Exactly as Planned

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Disclaimer: I have no clue what I'm doing. This chapter was not planned, it just happened. I swear I am not insane, drunk, high, or on any medication. This is certainly an originally imaginative chapter. Please enjoy.

Y/n P.O.V

"So, here's the plan," Fred said while pointing to the map of the school.

"We take three secret passageways down to the kitchen," George said.

"Then we get on the good side of the house elves," Fred said.

"Then we get them to smuggle us into the dorm by magic," Geroge continued as he moved his finger to point at the room Percy would be sleeping in.

I nodded along to their plan, wondering how I would fit into it.

"All three of us have to do our part to make this work," Fred said as he pulled out three bits of spare parchment and jotted down our tasks.

"Y/n needs to make sure Percy shows up at dinner, so we know he'll go to bed at 9:45 as usual. Geroge needs to create a diversion using Peeves and get all the teachers tired so they'll go to bed sooner. I will need you both to cover for me as I get the horse." Fred said and jotted down everything in his messy handwriting.

"What do we need the horse for?" I asked.

"We'll get there in due time," Fred said quietly. George nodded along to what Fred was saying. Giving up on questioning their sanity, I went along with the idea.

Dinner went fine. Percey showed up. George had a moment of conversation with Peeves, and I assume they were planning mischief. Fred was gone for most of the dinner, and the only thing he would tell us was, "it was quite a hassle to get the horse positioned and convince it to stay."

Geroge seemed to understand the sentence. I, however, was not informed enough to decipher its meaning. Peeves created havoc during the last half of dinner, but it was short-lived.

The moment Peeved set ghostly foot into the room; all teachers sat up straighter. The moment Peeves started singing a catchy tune about Snape's love life with Myrtle; Dumbledore flicked his wand and Peeves was shot out of the room. Peeves never even got to start the food fight he came for.

Despite the failed Peeves idea, the twins thought our plan would go off without a hitch. We left the dining hall along with everyone else, splitting up to mingle with others. It would look like we were plotting something if we hung out too much tonight.

After a few hours with our separate friend groups, people started going up to bed. We met down at the kitchen door when we were sure enough people were asleep. Hopefully, no one would notice our disappearance.

When we were at the door of the kitchen, Fred's face exploded with emotion. He turned to George with a funny look on his face.

"We forgot to feed bomber and Bofer." He said sorrowfully.

Geroge's face suddenly contorted into one full of emotion as well.

"Bomber and Bofer?" I asked with an amused look. There was nothing about a Bomber and a Bofer in our plan.

The twins looked at each other and then back at me. "Our penguins," They said together.

"We forgot to feed them," Fred said and rotated his foot in a circular motion on the floor.

"We can put the plan on hold, right? Feed them and come back to finish the plan?" Geroge asked.

Fred nodded with him, and the two started to sprint down the hallway.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now