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Y/n P.O.V.

Christmas came and went in a blur. I looked at the letter every day in hopes of a new message from My Guardian Angel. The new year started, and there wasn't even a mark on the paper. 

Frustrated, I glanced around the room and sighed. Christmas with the Weasleys was terrific, but I needed to figure out the mystery. 

Today, two days before school started back up again, we were heading to Diagon Alley for supplies. I left Ginny's room and trudged over to George and Fred's room. Walking in like I owned the place, I sat on the bed and started to swing my legs. I watched Fred and George pack on opposite sides of the room. Their backs were turned away from each other, the door, and consequently, the bed. 

George sighed and looked at his trunk, pausing his packing. "You seriously think we should tell her about the map?" 

"What map?" I chirped in before Fred could even open his mouth to answer.

"Bloody Hell!" Fred and George yelled in surprise as they turned to face me. Fred had his hands up as if he was ready to defend himself, and George had crossed his arms over himself in a protective manner. I turned my head and looked at them curiously.

"Didn't you hear me enter?" I asked them with a puzzled expression.My question only added to the confusion in the room. The atmosphere darkened in the room.

"How long have you been sitting there?" George asked.

"Er-uh-I'm not sure; I just got here?" I replied.

"Let's re-word that," Fred said, "How much did you hear?"

"Everything?" I said, unsure of what they meant, "So what was that about a map?"

The twins exchanged another significant look.

George sighed, "I guess there is no keeping it from you now."

Fred nodded his head in agreement as George went fishing in his trunk for something.He pulled out a large piece of parchment and muttered an incantation as he tapped it with his wand. I looked at him with horror as the map exploded with life and ink markings. Were they receiving letters from someone too? Nah, they would've told me about that. Maybe they found a way to duplicate the spell. 

"No magic outside of Hogwarts! You could get in trouble for that!" I whisper yelled as I looked around, feeling as if people would be bursting through the door any minute.

"Oh, hush up," George said and shoved the map in my face.

The more I looked at it, the more it seemed to resemble Hogwarts. Dumbledore was in his office, Filch near the gates, Snape in the girl's bathroom, Mrs. Sprout in the greenhouses, and Professor McGonagall was walking toward her classroom.

I looked expectantly from the map to the twins. "Where did you get this?" I inquired.

"You see? I told you that was going to be the first question she asked." Fred said as George grudgingly handed him few a knuts.

"We got it from Filch's office during detention," George explained as Fred pocketed the money.

I opened my mouth to ask a question before Fred interrupted me.

"I'm sure whatever question you are about to ask is a good one, but the better question is- Why is Snape in the girl's bathroom?"

I inspected the map closer. "There is also a girl in the bathroom," I said after a moment, "it appears her name is Myrtle."

"Their names are so close together." Fred pointed out.

"The names are almost on top of each other," George said.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now