Welcome to the glade

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It's now been a year since Stiles went missing. It effected each person differently, but the worst was Scott. Stiles was his best friend, his brother. Everyday Scott searched for some sort of clue to get a step closer to finding Stiles, but each lead he had ended up being a dead end. Even though Scott haven't found anything yet, he still had hope. Lydia, Liam, Derek and Malia, had all given up on finding Stiles, they had accepted that he was gone. But not Scott, he knew Stiles was still out there, somewhere.
Suddenly there was a knock at Scott's front door. He was home alone since Melissa was working extra time at the hospital. He stood up and walked down the stairs, he wasn't expecting anyone, maybe it was Lydia checking on him.
Scott opened the door, and was greeted by a man in a suit. "Ahh, hello?"
"Hello, I'm looking for Scott McCall." The man asked in a serious tone.
Scott raised an eyebrow. "Well you found him. I'm Scott McCall."
The man in the suit grinned then pressed his earpiece and started talking. "I've found him." He looked back to Scott. "Good luck kid."
Before Scott could even question the strange man, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He stumbled backwards unable to keep his balance. "Whats happening?" He was struggling to stay awake, everything around him was becoming blurry. Before he knew it, he felt himself falling backwards until eventually he hit the ground falling into darkness.

Scott was starting to regain consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he tried sitting himself up against what he thought was a wall. 'How long was I out for? And where am I?' He thought to himself while looking around he's surroundings, there was minimal light but he figured he was in some sort of metal box thing that was moving upwards. As his eyes were adjusting to the darkness he soon realised he wasn't alone in the box, there were animals in there with him. 'What the?' Where the hell was he?
"Hello! Is anyone there! Hello!" Scott yelled banging on the roof of the box. "Help!"
Then the box came to a sudden stop, and the flashing red light turned green. Scott fell back and prepared himself for what was next. There was a loud noise as the roof began to open letting the sun piece Scott's eyes. He's eyes were so use to complete darkness that the light burnt intensely. He used his hand to block the sun, but it barley worked, the sun was so bright.
The roof was completely open now and all Scott could see was a massive crowd of boys staring at him. By the looks of them, their ages ranged from 12-19, only teenagers.
Scott skimmed across all the boys until one in particular stood out in the crowd.
Scott's eyes widen and his jaw dropped. "S-stiles?"
Scott stood up to get a better look to see if it was in fact stiles. "Stiles is that you?"
All the glares went towards the boy who looked like stiles. "Sorry man, but I have no idea who you are. My names Thomas."
The boy next to Thomas with dirty blond hair spoke up. "Wait do you know him? Can you remember?" He had an odd English accent.
A boy stepped forward and offered Scott a hand pulling him up from the box.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I remember? Wait where are we?" Scott said looking around. He'd never seen any thing like this. There were huge walls around them which made a perfect square, with vines climbing up them.
"Im Newt, welcome to the glade greenie. Usually people don't remember anything when they're brought up by the box. You get your name in a couple of days and that's all they give you. So why do you remember?" Newt said with creased eyebrows.
"What?" Newt said confused.
"My names Scott, not greenie." Scott said defending himself.
"Oh, right. So Scott, what's so special about you?" Newt asked curious too see what was so special about Scott.
Nearly all the other boys left to go back to there daily jobs, except for Newt, Thomas and two other guys he didn't know.
"I-I don't know, a man in a suit came to my house and shot me with something next thing I know I'm here." Scott then had a thought. He's an alpha werewolf, what if that had something to do with it, maybe it didn't affect him like it did the others. He gathered that no one here was supernatural, or was hiding it very well since he couldn't catch any scents that would say there supernatural so he decided he was going to keep it to his self, at least until he knew exactly what was happening; besides, they would either freak out and lock him up or think his mad and lock him up anyway.
"Alright we will talk about this later, right now you go with Thomas and Chuck here they'll show you around the glade, oh and greenie don't go out in the maze." Newt said patting Scott on the back then walking away.
"So Scott, we'll show you the west wall first before it closes." Chuck said smiling at him. Thomas gave Scott a strange look, as if he was remembering something but pushed it away.
Scott ran over to catch up to Thomas. "Hey Sti- I mean Thomas, are you sure you don't remember me."
"I'm sorry, like I said before I don't know you." Thomas said walking faster to try and loss Scott.
"Not even Lydia? Derek? Your dad?" Scott said walking the same speed as Thomas and Chuck be hide them, not wanting to get in between them and slightly because he was having trouble keeping up.
Thomas stopped in his tracks and put his hand on Scott to stop him.
"What did you say?" Thomas said creasing his eyebrows.
"Your dad, do you remember him?" Scott asked with a little bit of hope that Thomas was remembering who he actually was, Stiles.
"No but I-I have a dad." Thomas said with happiness, that was the first time Scott saw Thomas smile since his been here. "Do I have a brother?" Thomas asked eager to know his past.
Scott shook his head. "A sister?" He questioned.
Scott shook his head once again. "A mother?" Thomas asked a little more desperate.
"I'm sorry but your mother passed away when you were young." Scott replied feeling genuine sorrow for his best friend.
"Oh." That's all Thomas could say, he felt guilty that he couldn't remember his deceased mother.
Then suddenly there was a huge noise, which made the glade shake.
"What the hell was that?" Scott asked panicked.
"That was the doors closing, they do that every morning and every night." Chuck replied, feeling proud that he could answer that question.
Scott looked over to the wall watching the big stone doors closing, then he had an idea, maybe he could find a way out through there. Before anyone could say anything Scott bolted for the door.
Chuck and Thomas looked at each in panic, then ran after Scott yelling. "Scott stop! Scott you can't go out there!"
Chuck was falling behind but Thomas still continued running. God Scott was fast though, how was it humanly possible for someone to be that fast.
Scott was so close to the doors, but he could see Thomas catching him. Stiles you've gotten faster, Scott thought. He wasn't going full speed because he didn't want anyone to get suspicious but he was going fast enough to get to the door before they shut.
Scott was right in front of the door, it was half way to being closed, he looked back to Thomas.
"Scott! You don't know what's out there." Thomas yelled still sprinting to stop Scott.
"I can find a way out." Scott argued, then he remembered what Newt said to him before he left 'don't go into maze.' It made a shiver go down Scott's spine. What was so bad about the maze that made everyone so scared?
Scott turned around forgetting about his thoughts and ran into the maze. Thomas ran straight after him, not thinking about it for a second. Thomas just squeezed through before the doors shut.
"Well congrats you just killed us both." Thomas said with sarcasm, while trying to catch his breath.

Hey guys! I decided to do a teen wolf and maze runner cross over because recently I've been reading the books and I love them along with the movies so tell me what you think in the comments😊

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