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Thomas, Scott and Minho walked over to the benches where frypan was serving dinner.
Gally was on the other side of the table eyeing Scott, and it crept Scott out, he tried to ignore him but he could feel the death stares Gally was giving him.
"Hey, you alright?" Thomas nudged Scott.
"Huh, oh yeah I'm fine." Scott said picking at his food.
"Are you sure, you haven't said a word since Gally." Thomas said worried for Scott.
"I'm just tired I guess." 'Tired of lying.' Scott thought.
Suddenly Scott felt a burning sensation in his hands. He looked down at them and saw claws replacing his fingernails. His heart stopped for a second and he quickly hide his hands under the table. 'Why is this happening?!' Scott thought. He has had control over his werewolf side for awhile now, even on full moons; so why is he having trouble controlling it now?
"I'll be right back." Scott said standing up making sure his hands were behind his back.
"What's wrong?" Thomas asked.
"Nothing, nothing I just need to go for a walk, let off some steam."
Gally saw Scott leave and decided to follow him, he needed to know what he was up to.
Scott could feel the shift happening but he couldn't let it take over, he ran into the forest and collapsed to the ground.
Gally was behind a tree afar watching everything happen.
Scott was trying ever so hard to stop the shift from happening but it was happening so fast. He dug his claws into the ground and started swaying back and forth, trying to gain control.
Gally's eyes widen in horror, what the hell was going on. He wanted to ran back and tell everybody what was happening but he was paralysed in curiosity.
Scott's fangs were penetrating through his gums and his eyes turned a bright red colour, finally Scott let out a roar.
Gally needed to know what was going and finally his curiosity overwhelmed him. He stepped out from the tree and slowly started walking towards Scott.
"Uhh? Scott?" Gally said in an unsure tone.
Scott was still fighting himself for control, and he had to get rid of Gally just in case in lost it. "Gally you have to get away from me." Scott said speaking through his teeth, trying to hold back another growl.
"Look I'm sorry about early." Gally said stepping closer to Scott.
"No, Gally you don't understand! You have to go." Scott said slamming his fist into the ground, making Gally jump.
"What are you?" Gally said not taking notice of Scott's warning.
Something in Scott snapped, causing him to pounce on Gally. "Get the hell off me!" Gally screamed.
Scott grabbed Gally by the shirt and lifted him, pinning him up against a tree. Gally now saw what Scott truly was, and his eyes widened in fear. A single tear ran down gallys face. "W-what are y-you going to do to me?" He barely managed to get out.
Scott stopped, for a second he had control and he took the opportunity to step back from Gally. Scott let his knees fall to the ground and he curled his hands into a fist, causing blood to trickle out because of his claws. Scott was beginning to shift back to his normal self. Scott looked up to Gally. "Pain makes you human."

Hope you guys liked it and tell me what you think in the comments and if you have any suggestions I'd be more then happy to read them.

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