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Scott watched as Thomas was getting closer, and to be honest, he didn't know if he was ready to face him yet. Scott backed up to the far corner of the slammer he really didn't want Thomas to see him.
Thomas came right up to the door and sat down. "So that was some show back there, huh."
Scott tried to read Thomas, but it was impossible. Scott didn't know if he was serious, frighten or joking around, he had a complete poker face.
"Well I couldn't let you die." Scott replied.
"Just like, when you couldn't let me die when I was the nogitsune?" Thomas smirks.
It took awhile for Scott to process what Thomas just said, but as soon as he did he ran up to the door, holding onto the bars. "What did you just say?" Scott said making sure he heard it right.
"I remember Scott. I remember you, my dad, Lydia, my jeep, everything." Stiles said with a massive grin on his face. (Since stiles remembers, I'm going to be calling him stiles now instead of Thomas)
"Oh stiles I've missed you so much!" Scott said holding back the tears in his eyes. "Wait how did you remember?" Scott said.
"I don't know. Maybe it was when you roared and it brought me back or if it was because I was so close to death. Either way I'm just glad I'm me again." Stiles said.
"Oh man, it's so good to have you back." Scott laughed. He didn't know what brought stiles back but he didn't care, he had his brother back.
"Trust me dude I know. You have no idea what it felt like to be completely wiped from your memories, I was a whole different person."
"Well it's nice to know you kept your sarcasm." Scott said grinning, he couldn't help it, he was over the moon. But then he remembered where he was.
"Stiles how are we going to get back home?" Scott said with a sad tone.
"Scott we'll figure out, we always do." Stiles said.
"Thomas!" Minho said running over. Stiles didn't budge.
"Ahh stiles that's you." Scott whispered.
"Oh right." Stiles stood up and turned to Minho who was walking towards him now. "Yeah Minho?"
"Where the shuck have you been, we're meant to be running the maze as we speak." Minho said placing his hands on his hip.
"Sorry man, I completely forgot, I'll be there in a second." Stiles said trying to sound as much as Thomas as he could.
"Yeah, Yeah." Minho said walking off.
"Why didn't you tell him you remembered?" Scott asked.
"I've only been here for a month, some of these boys have been here for 3 years Scott, and nothing good has happened to them so I think I'll just keep it to myself, besides they will think of me differently if they knew." Stiles said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Stiles you've been gone for a year."
Stiles looked straight at Scott with wide eyes. "What!? How is that even possible." As if on queue Stiles was overwhelmed by more memories. Stiles held his hands up to head, it felt like his head was going to explode.
"Stiles, what's wrong, are you okay?" Scott said worried. If he had too he would break the bars down.
Stiles opened his eyes and looked at Scott. "I-I worked for wicked, no, that can't be. How can that be?" Stiles was beginning to have a panic attack.
"Stiles, who's wicked?" Scott said looking at how horrified Stiles was.
"There the people who made this place, and I'm one of them."
"That wasn't you, you had no memory of anything, you were brain washed." Scott said trying to help calm stiles down.
"That still doesn't make it right." Stiles said disappointed in his self.
"Well it's up to you to make it right, your in here with them now, so help them get out of here, help them get there lives back."
"You know Scott, I don't know what I would do with out you." Stiles said standing up. "I'll be back to get you out of there I promise!" Stiles said running to catch up to Minho.
Stiles knew what he had to do now.

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