Golden Snowflakes of Doom

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Y/N P.O.V.

"I swear to god, the twins did it!" I threw my hands up in the air. Murmers and giggles surrounded me in the halls, the girls crowding around me. Bodies surrounded me on every side, frustrated girls eyeing me with disdain. A hand firmly grabbed my arm, pulling me.  

Max pulled me away, weaving through the crowd of people. "Why were you surrounded by a large group of angry girls on this wonderful Thursday morning?" He asked in a low tone. 

"Fred and George exploded several toilets in the girls' bathroom." I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting. "The girls just happened to blame me for it." 

"So what I'm hearing is that we need to get revenge on the twins?" Max asked, still pulling me forward. "I have a plan. I need you to get some paint. I'll handle the rest."

I nodded, turning and walking towards the magical arts and crafts room. They would have plenty of paint in self-refilling buckets. Max sprinted in the opposite direction, a loud crash echoing down the hall. "I'm ok!" Soon followed as more resounding bangs erupted from that direction. 

I looked down the hall for a moment, contemplating if I needed to help him. I paused, turning to gaze down the hall. A random car tire rolled in circles, spinning like a coin. Shaking my head, I knocked politely on the door. 

"Come in." A familiar voice said, muffled by the dense wood. I pushed against the door, heaving it open with my shoulder. In the corner of the room stood a figure with a red scarf. He was staring out the window, a brown envelope on the table next to him. 

"Y/n," He said, unmoving. His voice was low and sexy, rivaling any man's voice. He was perfect in every way; his looks, his voice, his body. I hesitantly stepped toward the figure. 

"Long eyelashes guy??" I asked in curiosity, taking a few more steps. I couldn't see his eyes. If it wasn't him, it'd be awkward to call him my guardian angel. 

"I prefer the name 'guardian angel.'" The man paused, turning slightly. His golden eyes were pleading as he looked at me. "I come bearing my last message for you. I also come with a warning. Please, don't do anything reckless in the next 36 hours. Nothing neckless. 36 hours. If you plan to do ANYTHING, write thank you letters to all your friends and remaining relatives. Please, Y/n, you must listen to me." 

I looked at the man in curiosity. His sincerity amazed me. Never in my life had anyone spoken with such conviction. "Why?"

The man looked down at the letter, shaking his head. He refused to look me in the eye. "This is a timed letter. Everything is in here. All your answers will appear in 24 hours. I must leave." He turned his scarf swishing. With a crack and a pop, he disappeared. I gazed longingly at the spot where he had stood moments before. 

Sighing, I walked to the letter and picked it up. All my answers in 24 hours, huh? Sliding it into my pocket, I looked around. I needed to stay focused and find some paint. I darted around my mind in a haze. House elves, ghosts, and Dumbledore were the only ones who could disappear like that inside of Hogwarts. 

Spotting some neon green and orange paint on a shelf, I picked up both buckets. Whatever Max was planning, we'd probably need two gallons of paint. I hurried away, a bucket in each arm, looking around for Max. I half hoped I'd also see my Guardian Angel.

 The tire sat in the middle of the hall, pots, and pans strewn all around, and a ladder on its side. A small fire consumed a shattered table, a magical rainbow cloud hovering in the middle of the hall. Before a question could even form in my mouth, a student pointed to a closed door. "He went in there." 

I nodded rapidly, hesitantly pushing the door open with my shoulder. Max sat in the middle of the room, covered in sparkly yellow glitter. "What happened in here?"

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now