Troubled Soul

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You woke up on top of a sleeping Ludwig and blush, slipping off of him. Ludwig looked so peaceful while he slept so you watched him for a while before smiling and walking out of the door. You read your watch and it ticks toward 5:30 am. No one is up..

While you were walking the halls, you hear a loud bang as if something fell up deck so you run through the door and look around. In the early moonlight you could make out white hair and a black tux hunching over with blood dripping from their chest... Alec?
You sprint to him and yell for him, but he doesn't respond.

"Alec?!" You run to him and hold his body up. He smiles sadly at you.

"The French.. are in England.." He sucks in as much air as he could and winces. "They.. shot me.. so I used the rest of my power to come see you.. one last time." He tumbles to the floor and blood drips down his nose.
"Alec.. What did you do?! There has to be some way to help you..!!"

He goes silent for a moment while his eyes slowly go dull. You panic and snap quickly, a leathery red book appearing in your hand. It opens automatically to a page with a man's silhouette with glowing eyes.

The book says something about a "God using one of nine lives" to save another.. a physical touch is needed to provide the healing. You shake your head and hope for the best, tears rushing down your face.

"મારા પાલતુ .. હું તમને મારું જીવન આપીશ"
(My love. I give you my life)

You intertwine your hand with his, his breathing slows rapidly and you can feel his pulse go weak. Tears stream down your face and you cry into his shoulder before wiping your eyes and looking at his lifeless face.

You grab his hand and kiss it gently and a bright light emits from the invisible kiss mark. The light fades and a white tattoo of incoherent designs appear, dancing across his skin. The white marks disappear slowly as you watch him hopelessly. Your lip quivers and a stray tear rolls down your cheek. You sit and sob into his shoulder, losing all hope.

Rain drops start falling and they soak your shivering form. The intense silence made the depressing aura even stronger and you exhale with a pathetic whimper.

The mans eyes burst open and he gasps for air. He looks at you suddenly and tackles you to the ground, hugging the life out of you.
"(Y/N)!!! I'm so sorry I left, forgive me, please, forgive me!" He cradles you in his arms and watches you worriedly.
You stare at him before nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"I thought I lost you.." He smiles.

A horn blares about two miles away and you both snap your heads in that direction. A big ship with a French flag rising on a pole accelerates and you start to panic. "Get back to the ship and stay alive!!" You sprint through the door and leap down the stairs towards the captains quarters.
You slam your fist on the door and try to open it but it's locked.
"ARTHUR!! ARTHUR, THE FRENCH ARE HERE!!" You bang your fist on the door again and it opens slowly. Without a thought, you grab his hand and shove him up the stairs, then you go back down to alert the crew. You sprint down the hall and into the bunker, screaming at them to get up and they all do.

"What's happening, Lass?" A red haired man with a thick Scottish accent asks groggily, cigarette hanging from his lip.
"The French are coming." His face goes dark before he hurriedly gets dressed.


The entire crew was up deck, watching the oncoming ship while the girl in a blue dress hides a small bag full of gold in her dress. No one notices her robbery but you.

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