him. "There is ONE girl on this ship. I don't want whatever STD's some of these guys probably have."
"Fine," Gilbert pouts and throws the paper away. "Were taking shots, then playing hide and seek."

(Y/N) walked up onto the deck and saw the three men tied up and sitting on their knees. The crew walks up and stares at them with her. They all look down in shame of themselves. The girl lost her patience and unsheathed her sword and pointed it toward the plank. They all stand up and walk one by one onto it. She walked up to the first man. He jumped before she even lifted her sword. He sunk quickly into the water. The next one she decapitated quickly with her sword, his head falling into the water before his body. She smirked and danced like a ballerina to the last one. His back was facing her so she smashed her boot into his spine sending him free falling into the cold water. The crew cheered and left for the party room. The girl stayed behind, watching that mans head stay afloat for a few more seconds before it turned to her and stared before sinking. How ominous.

(Y/N) was on her way down to the room so everyone was hiding with the lanterns dimmed. As soon as she stepped through the door everyone was jumping up yelling "Surprise!" She yelled out and threw whatever was in her hand at the moment. Arthur was behind the couch with a puzzled face, he looked next to his face and embedded in the wall was a pretty little throwing knife.
"Why only me?!" He laughed and the party started. Three men played songs with a guitar, drum, and piano and everything went crazy until Gilbert yelled out.
"EVERYONE GETS SIX SHOTS, WHOEVER FINISHES LAST HAS TO BE THE SEEKER IN HIDE AND SEEK." (Y/N) groans with a smile and walks over to the long table, standing in the middle with Arthur smirking with crossed arms next to her.
"I'm gonna beat you by the way." He says with his gorgeous accent.
"Bite me." (Y/N) teases and Gilbert counts down from five.
"5...4..3,2,1 GO!" She rushes through five of them, letting the rough liquid slide down, and as soon as she finished the last shot, she slammed it down right before Arthur did.
He chuckles and pouts childishly. She kisses his cheek and laughs at him.
She reaches over the table for the rum but Arthur grabs her and places Whiskey in her small hands. She winks and salutes, taking a few swigs of the drink. Gilbert laughs and points at Lovino.
"AAHAAAAHH MOTHER FAUQER-AH LOVINO YOU LIL BICH YOU GOTTA DO ET." The chair he was standing on topples over and he lands on his face, still laughing his ass off.
The Italian turns around just as
(Y/N) finished the bottle. Arthur stares at her, laughing his ass off. She starts to giggle and smile and he shushed her as Lovino starts counting.

"I know this ship like I kno-"
"The back of your hand, I know." Arthur interrupts and laughs while she grabs his hand and heads to her room.
"No. My bra size." She cackles a little tipsy and shoves a flustered Arthur into her closet, entering after him.
"He's gonna find-" you put your hand over his mouth and lean in towards his face slowly.
"Shhhh.." You smirk and hit the back wall of the closet with your hip and a latch opens, uncovering a small crawl space. You get down and crawl through it first.
"This goes to the same room we were just in.." He gets it. "Once Lovino leaves that room, we will go in there and hangout until he finds someone and brings them back."
They stop at a red wall and wait, just in case he's there.
"Ya know somethin" (Y/N) slurs softly.
He hums. "You're hot." He chuckles and takes a silver flask out.
"You might need to drink more of this for that to be true, Love."

You crawl towards him and sit on your knees, taking a drink while
maintaining eye contact with him.
"No. really.. your eyes are gorgeous.." You crawl towards him slowly and he leans back slightly. "Beautiful architecture.." You slide across his jawline with two fingers, stopping at his chin and look at his lips.
"And you have the most handsome face I've ever sssseen.." You look at him just as you both slam your lips together, melding into a perfect drunk mess.
He stops and looks at you, straddling him and smiling.
"Can I tell you ssomething??" He says only sluring 'something'.
You nod, your eyes trying not to close awkwardly.
"I might actually love you." You stare at him and laugh.
"Same." You say and turn around opening the door and peeking through. Arthur had his eyes locked on your ass.
"Coast is clear.." You both squeeze through the opening and lay down under the table, facing each other.
Your white shirt was halfway undone and his hair was a mess. He leans over and straddles you slowly and you both keep eye contact the entire time he buttons your shirt back up. On the last button he smirks at your verge-of-hammered self.
You sit up quickly and push him over, ending with his back to the floor and you in-between his legs. You grab his hair roughly and kiss his neck softly, taking your coat off and tossing it over his face so he can't see you. You scurry across the room and hide behind the couch. He gets the coat off of his head and tosses it onto the table, slowly getting up, and waking to where he hears giggling.

Suddenly you jump over the couch and pounce at him and he catches you on his waist which you wrap your legs around. You connect your lips to his and he slowly back you up onto a wall while holding you up with his hands under your ass.

"I really hope I remember this..." He whispers into your ear before kissing you again.

A voice giggles from across the room "Oh you will!!!" A flash fills the room as Feli takes a picture. The entire crew is packing the door watching you guys with smirks.

You unwrap your legs from Arthur and you two look at the seeker. Lovino is standing in the doorway with crossed arms and a smile.
"I got Alfred first. Dumbass thought he could just be under the table the entire time but I looked there first. Alfred chuckles and passes out, the bottle of rum tumbling out of his hand.
Everyone laughs and hangs out around the room but you and Arthur were sitting on top of the table playing Go Fish.

The grandfather clock by the door rang loudly signaling it being 12 am.
You giggle and jump off the table, looking at Arthur with a smirk, making him jump off the table and strut behind you as you two head to your room. Your hips were swaying and you looked gorgeous with the soft candle light shining on your hair. Arthur watched you from behind with a smile that could swoon a 7 year old so bad they would want to be a prostitute. You grab the handle of the door but get swung around and slammed against the wall. The handsome, tipsy Brit had his hands on either side of your face. You wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled.
"I'm not gonna remember this, you might. Make right now memorable." You chuckle and he kisses your cheek.
"I won't take advantage of you, Love. I just want to prove that I love you before you wake up and realize that you can't love me."
A tear falls down his cheek and you kiss it away. He kisses you deeply and runs a hand down your side, gripping your waist. He looks at you and smiles, grabbing your hand and going off to bed.

"You've completely taken my self control."

"Did you have any in the first place?"

Every Man For Himself (Pirate!England X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now