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~1st POV~

I wake up in a tangled mess. The grey sheets are wrapped around my leg and I'm halfway off the bed.
'Didn't think I moved that much at night..'
I get up and pull my shirt strap back up to my shoulder and run a hand through my hair, not giving a shit how it looks. I open the door to be greeted by a clean hallway and the smell of champagne candles.

~That's enough of 1st POV~

You walk up the stairs and open the door slowly, the bright sun glaring at you through the dark room. You couldn't see anything so you opened the door completely and the entire ship was spotless. The most surprising thing was that the crew suddenly comes around the corners with their hands behind their backs and hiding something. They form a perfect line and the front man holds out a single, small rose for you. The line starts moving with multiple "I'm sorry" and "We didn't mean anything by it.." and "we were being stupid.." coming from them and soon you had a handful of small flowers filling your hand.

"Thank y-"
"What is the meaning of this?!" Arthur jumps from the top deck and lands next to you. He looks pissed.

"Oh, Arthur they didn-"
"I KNOW WHAT THEY DID." He growls at you and turns to the crew, which disperses and breaks out into a working frenzy.
You stand there in shock and glare at him.

'That bipolar asshole. One minute saying "I love you" the next at my throat..'

"You're more cold than usual.. is everything alright??" You walk towards him but he looks at you in disgust.
"Don't talk to me. All you have done is bring disgrace into this ship. I don't know what makes you think I have any feelings for someone like you..." He glares at you and your heart pounds harshly against your chest.
A lightning bolt smashes into the sea as rain starts to fall slowly. He looks up in shock and a single drop of rain hits under his eye and falls down his scruffy cheek. The oceans calm waves soon turn angry and water splashes against the boats side.

"(Y/N).. Stop.. please, I didn't mean it.." He looks at you guiltily as your eyes fill with salty tears.

"I've been nothing but kind to you after you KIDNAP ME, BREAK MY BONES, AND LEAVE ME TO FEND FOR MYSELF. And how do you repay me? By saying you love me and then taking it back as soon as I'm of no use to you" A tear falls down your face and drops onto the floor of the boat. Another lightning strike hits closer to the boat and Arthur shakes his head in shame of himself. The crew stands against the side of the ship as it violently sways in the waves.

"(Y/N).. I'm sorry.." He bites his lip and looks up into the sky. "I didn't mean it. I'm just stressed, and I haven't seen you in four years..I'm sorry for leaving you.." The rain doubles and soon there are small puddles in the warped wood. You turn around and head to Ludwigs room. You open the door and see a shirtless German looking out the small cabin window. He turns and smiles at you until he sees the tears coming down your chin. He rushes over and holds your face in his hands.
"What did he do..?" He clenches his jaw and tries to cool down. He softly wipes your tears away with his thumb and looks into your eyes.
He grabs your hand and leads you to the bed as you both sit down. You tell him everything, and when the narrator says everything, she means everything. Sorry I'll leave.. Just know I love you guys.. and also I'm just writing randomly at this point. K bye, love you
*repairing the fourth wall*
He looks at you sadly as you stare blankly at the floor.

Yelling from upstairs and stomping echoes above the room and you two rush upstairs. On the far deck, there was a group of crew members surrounding what looked like a foreign girl. Arthur rushes past everyone and looks at her. She was tan and had a long blue dress on while her hair was in messy pigtails. She was limp and soaking wet.
A blonde crew member goes up to her and starts resuscitating her. He jumps back and she sits up abruptly, coughing up water onto the floor. She gasps for air and the man helps her to the ships "hospital". Arthur follows after and the crowd disappears.
You and Ludwig made it back to his room and talked about life back on the Calico when obnoxious giggling was heard in the room across from yours. You groan in disgust and Ludwig looks at you sympathetically.

"Looks like he's found a new toy."

He wraps his arms around you.
"You know, you're like my little sister," You bury your face in his chest and nod. "And I will do anything for you. So please don't take it too hard. If it makes you feel any better, we all know the girl. Her name is Chelle and she lives on a nearby island. She's known for being a little slutty at times. Arthur wouldn't be into that." Another giggle comes from the room and something being knocked over. Sounds like they're having an interesting conversation.
You sigh and Ludwig notices your envy.

He smirks suddenly. You look at him suspiciously and he tackles you. You end up on the floor and he starts tickling your sides. You burst out laughing and poke at his sides too which makes him chuckle and curl away. You two end up wrestling on the floor, knocking shit from his dresser and rolling around the room until you have both of his arms behind his back and a foot holding him down while your knee is resting on the floor. You both were looking at each other while you laughed and breathed heavily.

The door bursts open and you both look up to see the captain and behind him is a short girl with her hand intertwined with his. Your heart beats faster and Ludwig chuckles. He gets up and somehow manages to pick you up by your legs so you're dangling on his back with your knees bent over his shoulders. You giggle and hoist yourself up, wrapping your arms around the tall mans neck and resting your chin on his head.

"Need something, Captain?" Ludwig breathes heavily and looks up at you with a smile.

"You need to quiet the fuck down, that's what I need you to do." He glares at the German and the girl behind Arthur pulls him away by his arm, giggling. He rolls his eyes in annoyance and starts laughing with her.

You and Ludwig fall onto the small twin bed and laugh together.

"He was jealous, (Y/N)." He smiles and pats your head before shutting the door. You both giggle together and lay down, he was on his back and you were resting on your side with your head on his chest.

"Love you, Big bro." You say and close your eyes.

"Love you too, Lil sis." His thick German accent makes it funnier than it really is and you both fall asleep with grins on your faces.


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