Run and Hide

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"Get the hell away from me you monster!" Gally screamed with a massive vein on his forehead, just about ready to burst. "If you come near me I swear."
Scott slowly stood up, not wanting to frighten Gally, he was already frighten enough as it is. "I'm not going to hurt you okay, just calm down." Scott said in a soft calming voice.
"Calm down! calm down! you aren't even human and you nearly killed me!" Gally shouted, throwing his arms around.
"I know and for that I'm deeply sorry but it won't happen again I promise." 'I hope it doesn't happen again.' Scott thought.
"What are you?!" Gally demanded.
"I'm a werewolf." Scott said it as simple as he could.
"You've got to be shucking kidding me. Wait until the other shanks hear about this."
Before Scott could even try and convince Gally not to tell everyone, he sprinted off. "Stop! Wait!" Scott yelled.
"You have got to me kidding me." Scott said to himself, running his hands down his face in frustration.
Scott then ran after Gally. Hopefully no one would actually believe him, or would they? What would they do to him if they found out? Would they torture him, lock him up and throw away the key for ever, banish him in the maze leaving him for dead?
Scott finally caught up to Gally, but it was too late he already started talking to Minho and Thomas. "His not what you think he is. His a-" Gally was cut off by a loud ear piercing sound.
Scott looked around, and just about every glader was running around yelling. Minho grabbed onto one of the gladers arm, stopping him from running. "What the shuck is going on?" Minho asked. Scott sighed relieved; Gally never finished his sentence and no one was asking questions about him, Scott felt a whole weight lift from his shoulders.
"T-the doors, they aren't closing! Do you hear me, the doors aren't closing and the grievers are coming!" The boy yelled, he was terrified.
Minho let go of his arm in pure shock. "Great, just great. This is just what we needed." Minho said running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Weapons, we need weapons. Then meet me back at frypans." Thomas said.
No one hesitated, they all ran off in different directions trying to find what they could use to defend theirselves; what ever it took to survive.
The sun was setting over the walls making the glade darker, and soon it would be pitch black. The worst thing about it was, the gladers would never see the grievers coming, they were going in blind.
Scott wasn't quite use to the glade yet but he had a idea of what he could use as a weapon. He sprinted back into the forest and picked up the biggest and sharpest sticks he could find. Scott was going to use them as spears.
Then Scott heard the death defying noise of a griever, they were already in the glade, and soon after, he heard the screams of the poor innocent kid who was being slaughtered by them. 'That should be enough.' Scott thought as he picked up one more stick and sprinted back in the direction he came from.
It was hard to make out where he was going because it was so dark. But eventually he made it back to frypans, where Thomas said to meet up, but no one was there.
Then he heard the scream of the one person he never wanted to get hurt; Thomas. Scott dropped all the sticks he collected and ran following the scream. He looked around for Thomas, terrified of what could be happening to him, but he was no where to be seen.
Scott held his hands up to his head, he couldn't hear Thomas screaming anymore.
What if Scott was too late?
Everything was happening so fast. He saw teenage boys running for their life's, some only 14 years old, still only kids. One of the boys were screaming out for help until the griever penetrated one of its metal legs into the defenceless boys back. Scott looked away immediately, it was all too much, why would anyone create such a thing.
Then Scott heard a voice that made his heart stop for a second. "Scott!" Thomas yelled from underneath a griever. He had a stick up against the griever trying to hold it off.
"Thomas!" Scott yelled. 'Oh thank god your alright.' Scott thought.
Suddenly Thomas's spear broke in half from the force the griever was putting on it. Scott had to do something fast other wise there would be no more Thomas.

It's about to get interesting, and maybe, just maybe we might get to see stiles soon. Also I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes I will edit soon, I just had to publish something. Hope you guys like it and I'll try and update soon, I'm excited to write the next chapters.

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