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Scott looked at Thomas bending over, exhausted from running after him, and nearly being squished too death. "What do you mean, I just killed us both? You didn't have to come after me."
"Dude, Minho and I are the only ones to last the night in the maze and that was a complete fluke, and this is your first day in the glade, you don't even know what you just got yourself into." Thomas said slightly angry at Scott, but to be honest Scott was exactly the way Thomas was when he was the greenie.
"Stiles, I mean Thomas, if you remembered what we have been through, this would be a breeze." Scott said looking around the maze, deciding which way to go. 'The packs been
through an alpha pack, dread doctors, the nogistune, how hard could a maze be.' Scott thought.
"You have to stop thinking of me as Stiles, I'm not the person I was back there, and even if I did remember I still wouldn't be the same person as you remember." Thomas said, sick of Scott thinking there best friends.
"I'm sorry you see it that way." That's all Scott could say.
Then a loud piercing scream was let out making Scott cover his ears. "Welcome to the maze." Thomas said.
"What was that." Scott said still hearing the ringing in his ears.
"That dumb ass was a griever, and just hope we don't run into one tonight."
"Why, what's so bad about them?" Scott asked following Thomas who started to walk away.
"There half animal half machine creatures. If they sting you, it causes extreme pain, so much pain that you wish you were actually dead. Then you have to somehow make it back to the glade to take the grief serum other wise you die. The very few people that have been stung and taken the serum have regained some of their memories during the changing." Thomas explained looking around the corner checking if the ghost was clear.
"Isn't that a good thing, you get your memory back. Wouldn't everyone want to get stung." Scott said carefully following Thomas.
Thomas swung around to face Scott with a confused crossed angry expression on his face. "Are you shucked in the head! Did you not hear when I said extreme pain and besides nobodies the same when they get stung. There more dark, angry, different..."
The two boys looked at each. "Scott you might get your chance to finally meet a griever."
One of the grievers spotted Scott and stiles and now was hunting them. It climbed up to the top of the maze stalking them from above.
"Where is it?" Scott whispered to Thomas, neither of them moving a muscle.
"I don't know, just keep quiet." Thomas whispered back, he was beginning to really regret chasing after Scott.
Now the griever was right on top of them, studying there every move. Thomas felt something wet on his left shoulder, making him look up. "Oh, shit."
"Run!" Thomas yelled pulling on Scotts sleeve.
They both sprinted for their life, with the griever right on their tail.
"Left, go left!" Thomas yelled. Scott did what he said and did a sharp left. The griever was still hot on their tail, making screeching sounds.
It wasn't like anything Scott had ever seen before, how could something like that exist, it's something that you would see in your worst nightmare.
Scott looked back to see how far the griever was, but there was nothing; it disappeared. Scott started to slow down. "Thomas wait-" Scott said tapping on Thomas's shoulder.
"Scott we have to keep running."
"No, it's gone." With that said Thomas came to a halt.
"No it's not gone, there never gone. It's somewhere, probably stalking us right now."
Just as Thomas finished his sentence, the griever came sprinting around the corner.
It all happened so fast that the boys didn't have enough time to run in the other direction. One of the grievers metal legs swung at Thomas, causing him to hit the wall. His head hit the wall with enough force for Thomas to fall unconscious.
Scott saw Thomas crash into the wall, the griever didn't seem to care about Thomas at all, it walked passed him heading straight for Scott. It didn't want Thomas, it wanted Scott.
Suddenly time slowed down. Scott watched as the griever dashed towards him, he saw Thomas laying up against the wall unconscious. So many thoughts running through his head; should he run, should he stay and fight, or let the griever have what it wants.
He looked over to Thomas one more time; and at that moment he decided he was going to fight. He couldn't give up now, after everything he had done to find stiles and now he finally did, he wasn't going to let one stupid griever get in his way.
Scott let out a deep breath and everything sped back up to normal time. He shifted into his werewolf form and let out a roar.
The griever wasn't fazed by Scott, it didn't slow down, in fact it sped up. Scott ran towards it and slashed the creature, making it scream.
The griever spud around to where Scott was and used one of its metal legs to knock Scott off his feet.
Scott hit the ground hard, but quickly jumped back onto his feet. He ran full pelt at the griever, and jumped using his feet to push the griever into the wall. There was so much force that it made the stone wall crack.
Scott waited for the griever to get up or do something, but the griever didn't more. 'I must have hit it harder than I thought.' Scott thought to himself.
He slowly walked towards the very still griever, not wanting to make any noise, just in case it was playing dead. Scott bent down to have a better look at the griever. It was the ugliest thing he had ever seen.
Scott shifted back to his normal self and ran over to Thomas, who was still unconscious.
"Come on man, you have to wake up." Scott said tapping on Thomas's face.
But Thomas was completely out cold.
Scott was now pacing back and forth; he could go deeper into the maze and find away out but he couldn't leave Thomas here with the griever. He had to figure out some way to wake Thomas up.
Then Scott heard metal scrapping on the floor; the griever wasn't dead. "Oh crap."

Well that's the second chapter I hope you liked it. Thank you so much for reading this story! tell me what you think in the comments. 😊

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