Get the grief serum

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Thomas threw Scott's arm over his shoulder and helped him to the west doors. They should be opening very soon. So it was official, they had survived a night in the maze; now Scott has to survive the changing.
For Scott the changing was happening quickly, too quickly. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, and his visions was blurry. "Scott stay with me, I can't carry you all the way." Thomas said worried that Scott would freak out on him like Ben did when he was stung.
"I'm fine." Scott said.
"Well you sure as hell don't look it." Scott let out a fake laugh.
All of a sudden Scott felt sharp pains in his hands, he looked down to see his claws growing. He quickly let go of Thomas and hid his hands, he couldn't have Thomas seeing what was happening. Scott's heart rate quicken and he felt his fangs grow. 'No this cannot be happening.' Scott thought.
The changing was literally making him change. Scott was fighting with himself to stay in control. It had been a very long time since Scott couldn't control himself and he didn't miss it at all.
Thomas saw Scott step away with his back facing him. "What's wrong? Is it the changing?" Thomas said walking towards Scott.
"You could say that." Scott replied digging his claws into his hands because pain makes you human.
Scott turned around to face Thomas; he was back to normal, but for how long exactly.
"Dude what was that?" Thomas asked wanting to know what happened. That doesn't happen when someone goes through the changing. Their skin turns a greenish purple with bloodshot eyes and are in a lot of pain. But Scott looks completely fine except seems tired and out of it; he's not freaking out like any of the others did.
"I don't know, what usually happens during the changing?" Scott asked. Thomas could see Scott starting to sweat, at least that happens.
"Not this, what ever this is." Thomas said gesturing to all of Scott.
"Thomas...I don' good." Scott was overloaded with dizziness. He started to sway backwards before Thomas caught him.
"We have to get you back to the glade now." Thomas said half carrying Scott. Thomas had no idea what was happening to Scott, his never seen anyone react like this.
Scott looked up to Thomas and managed to say a quiet "okay."

They only had one more corner to turn before they were back in the glade. Scott wasn't getting any better, in fact he was getting worse. He was burning up and sweating like there's no tomorrow. "Guys! Help his been stung!" Thomas yelled coming around the corner. All the boys looked up in shock and joy that they survived the night.
Newt, Minho, Gally and a few other boys ran towards Thomas helping him carry Scott who was nearly unconscious.
"What the shuck happen?!" Minho said to Thomas while carrying Scott out of the maze.
"You won't believe me if I told you." Tomas replied just relieved that they survived.
Newt yelled for the med-jacks to come and help Scott.
"What happened?" Clint asked.
"He's been stung, he needs the grief serum, now." Newt instructed.
Clint and Jeff carried Scott away. Thomas was following them but was stopped by Newt. "Oh no, your coming with me. You need to tell me everything that happened in there, every single detail." Then Newt turned to Gally. "You go with them just in case anything happens." Gally nods in response and runs after the med-jacks.
"Newt can't we talk about this later." Thomas asked eager to go with Scott. He didn't know why but he felt like he needed to see Scott, needed to make sure his okay.
"No we can't talk about this later, do you know why, because Scott can remember who he is and he can remember you." Newt said.
"Okay. I'll tell you but as soon as I'm done I'm going to see if Scott's okay; okay?"
"Alright." Newt said nodding his head and gesturing for Thomas to begin.
Thomas ran his hands down his face, he could think of a million better things to be doing. He began to explain the night in the maze.

Scott was laying down on a table with everyone surrounding him. He was still out of it, so he didn't know what was happening, there were so many voices and sounds going on at once and because his werewolf senses were all over the place, it was making everything 10x worse. Scott put his hands up too his ears trying to block everything out.
"Get ready to hold him down, in 3 I'm using the grief serum." Jeff said.
Scott's eyes widen, what were they about to do.
But before Scott could do anything, he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. By accident Scott let out a growl but the only person who seemed to hear it, was Gally. The serum caused Scott's eyes to flash a bright red. Gally also saw what Scott just did by his reaction, his face was a mixture of confusion, horror and shock.
Scott was too tired to try and explain what Gally just witnessed; in a few seconds Scott was out cold.

Hey guys, I really hope you liked it, as always tell me what you think or if you have any ideas. 😊😊

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