Stay alive

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Scott raced over to Thomas and started shaking him, and tapping his face to wake up, while the griever was starting to wake up. "Thomas wake up! Come on, please just get up." Then Scott had a quick thought, 'maybe if I yell?'
"Stiles!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Then suddenly Thomas eyes shot wide open and gasped for air. He looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was and what was happening.
"Stiles?" Scott asked, not sure if Thomas got his memories back and remembered who he was and his real name.
Thomas looked up at Scott with a confused look. "What? No, it's me Thomas. What the hell happen, my head is thumping." Thomas said trying to stand up.
Scott was disappointed that he still didn't remember, but no matter how long it took, Scott will get him to remember exactly who he is. "You were hit by the griever and it caused you to hit your head hard on the wall, you weren't waking up, so I yelled stiles."
Thomas was surprised. "I woke up by you calling me stiles?"
"Yeah, I guess a part of you still remembers." Scott said smiling.
Then suddenly Scott heard the griever move again, his eyes widen in fear.
"Come on, we have to go." Scott said pulling on Thomas's arm.
Thomas started to follow Scott until he saw the griever laying on the ground, starting to move.
"What the hell did you do to it!?" Thomas said looking Scott dead in the eye. The griever was knocked out, but was starting to regain consciousness.
"I ahh, pushed it?" Scott didn't know how to tell Thomas, he shifted into a werewolf and used his super strength to push it into the stone wall and knock it out cold.
"You pushed it?" Thomas said not believing Scott for a second.
"Yeah?" Scott said rubbing his neck.
"I don't believe you."
Then Scott heard the griever again. "I don't care if you don't believe me but right now we have to go before-" Scott was interrupted by a screeching sound. "Before that."
"Scott, run!" Thomas saw the griever getting up behind Scott and it looked angry.
Thomas and Scott bolted; they ran for their lives.
Scott looked over to Thomas. "Where are we going?!" Scott yelled.
"I don't know, just run straight!" Thomas yelled back.
The griever was running right be hide them, screaming and screeching.
If Scott wanted to, he could ditch the griever in a second, by using his werewolf speed but he couldn't leave Thomas for dead. If he had too, he would shift and fight off the griever himself.
Thomas had a plan form in his head, he signalled for Scott to turn the corner.
They had a few seconds before the griever caught up to them. Thomas stopped Scott and pushed him back to the wall so they could hide.
"What are you doing!? We have to keep running." Scott whispered, not wanting to make too much noise.
"Look I have a plan. I did this last time when I was trapped in here with Minho. We find a closing wall and lead the griever there, then at the right moment we run and the griever gets crushed." Thomas whispers.
Scott nodded in response. "Okay just follow my lead." Thomas said running off.
That moment reminded Scott of Stiles when he always makes the plans. Thomas was the more serious side of Stiles.
Scott shook off the though and ran after Thomas.
After running for what felt like hours, Thomas spotted a closing wall. "Scott look." Thomas said pointing at the wall.
"It's closing." Scott said relieved. They had been running for ever. How is Thomas still running, I'm a werewolf and I'm beat.' Scott thought.
"Okay I'll get the grievers attention and bring it through the closing wall and if I don't make it well, let's not think about that." Thomas said with a little hint of fear in his eyes.
"I won't let that happen." Scott said placing his hand on Thomas's shoulder.
Thomas looked at Scott and gave him a smile, but deep down he was terrified. And just like that Thomas ran off.
Scott was pacing back and forth, Thomas was taking his time and the wall was more than half way closed.
"Scott! Scott!" Scott turned around and saw Thomas sprinting with the griever right behind him.
"Come on Thomas!" Scott yelled, he wasn't going to make it.
Thomas put in everything he had left and ran like he never ran before, but already the wall was touching his skin and he was only half way.
Scott was running his hands through his hair in frustration. Then he had an idea, he didn't leave any second to spare and ran into the closing wall.
Scott held both his hands up to the wall and pushed against the walls to slow them down to give Thomas just enough time for him to get out. He put all his strength into it, making his eyes turn red.
"What are you doing?!" Thomas yelled while running.
"Just. Keep. Going!" Scott said speaking through his teeth and putting his head down so Thomas didn't see his eyes.
Thomas ducked under Scott's arm and ran into the open space, as soon as Scott saw that Thomas was free he let go and ran for it before he got squashed himself.
Scott was almost free until the griever swung its mechanical tail and stung Scott in the back. Scott screamed in pain, and jumped before the wall closed.
Thomas ran over to Scott. "Your one crazy son of a-" Thomas was cut off by Scott.
"Thomas I think I got stung." Scott said looking up at Thomas with worried eyes.
Thomas looked at Scott horrified. He lifted up Scott's shirt and saw a mark where the griever stung him.
"We have to get back to the glade right now." Thomas said helping Scott up.

I hope everyone liked this chapter, and if you have any ideas, please feel free to comment them, I love to read the comments. Like always keep smiling😁 and have a great day!

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