Last one, ever

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"-Scott ran into the closing wall when he knew I wasn't going to make it and started to push on the walls to slow them down, and he actually did it, the walls barely moved. When he saw I was out he started to run and thats when he got stung. Scott saved my life, if it wasn't for him I would be squashed with the griever." Thomas finished telling Newt everything. "Can I go now?"
"Yeah go ahead mate." Newt said.
"Finally, thank you." Thomas said running towards Scott.
Newt didn't know what it was but something changed in Thomas, and he knew it was something to do with Scott.

Thomas was so close to where the med-jacks were keeping Scott until he saw Gally running towards him. "Thomas!" Gally shouted.
Thomas was confused, what did Gally want with him, they never talked unless they were arguing, other than that Thomas tried his best to avoid him. "Gally what happened?"
"What is he!?" Gally shouted.
"Who? What are you talking about?" Thomas had no idea what was wrong with Gally.
"Scott, what the hell is he!?" Gally shouted, pushing Thomas.
Thomas stumbled back. "What is your problem." Thomas said walking around Gally.
Thomas shook of his run in with Gally and walked into med-jacks hut. The first thing he saw was Scott laying very still on the table. "Hey Jeff, is he going to be okay?"
Jeff turned around and gave Thomas a reassuring smile. "Yeah man, he's going to be okay."
It felt like a whole weight lifted from his shoulders. If anything happened to Scott because of him, he would never forgive himself. "Why did you run in after me, we could of both be squashed, you shank." Thomas said talking to Scott, even though he knew Scott couldn't hear him.
The word 'shank' still didn't feel quite right coming from Thomas's mouth, but he was trying to get the glade slang down packed.
Thomas sat back on the chair and looked at Scott, he didn't know what it was, but Scott did feel familiar. Maybe it was because he spent the whole night in the maze with him or maybe it was because he was actually starting to remember. To be honest it actually scared Thomas, he didn't know what his life was before the glade or who he was; what if he didn't like the person he was before.
Then Thomas saw a white piece of paper sticking out of Scott's pocket. "What the hell?" Thomas said leaning over to grab the paper.
It read: he's the last one. EVER.
Thomas eyes widen, what was that suppose to mean.
Scott started to wake up and opened his eyes looking at Thomas. "Stiles what happen?" Scott said trying to keep his eyes awake, he was still quite out of it.
"Umm, I'm Thomas." Thomas replied awkwardly. Thomas felt sorry for Scott; he was meant to be his best friend and remember who he was, but sadly Thomas had no clue who the boy laying on the table in front of him was. But Thomas knew he could trust Scott and he felt safe around him.
Scott blinked his eyes a couple times and sat up. "Sorry I didn't mean to say that."
"It's fine, but Scott, I found this in your pocket, do you know what it means?" Thomas said handing the note to Scott.
"He's the last one, ever? Your telling me this was in my pocket?" Scott questioned. He had no idea what it meant, hell he didn't even know it was in his pocket.
"So I'm guessing you don't know what it means either." Thomas was hoping that Scott would know but it looked like he would have to tell Newt.
"Sorry, but I've never even seen it before." Suddenly Scott remembered when he was given the grief serum and Gally saw him change and growl. Scott sat up immediately with wide eyes, if Gally tells everyone about what Scott did, they would probably never trust him. "Wheres Gally, I need to speak to him." Scott said getting up from the table. But was hit with dizziness.
"Woah buddy. You need to sit back down." Thomas said.
Scott looked up to Thomas, for a second he could of sworn it was Stiles. The way he sounded then was so much like Stiles.
"What, why are you looking at me like that?" Thomas said, he saw Scott staring at him.
"Nothing, sorry. I just- never mind." Scott barley managed to get his words out.
"Okay? anyway I need to get this note to Newt, he'll want to see this." Thomas said heading towards the door.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I don't know anything about it, trust me if I remembered I would tell you." Scott said. Thomas nodded and ran out to find newt.
Scott slowly stood back up not wanting to feel dizzy again and headed for the door, he needed to confront Gally and find out what he saw.

So in this story, Scott is replacing Teresa. I hope you guys don't mind.
Anyway I hope you liked it and tell me what you thought of it.

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