A certain Cheshire adventure (part 1)

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Do you remember the time when Haruka was trying to enter the dormitory but the door opened itself? You'll find out in this chapter.

Syo's POV

What if Natsuki accidentally dropped his spects? Wouldn't he go and ruin the plan that all of us have been planning?! I can't let this happen to our plan!

While I was busy thinking about the consequences of leaving Natsuki alone with Nanami, I found myself finally appeared in front of the exit to where Natsuki is.

I quickly turned the door knob and took a peek onto the opened area...and saw Nanami!!! Quickly, I slammed the door close tightly and ran to prepare for my grand entrance. This means Natsuki didn't foil the plan!

Third person POV

Since Natsuki already entered the building, Haruka decided to do the same. As she opened the door to the building, she saw nothing but candles, which lit the dark corridors leading to some certain place.

"It may look dark but it was so grand yet beautiful..." Haruka whispered in an awe as she proceeds into the building.

As she proceeds further, she could hear footsteps...no, something rustling from behind. The source of the noise are hard to make out since there are echos everywhere. Then, suddenly...

"I've been waiting for you, Nanami."

"Huh, dare(who)?" Haruka exclaimed as she stopped walking and glance around the corridors.

"I'm a Cheshire cat, who will lead you to the King of music. They are waiting for your arrival," the person said as he approached infront of Haruka.

"Ara~ you're Syo-san, the Cheshire? Kawaii~" Haruka cooed with a smile, making Syo's face turn tomato-ish. "There's also a pair of cute cat ears and a cat tail. Kyaaaa~ uhm...sumimasen."

"I...uh...um...arigatou..." Syo thanked shyly, making his face even redder! "Ahem...anyway, you must follow me to the king, right now, 'kay?"

"Hai~ Syo-san!" Haruka replied happily. "Ara...why are we looking for the king? And let me ask you this...why are you wearing this costume? Omatsuri(festival)?"

"Drop the 'san' since you are our composer...and you are our precious friend," Syo stated calmly. "and...you'll know it once I lead you there...watashi no...hime-sama(my princess)." as he tries not to bite his tongue.

"Ok...S-Syo..." Haruka said as she blushed a little.

As the two of them were on the move, there were nothing but echoes of their footsteps. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived to a door, richly decorated with crystals.

"We might get lost easily as soon as we proceed through this door. So, please hold my hand," Syo said confidently with a smile as he stretched out his hand towards Haruka.(idk how to describe)

"Oh, okay..." Haruka replied and held Syo's hand.

After that, Syo opened the door and proceed into the unknown place, or maybe, the place that he knew very well. The scent of roses are filled everywhere as the view of tall looking bushes, acted as walls to create a pathway to form a total maze, appeared into their vision.

There were about 4 butterflies fluttering in front of their view accompanied by the bright, cheerful scenery beyond them.

"Wow, what is this place? Even though this was suppose to be the dorms...which is what I thought," Haruka said as she admire the scenery.

"Anyway, we'd better be hurry before it's too late," Syo said as he dragged Haruka along in a gentle way.

As they were walking through the maze, Syo was humming a tune, as if he was trying to compose while the confused air head(sry for describing her like that) Haruka, was trotting along, listening to Syo's humming.

"You're composing right?" Haruka asked happily as she walked ahead of Syo, but their hands remained held.

"I..uh, nope, I'm just humming to kill the boredom..." Syo replied while looking elsewhere.

"Totemo suteki desu, ano melodi wa (That melody is amazing)!" Haruka said with a closed eye smile.

"A...hahaha...that random humming was really bad compared to your uttermost composing," Syo replied awkwardly while using his free hand to scruffle his hair to hide his embarrassment.

As their chatting continued, they find themselves reaching an intersection. The path onthe left was closed while the path on the right is a dressing room???

"A dressing room?" Haruka began as she approached to the room. "The sign said that I need to choose a dress in order to unlock the door to the left path."

"Eh? Wouldn't it be a trap?" Syo asked, slightly panic-strickened.

"It'll be fine. Give me a couple of minutes will do," Haruka said as she was about to enter the dressing room.

With that, Syo nodded.

'This is not part of the plan...' Syo thought.

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