They need to be saved

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Stiles runs to catch up to Minho. "What were you two shanks talking about over there? Seemed pretty intense." Minho said while running through the opening of the maze, with out giving it a second thought.
"Oh nothing really, Scott was trying to get me to remember." Stiles lied the best he could. Even though he did remember everything now, Minho was still one of his best friends, so it was hard having to lie to Minho.
Stiles creased his forehead. "So, what?"
"So do you remember anything?" Minho asked curiously, he was starting to notice little things off about him.
Stiles heart rate started to pick up as he was anxious if Minho knew anything or was starting to piece things together. "No, I don't remember."
Minho didn't say anything to that which made Stiles relieved and worried at the same time. But mostly he was glad Minho didn't say anything else because he was starting to get breathless.
After about 5 hours of running Minho and Stiles decided to head back to the glade. They didn't find anything new or suspicious, everything looked like it did before.
"We better hurry, it's starting to get dark, and you know what that means; grievers." Minho said slightly worried, he didn't want to get stuck out here at night with grievers again.
After 5 minutes of running stiles had a thought. "Minho do you think we will ever get out of this shuck hole?" Stiles said using the glade language which still felt strange coming from him.
"To be honest mate, no. It's been 3 shucking years and we haven't found anything new or a way out, and the way things are going the grievers will bloody kill us all." What Minho said sent a shiver down Stiles spine.
"How could it be the end now after all this time, and the creators aren't even giving us a fighting chance." Stiles said kicking a rock.
All of a sudden Minho swung his arm out in front of stiles, making him stop.
"What are you doing?!" Stiles whisper yelled.
"Shut it."
Neither of them made a sound. It was completely quiet, until the one thing they didn't want to run into came charging around the corner.
"Go! Go! Go!" Minho yelled as he saw the mechanical beast coming straight for them.

Scott found himself a rock and threw it up in the air and caught again, he did that several times, to pass the time. He had no idea how long he had been in this cage but it sure as hell felt like a life time.
He could see the sun setting over the walls, it was beginning to get dark and Stiles and Minho still weren't back yet. It made Scott worried, anything could of happened to them. He just wished someone could tell him what was going on and why they weren't back yet.
But then Scott heard a scream that only he was able to hear and it sounded like Stiles. Immediately he stood up and raced over to the bars.
"Something's wrong! There in trouble!" Scott tried yelling out to get someone's attention, but no one heard him.
He heard another scream, it must of been Minho.
"Hey! Someone! There in trouble, please someone!" Still no one, Scott hit the bars in frustration and to his surprise it broke.
Scott's eyes widen as he saw what he just did. 'You idiot, why didn't you think of this sooner.' Scott told himself.
He quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking, and then bam! He knocked over the bars and quickly ran to the maze.
"Hey his escaping! What did I tell you!" Gally yelled pointing at Scott.
Scott didn't care what they would do to him after, he knew he had to save Stiles and Minho.
All the gladers started running at Scott, yelling and screaming for him to get back into the slammer, but that made Scott run even faster.
Scott was so close to the maze until he felt something around his feet. One of the glader threw a bola and it tangled around his legs, causing him to fall face first.

 One of the glader threw a bola and it tangled around his legs, causing him to fall face first

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They all gathered around Scott. Gally pushed through the crowd and punch Scott fair in the face. "I knew you were no good, but no one believed me." He spat at Scott.
"Look I don't care what you think, but sti- Thomas and Minho are in trouble, I heard them scream." Scott tried reasoning with Gally.
"I don't believe you. Your using that as a excuse to run away." Gally said looking down at Scott.
Scott rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this." Scott used his claws to free himself from the rope and stood up. Gally jumped on Scott and tackled him to the ground. Scott was getting frustrated and angry, he didn't care if he shifted, he had to get to that maze.
"Get off me." Scott threaten, speaking through his teeth. He was fully shifted now.
Gally's eyes widen and he stepped back holding his hands up in surrender, as did all the other gladers.
Scott turned around and ran for the maze, he had to find stiles and Minho.

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