What's happening to me?

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Scott tried serval times trying to lift himself up from the wall, but each time his hand would give way causing him to be right back to where he was. He was too weak. He wished his wounds would hurry up and heal themselves then he could find Minho and Stiles and get the hell out of here. Scott had no choice but to watch the mechanical beast creep towards him, coming to finish him off. The griever was now face to face with Scott. He couldn't bare to look at it, none of it looked pleasant, in fact it looked very disturbing. Scott closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable to happen.
"Scott! Scott!" Stiles screamed causing his voice to crack. He saw Scott beaten leaning against the wall, this only made him run faster.
Scott could faintly hear someone screaming his name, he gave it his all to turn around. Panic erupted inside him when he saw Stiles running towards him. "No... Stiles. D-don't, go back..." Scott, an Alpha werewolf was thrown around like he was nothing by the griever so how does Stiles stand a chance against it, he was as good as dead. Scott screamed in agony as he tried lifting himself, but just like last time he collapsed. He just had to sit and watch his best friend get mauled by the griever and he couldn't do anything about.
"Hey ugly, over here!" Stiles waved over the griever, taking its attention off Scott. Stiles' plan was simple, get the griever's attention away from Scott until he fully heals then let him take over. Stiles knew very well that he didn't stand a chance with a one on one with a griever, but he wasn't just going to let Scott die. Not after he just got his memories back.
The griever turned to face Stiles, and almost immediately bolted towards him. Stiles only had a matter of seconds to dodge it. The griever just missed him. It used its metal legs to stop itself creating a high pitch noise, causing Stiles to cover his ears. The griever didn't take long to recover itself, as it already started running at Stiles again. All Stiles had to do was to stay away for it until Scott was healed.
Scott watched on as Stiles did his best to avoid the griever, but he could see Stiles was beginning to slow down. It was just a matter of time before Stiles got caught. Scott urged himself on to heal faster. He needed to get up otherwise there would be no more Stiles. He continued to cry out in pain and frustration as he pushed himself to stand. It was when he saw the griever pounce on Stiles, crushing him under its weight, when Scott finally snapped. He was consumed by anger and fear making his eyes change to a furious red and letting out a roar which shock the maze. He stood up fully shifted now, he was more then ready for round 2. Scott slammed into the grievers side causing the maze to shake. This gave Stiles enough time to crawl to safety after nearly being squashed to death.
Stiles watched on knowing if he was to join the fight he would most likely be killed. He saw something in Scott's eyes that he had never seen before, it almost looked murderous. Scott wasn't holding back this time, he was full of rage and he was letting it all out on the griever. Punch after punch after punch. The griever tried to escape Scott, it wasn't trying to fight or kill anymore, it was simply just trying to survive. Scott yelled which quickly turned into a roar as he continued to slam his fists into the griever. By now the griever was dead but Scott didn't seem to notice, just kept hammering down the punches and to be honest he was enjoying it.
Scott was so focused on the griever that he didn't notice Stiles behind him, trying to get his attention. "Scott, come on man, that's enough. Its dead." Stiles said placing a hand on Scott's shoulder which in hindsight was a bad idea. Scott turned around and pushed Stiles into the wall with immense force, raising his fist ready to act.
"S-Scott its me Stiles." Stiles stuttered out in fear. He had never seen Scott like this, his eyes were filled with rage. His was ready to kill.
He was panting heavily as if he was fighting himself. Scott screamed as he followed through with his punch, but instead of hitting Stiles, he punched the wall causing it to crumble. He pushed himself of the wall, forcing himself to get away from Stiles before he hurts him. His legs gave way, leaving him to get some sort of control over himself.
Stiles was still frozen leaning on the wall. 'What just happened? Scott had never done that before, well except for when he was first turned, unless...' Stiles thought to himself. He finally gathered enough courage to walk over to Scott hoping to god that he was in control.
"Scott?" Stiles says unsure what he would get in reply, a growl? Or actual words? But Stiles received nothing but silence which made him slightly more nervous. "Ahh Scott, buddy, you there?" he said slowly walking closer to him, making sure he doesn't make any sudden moves.
"Stiles I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what came over me. I could of hurt you, or worse-" Scott was cut off by Stiles.
"But you didn't." Stiles was now in front of Scott. He was back to normal. Stiles looked down at Scott's hands, they were covered in blood. Scott must have used pain to make himself human.
"What's happening to me?" He looked up at Stiles with confused puppy eyes.
"I think I have an idea, but you're not going to like it, especially given that tomorrow is the full moon." Stiles sighed, knowing if his theory was true then the next 24 hours was going to be hell.

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