Big Mess

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Y/n P.O.V. 

I stifled a giggle as Fred walked around the common room like a monkey. His hands were in his armpits, his hooting loud. 

George pointed his wand at me. "I shall turn you into an elephant!" He exclaimed, grinning. 

I placed my arm in front of my face, pretending it was a trunk. Letting out an elephant roar and a giggle, I walked over to Fred. Together, we marched around the room as animals. 

"Wow! It sure is a zoo in here!" George hollered, earning a groan from fellow students. 

My laugh was cut short as I tripped over a stack of books. Fred stumbled over me, his foot getting caught on my leg. He crashed over me, bumping his head on a table. 

He stretched his arms above his head, yawning slightly. Sticking my tongue out at him, I poked his armpit. Fred fell backward onto the ground, writhing and groaning in pretend agony. 

"Oh, no! She got me! The attack went straight to my heart! I'll love no longer! Tell my mother I love her!" He closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue, sprawling on the floor. "Death..." He groaned, peeking open an eye. 

"Yes! Victory is mine! I've killed the monkey!" I grinned broadly, lifting both arms into the air in triumph. In victory, I turned to look at George. His head was tilted to the side, a grin plastered on his face. His eyes met mine, and he immediately turned away. 

"You three are just too cute!" Someone called out from up a flight of stairs. I glanced in that direction, hearing faint giggling and talking. 

George's footsteps were light on the soft carpet, as he walked carefully over to us. He stepped over a pile of books, taking extra caution not to trip. His foot part way over the collection, he looked up at me. His eyes met mine, his foot catching on the books. With a loud thump and a muffled groan, he joined us on the floor. 

Rolling to my belly, I propped myself up on my elbows. "What mischief shall we cause today?" 

Fred crawled across the ground like a caterpillar, moving next to George's side. He pulled George into a headlock, ruffling his brother's hair. "I'm too tired after conducting the zoo!" George exclaimed, pushing Fred away. 

"You didn't even march around the room!" Fred laughed lightly. I looked around the common room. It was filthy, books scattered everywhere. 

"All these books are a total tripping hazard!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

"If you say we should clean them up, we're leaving," Fred and George groaned simultaneously. 

I rolled my eyes, pointing one finger at the two. "We're going to organize it! That's different than cleaning it!" I picked up a nearby book, opening the cover. "This belongs to Ron."

Fred and George groaned, planting their faces on the carpet. Sighing, I decided to make it into a game.  "Use a levitating spell, and the first person to stack five books against the farthest wall wins!" I declared, taking out my wand. 

Fred and George looked at me with mild interest. "Should we?" Fred asked. 

"Nah," George replied. 

I sighed in exasperation, levitating a book. I quickly stacked several books, ignoring the boys on the ground.  "Hey, Y/n, let's do something fun!" George whined. 

I turned my head away from him, pointedly ignoring him. Swishing and flicking my wand, I stacked several more books against the farthest wall. 

A loud crash echoed through the room. I looked back at the boys to see that they had, in fact, levitated something. Several books, quills, a baseball bat, broom, and cat soared across the room. They crashed into each other, creating a commotion. The cat angrily spun in the air, meowing ferociously. It clawed at the books as it was tossed through the air. 

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now