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Stop right there. Why the hell are you guys reading this trash? I wrote this when I was young for fun. I didn't think people would actually read it.

Seriously this book is a joke.

Some of you are probably reading this like, "Wow, this author is really using reverse psychology on us." Sorry, guys, but I'm really not. I've gotten quite a lot of offensive, degrading, and absolutely insensitive comments in this book.

I am NOT playing victim here. I am merely telling you the facts. There are people who do not like Muslims. There are some Muslims who hate me for speaking about hijab or about family relationships for whatever personal reasons they may have. Stop.

Stop coming into books searching for a way to get offended and stop trying to insult and tear another person's beliefs down because you don't agree with them.

But hey maybe you'll like it and maybe you won't. Please do remember that all rights are reserved to me and only me. If ANY of you try to copy or alter my writings, I WILL PERSONALLY HUNT YOU DOWN and make you wish you never met me. You have been warned.

 You have been warned

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Character Aesthetics

Character Aesthetics

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P.S awesome header in the beginning made by vibrantlysassy

S awesome header in the beginning made by vibrantlysassy

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