The Temper of a Kitten

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"Please McGonogall, I need to work," Dumbledore said as he sank into his chair. 

She flicked her ear and settled down onto his papers as only a cat can do. Nearby his quill sat, and she started to gnaw on it. Her tail flicked back and forth lazily as she stared down the headmaster. 

"Fine, I'll do it," He sighed, "But only because you're my favorite and I need you to get off those ministry papers."

With a content sound, she leaped off the desk and strode out of the headmaster's office. Overhead, a painting started to rant about when he was headmaster. Dumbledore hushed him and got to work, pointedly ignoring McGonogall.

McGonogall stayed in cat form, walking down the hall with a content look on her face. She ignored Peeves and his antics as she went. 

"Nice story," I whispered to Fred. 

"Thanks, we wrote it," George replied.

I gave him a quizzical look before dumping 3 toadstool mushrooms into my potion. I glanced at the back of the class ad the door creaked open. My mind had been nothing but a whirl of questions. I'd founf a brown letter on my bedside table today. 


Don't try what the twins are doing and save yourself some mockery. 

The twins and I didn't have any plans today. I looked towards the door, momentarily allowing my gaze to stray from my potion. 

McGonagall stood in cat form, her tail swishing unhappily. 

Without a word to anyone, she strode up the aisle, gathering our attention. Ignoring Snape, she leapt into an empty jar on his desk, the exact jar he had been about to pick up. 

"McGonogall, I am in class, as should you be." Snape's cold voice droned. 

She ignored him, flicking her ear and snuggling down deeper into the jar. 

"McGonagall, I thought you had a class with the 6th years right now," Snape said, earning a light glare from the cat. 

"If I stop taking points from Gryffindor for a week, will you let me get on with this lesson?" He asked with a sigh. 

The twins and I exchanged looks. Was Snape bartering with a cat? What had this world come to?

The now content McGonogall leaped out of the jar and stretched, making sure to scatter the papers on the desk. She wandered her way past the first years; her tail held high. 

The class started to chatter as the left the room. The buzz of the room was amplified by the cold stone around us. Echoes of our voices filtered down the hall. Snape yelled for silence; his eyebrows knit together in anger. 

10 minutes went by, the entire class still abuzz. We slowly started working again, our murmers quieting through Snape's yelling. 

"What was that all about?" George asked Fred in a hushed tone. 

"I don't know," Fred replied, "Want to see where she's heading?"

With a nod from George and a glance at Snape, Fred pulled a piece of paper from his robe. It as brown and worn, unfolding into a hundred different directions. He muttered something under his breath, hiding the paper under his book as Snape glanced our way. 

The paper held a map of the school, the inhabitants marked by labeled dots. Fred pointed to one dot making it's way to, what I assumed, was Dumbledore's office. 

"Do you think it's happening?" Fred asked, shaking out his hands. He grinned, his freckles prominent in the dim candlelight.

"I think maybe our story has come true," George said, picking at his arm. He was absentmindedly running his thumb in circles on the map. 

"Or maybe she's lost her mind." I put in, turning away from the two and continuing with my potion. 

"We might be prophets with the third eye. Fred, we might have the skill of divination." George bubbled, laughing a bit. Seeing Snape headed our way, he muttered something and tapped the paper clean. 

Snape stood next to us for a moment, glaring at the three of us. He looked over our potions, making mindless comments about how badly our potion was turning. As he grudgingly left us and our potions, Fred started whispering again. 

"Geroge, we might have some kind of magical powers," Fred said. 

"Yeah," said George, "Let's concentrate really hard on killing Snape and see if it happens."

They closed their eyes and screwed up their faces in concentration. Was this what the letter was talking about? Were they going to humiliate themselves and kill Snape?

I held my breath for a moment, eyeing Snape. Nothing happened. 

"You think you have powers, so you try to kill a teacher," I said to them. 

"Go big or go home," George said. 

"How, may I ask, I looking constipated going to help you make this potion?" Snape's cold voice snaked through the class. 

Our classmates giggled, Fred and George's immediately opening their eyes. 

"Uh-" They said in unison. 

"I said I wouldn't take points, but that will not stop me from throwing you into detention. You three, detention tomorrow night." Snape said. 

The twins and I exchanged looks and groaned. 

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now