Slammer Time

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It was like time froze still. Thomas was looking straight at Scott and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry.' And then closed his eyes. A single tear rolled down Thomas's cheek and then he clenched his fists, he was ready to die.
Scott couldn't let that happen, no, he wouldn't let that happen. Time speed up again and Scott knew what he had to do even if he had to suffer the consequences later.
Scott shifted into a werewolf. He's nails growing into claws, eyes glowing a ruby red, his fangs penetrating through his gums and finally he let out a roar.
Thomas immediately opened his eyes as soon as he heard Scott roar, he didn't know what was happening until he looked at Scott, his face expression change dramatically to shock.
Scott ran at the griever at full pelt, smashing into its side, giving Thomas enough time to get the hell out of there. The griever let out a shriek and struggled to get up. All Scott could see was red, there was so much anger inside him; no one hurts his pack. Scott let it all out on the griever, slashing its sides. It tried to use its tail to attack Scott but instead he grabbed it, pulling it right off. All the black goo poured out, it was disgusting.
The griever ran for the maze the only place where it was safe. If it stayed any longer Scott would of definitely ended its life. Eventually all the other grievers caught on and ran, following the griever out of the glade.
Now Scott had to deal with the gladers, which was probably worse then fighting off a griever.
Scott kept his back to everyone giving him enough time to shift back, and to be honest he didn't want to see all their expressions, especially Thomas. All the survivors gathered near Scott, everyone saw what happen and they all wanted to know what he was.
"What the bloody hell are you?" Newt said keeping his distance, and soon after other people asked questions, not giving Scott enough time to answer any.
"How did you do that?"
"Where did you come from?"
"Are you going to kill all of us?"
"How do we know your not with them, and that was all an act."
"Are you some kind of-" one of the boys were interrupted by Gally.
"Thats enough! All of you shut it!" Gallys outburst shocked everyone even Scott.
"Scott's a werewolf, keep all of your questions to yourself. First we need to talk about what just happened and decide what to do with him. To be honest I think he should be banished." Gally said taking control.
Scott was half glad that Gally told everyone and told them to practically shut up, that meant Scott didn't have to do much talking.
"Who made you bloody in charge!" Minho said, looking at Newt gesturing for him to do something.
"Gally slim it." Newt said stepping forward. "Okay I don't know what the shuck just happened but Scotty here scared off the grievers, and from what I saw he would come in handy if the walls don't close again." Gally was just about to interfere but Newt stopped him before he could talk. "And I'm pretty sure if he wanted to hurt us he would of done it already." Newt said looking Gally dead in the eye.
"I don't know, sorry Newt but I have to agree with Gally on this one. You saw what he can do, who knows what else." Frypan said looking down, because he wished he could agree with Newt but it didn't feel right.
"I'm not going to hurt anyone if that's what you mean." Scott said looking up.
Scott looked over to Thomas who seemed to be in deep though, he wasn't saying a single word. It hurt Scott a little bit that Thomas didn't stick up for him but he didn't blame him. To Thomas, Scott was a freak.
"Well what do you suppose we do?" Newt said looking at Gally.
"We banish him, and if he comes back we kill him." Gally said looking Scott dead in the eye, making Scott gulp.
"Look shuck face, if Scott wasn't here we would all probably be dead, including you." Minho said pointing at Gally.
"Frypan do you agree with this?" Newt said with a unsure tone.
"I'm sorry but his too dangerous."
"If Scott goes I go." Thomas said making everyone look at him. It was the first time he had spoken.
"Thom-" Scott was cut off.
"No Scott, I owe you one. How many times have you saved my life now, it's time I return the favour." Thomas said giving Scott a reassuring smile.
"Okay this is what's going to happen. Scott I'm sorry but you have to be punished, the glade still needs order and people need to know you mean no harm. So you will be in the slammer for one night and one day with no food, that is your punishment." Newt said.
"Are you serious! He could easily break it." Gally screamed.
"Well let's just hope he doesn't." Newt said.
Gally was right, Scott could break the slammer easily but he promised himself that he wouldn't. If he shows that he can be trusted than hopefully they won't fear him as much.
Minho walked him over to the slammer and opened the door for him to step in. "Sorry mate. To be honest I think your awesome, do you think you can, um, you know like show me?" Minho asked.
"Um okay?" Scott said. Scott liked Minho, maybe it was half because he stuck up for him, or he was just funny.
Scott began to shift. After he was done all he could see was Minho's shocked face expression. When Scott saw it he quickly shifted back.
"Woah, I don't think I'll ever get use to that." Minho said.
Scott did a fake laugh, and watched as Minho closed the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow, have fun mate." Minho said as he walked off.
Scott sighed, now he was completely alone and half of him wished Stiles was here. Not Thomas but Stiles, the fun, goofy, sarcastic kid he grew up with. Sure Thomas was sarcastic but he didn't have the spark Stiles did.
As if Scott's wish came true, Thomas was walking towards him.

I hope you guys liked it and tell me what you thought of it. I'm sorry if there's mistakes, but I will edit it soon, just bare with me :) hope everyone had a great day!

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