Time Away

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~literally the biggest timeskip~

The days wasted by and a few years had passed quickly. During that time, your body had matured and a long scar made its way down your cheek like a tear. A French captain gave it to you after a raid.

A loud shriek rings through the air and a brown hawk swoops down aiming for you so you lift your arm. It flaps its wings and lands on your arm, blowing your hair back lightly. On its leg was a small wrapped note. You unhook it from its holster and unroll the note for it to reveal the Queens seal.

"My dear (Y/N),
I'm hosting a masquerade ball for my royalty and ex-royalty. If you would be so kind to be a hostess, come down to England. I have a room for you. (Even a dress)" - By her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth

"Head for England, boys! We've been invited to a party!!" They all smile and cheer.

~Another time skip....~

As you jumped off of your boat and onto the docks, the entire place looked brand new, but still under construction .. oh yeah.. French army.. heheh...

Royal guards escorted you to the castle and when you arrived, a line of people were outside watching you and bowing. The queen was somehow informed of your "power" and told everyone, so you were well known. It's not every day people find someone who can control the dangerous sea with just her mind. But it's whatever to you. You just wanted to see this so called dress. The huge doors open and the guards let you free.

As soon as you entered, maids came running from all directions peeling your outerwear off leaving you in your undergarments.
"What the fu-DONT TOUCH ME THERE!!!" The queen's maid came up to you and dragged you off to the giant bathroom. A bathtub was set in the middle full of bubbles.
"WOAH Everything is happening so fast"
The young girl apologizes quickly.
"I'm sorry for embarrassing you but the ball is in three hours!!" She shoos you into the tub with her eyes closed as you strip down and sink into the bubbles. Two more
Maids come in with shampoo, brushes, and sponges. Then the queen herself walked in.
"When you're done, come up to my room. It's a pretty door upstairs you can't miss it."
The maids scatter around and in a half an hour you were squeaky clean, hair fresh and smooth and skin soft again.

~Anotha one~

You scurry across the marble floors in nothing but a towel, guards watching in amusement as you slip occasionally and run up the stairs and into her room. A gorgeous floor length white dress is set on a mannequin.
Behind it is an even more beautiful high low dress that goes from a vivid red on top to a deep shade of crimson on bottom.
Elizabeth pulls you into the room, gives you clothes for under the dress and drys your hair, does your makeup, everything needed to be done quickly. One and a half hours left. She finishes your makeup and curls your hair beautifully.
"This is gorgeous.. where did you learn to do this?!"
"Oh I just practice on the maids when they allow me to."
You nod and she pulls you to the dresses.
A tall beautiful maid comes in and helps you both get into your dresses, corsets, stockings, and shoes.
You both looked into the tall mirror and you looked amazing..
"Last but definitely not least cause it's the whole point of the ball, a mask for the Strongest Pirate Alive. And also a sword for show~ or if someone is here to assassinate us!"
She straps a pure white sword to your hip and softly places a flame colored mask on your smooth face.

'It's time for the ball.. I hope this goes well..'

You walk to the large stair well and lead the blonde haired girl to the steps with you. The huge room full of people goes silent as they watch your elegant form next to the Queen. She clears her throat.

"Welcome to my home. I wish to introduce this beautiful woman to you. This is the gorgeous Queen of the Sea, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I hope you welcome her with kindness." You walk down the right hand railing and watch the people. All eyes were on your elegant form walking slowly down the stairs.

"Please don't ask too many questions.. Music if you would please." The queen says. Happy music starts and slowly, eyes start watching other people and taking and music were the only things you could hear.

You still felt eyes on you as you walked to the bar. Alec, your butler, the one you found naked in a cave, sat to your right and smiled at you, his hair slicked back and a black mask over his face. You giggle and grab his hand.
"Do you know how to dance, Alec?"
He shakes his head and laughs, stepping on your toes as you swing him around quickly, to the beat of the music.

"How does it feel to be recognized as Queen, My Lady?" Alex slows to a sway with you and you think for a moment.
"It's kinda different. Just means I get to be a lot more known around the world."

A blindfold is placed quickly over your eyes and your pulled into the middle of the ballroom.
'Everything is happening so quickly, What the hell?!'
Everyone stops and the men get into a circle around you.
"(Y/N), you must find a partner for the first dance! Pick someone your heart pulls you to!!" She giggles and runs out of the circle.
Without a thought, you feel something pulling you to the right, so you snap your head in that direction. You could feel a slight emotional tinge in your mind, but it wasn't good..
A man watches with a smirk as you walk with your hands out in front of you. Your hands find something soft and you swiftly grab his left hand, he pulls the blindfold and it falls to the floor.

It was a blonde man with his long hair tied back and a white rabbit mask over his face.

"F-Francis." Your eyes go wide as you stare in shock.
"ELIZABETH!!!" You try to unsheathed your sword but he smirks evilly and spins you around, pricking your arm with a small syringe. Something cold is placed on your temple, a gun, and suddenly a window is shattered, a crew of pirates rushes in and screams of terror fill the room. One by one people are held back, some even faint, and men with swords and guns start ravaging the place. The scene starts to go quiet to you as a man in a waistcoat struts in through the jagged window. Whatever was in that syringe kicked in quick and your vision went fuzzy.

Glass crunched and broke under his tall black boots and he stops, looks at you with a hard glare, and walks toward you. The frenchman behind you wraps a rope around your wrists and violently shoves you to the ground. You hit the floor hard, already leaving your mind scrambled and your head throbbing for a moment until his black shoe is right in front of your face.

It's pulled back and smashed against your stomach. Bile and blood threaten to come up as he kicks you over and over, a few of your ribs cracking and snapping. A gunshot fills the air and even more screams erupt as the Frenchman is shot in the leg. He hisses and holds his leg in pain.

"That was all I needed, thank you." A hard British accent says above you and you're dragged from the floor and hoisted up into someone's strong arms. They push you with a quick pace to the shattered window. You could hardly stand with all of the broken bones you had but you managed somehow. The man leads you out of the window and pushes you along.


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