Sick Day

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Y/N P.O.V.

I rolled over, opening my eyes slightly. Someone was placing a brown envelope on my bedside table. A bright red scarf hung around their neck as they looked at me with sympathy. Bright gold eyes met mine; a head tilted slightly to the side. 

"Feel better soon. Your guardian angel sends her love." He said softly, waving his wand in front of my eyes. 

I bolted upright, sweating. I sniffled, wiping my nose. My head throbbed, and the room spun as I sat up. "Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my nose for the hundredth time. It was pink and stuffy, and my voice was hoarse. Crust stuck to my eyelashes, my head thick from sleep. 

The dorm room was empty, blinding white snow falling outside. I groaned and fell back into bed, ignoring the world. My throat throbbed as coughs wracked through my body. I winced and curled up in a ball, hoping for it to stop. 

"Hey! Y/n! Why are you still in bed?" A set of voices chorused. I huddled farther under my blankets, trying to get warm and escape the boys simultaneously.

"Everyone's going to Hogsmeade! Let's go! I'll treat you to some butterbeer!" One voice said. 

A loud smack rang through the small room, followed by a massive thump. "He means, we'll treat you to some butterbeer." The voice was muffled by the floor. 

I peeked out from the blankets to see Fred on the floor, holding his head. George was standing next to him, a triumphant smile on his lips. 

"Go away! I don't feel good!" I croaked. The boys' eyes widened in surprise. 

"Man, you look like death!" They laughed. Frowning at them, I buried my face in my pillow. A violent shudder ripped through my body in reaction to the cold. 

"I think she's sick," Fred whispered loudly. Ignoring him, I curled back up into my earlier position. 

"George! Go get Mrs. Pomphrey!" Fred commanded. Footsteps pounded out of the room and down the stairs in an instant. The other set of steps approached my bed. The bed sank as another person's weight was added to the bed. Careful, tender fingers soothingly brushed my hair. They were warm and soft. I leaned into the touch slightly. 

Another violent shudder overcame me, shaking the bed slightly. I hugged myself in attempt to draw any warmth around me. Cold air assaulted my back as the covers were lifted somewhat. I turned my head do glare, coming face to face with Fred. 

He slid into the blankets, taking me by surprise. I scootched away from him, my hoarse voice trying to find the right words. A reassuring hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. 

"I'm sorry you're sick. Let me warm you up. George will be here soon." Fred whispered in my ear. I froze, my back against his chest. He intertwined our legs, his breath hot on the back of my neck. A hand played gently with my hair.

I laughed awkwardly, wanting him to leave, but not wanting the warmth to disappear. My shivers slowly subsided as Fred's warmth intertwined with mine. I relaxed into his arms, enjoying myself. Slowly rotating, I moved so I could face him. 

"Wha-what are you doing?" Fred asked quietly. His cheeks were slightly pink. 

"Rotating, so the other side gets warm too," I whispered back, my eyes finding his. His grin was lopsided as he gazed at me. 

Fred's P.O.V.

Y/n's eyes fluttered shut. Her breath was uneven and rattled slightly. Her mouth was open, her lips dry and cracked. 

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now