Twin Kittens

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Y/n P.O.V.

I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head. I desperately needed sleep. "Another late night?" Fred asked. I nodded, yawning big this time.

"That's not good for you, you know," George scolded me.I nodded slightly, resisting another yawn.

"Fred can finish this potion. Let's sit down. You're tired." George slung an arm loosely over my shoulder and guided me to the wall. He sat down, patting the ground next to him.

Collapsing to the ground, I leaned against him. He wrapped an arm around my back, allowing my head to rest on him. Feather-light fingers wove themselves through my hair as I closed my eyes.

"Fred, you're supposed to be stirring to the left, not the right." George laughed from the ground.

I opened my eyes quickly and stood up. Knowing the twins, it was going to explode. I bolted around a corner in the passage, stopping when I was out of reach of the potion.

"That's a cat attraction potion, and I swear, if it explodes, i'll-" My words were cut short.

"KRRSH-BOOM-POHW!" The pot violently exploded. 

Pink gas crawled across the ground, sneaking around the corner and covering my feet. It wafted in tendrils, cascading over everything in moments. A second passed, releasing a shaky breath i risked a glance around the corner. 

"KRRSH-BOOM-POHW!" SOmething else exploded. Ducking back around the corner, i waited for another few heartbeats. 

"Y/n?" One of the boys called me. I ducked my head around the corner, looking for them quickly. They were laying on the ground, their shirts obliterated by the explosion. Slowly, as if in a daze, they sat up. Staring at them, I rubbed my eyes. I blinked rapidly, blaming my tired brain for the additions to Fred and George.

"Y/n, you're staring at us like that time we grew antlers," Fred grinned cheekily.

I shook my head seriously. "No, it's not antlers this time. Um, it's cat ears, actually."

The boys gasped and turned to each other, gazing at their ears. Fred's ears we calico, a mix of orange and brown. George's ears were solid orange, flicking in irritation.

A haughty blush rushed to my cheeks. "Did you guys, uh, grow, uh, tails?" I took a step towards them, gazing at their ears. I suddenly grew abashed, realizing what I asked. What was i thinking? Tails were located near their... Nevermind...

"Let me check," George said, reaching behind him.

"Yep, we have tails," Fred grinned at George.

I looked back up at them for a moment, noticing large gaping holes in their shirts. The potion must have burnt holes in them or something. 

"Your shirts are ruined. Thank goodness you didn't wear your robes this time. Your mom would kill you," I took a few steps toward them, my eyes scanning the large holes in their shirts.

"There's no point in wearing them with this many holes!" Fred exclaimed and began pulling his shirt over his head. I glanced at the ground, hearing shuffling as George took off his shirt too.

"Hey, Y/n, look at my abs," George stood up and flexed.I glanced at him, my eyes scanning him. I resisted a laugh.

"Wow! You love your abs so much you hide them under a layer of fat! Very impressive!" I finally met his eyes, a teasing smile plastered on my face. His grin was goofy and lopsided.

He strode over to me, standing in front of me. "You'll still dig me even without the abs, right?"

"Nah, bro, she totally digs me instead." Fred laughed from his position a few feet away. They both looked intently at me. I watched as George's ear flicked with anticipation, his tail swaying back and forth. Fred's ears were back, his tail swishing faster. Footsteps approached down the passage and we all froze. Looking behind Fred, a tall menacing figure appeared.

"Well, isn't this interesting. Y/n, I didn't know you were into that!" Dumbledore said, choosing his steps through the pink cloud on the ground. 

"Into what?" I asked carefully. Fred turned around to face Dumbledore, eyeing him warily.

"You have two, half-naked boys, with cat ears and tails, in a secret passage, all alone. What am I supposed to think? I know you kids are into kinky foreplay nowadays!" He said, shaking his finger at us.

"DUMBLEDORE!" We all yelled at the same time. 

"We were making a potion that went wrong, they got cat ears, and their shirts were destroyed." I spluttered quickly, cringing at how fake it sounded.

Dumbledore hummed in reply. He was staring down at the pink cloud that still covered the floor.

"I have to say, those ears do look quite fine on you boys," Dumbledore replied after a moment of thinking. He poked the potion on the ground with his foot. "I don't think I'd mind having cat ears and a tail. It'd make life more interesting."

"If you touch the potion, you'll probably gain cat ears and a tail," Fred gestured to the purple goop.

Without hesitation, Dumbledore thrust his hand into the goop. I closed my eyes as a loud pop exploded in the small passage. Dumbledore wasn't stupid, simply making sure the potion was safe. If he didn't die from it, we most likely wouldn't either. 

Heavy pink smoke filled the passage, clouding the entire place. I brought my hand in front of my face, waving it a few times. My hand was barely visible. I squinted to see anything, almost yelling in surprise as George's arm found it's way around my waist.

"You're really something, you know that Y/n" George hummed in my ears.

"Now's not the time to flirt, George!" I jokingly pushed him, waving my hand to clear the smoke. "Dumbledore?" I asked skeptically.

A meow answered my question. The pink smoke rapidly cleared, a small cat sitting where Dumbledore once stood. It was surrounded by robes on the floor, it's sparkly silver hair catching my eye.

"That cat has a beard," Fred pointed out. I looked more closely at the cat, grinning as it's beard dragged on the ground. 

"Dumbledore, you make a hideous cat," George bluntly stated. Dumbledore hissed and dashed towards me. In a leap and a bound, he jumped into a pocket of my robes and started purring loudly. 

I looked at the boys, raising an eyebrow as Fred joined George and I. Fred's hands gingerly touched his ears, working around them. "George, you look good with ears, so I must look good too, right Y/n?"

I shrugged.

"Y/n, OH MY GOD MY EARS ARE SO SOFT!" George exclaimed, his hands also on his ears.

"Who's ears are softer?" Fred reached his hand up to touch George's ears.

I gasped and took several steps backward as another loud pop echoed through the small area. Dumbledore stopped purring as another puff of pink smoke filled the small passage. I took several more steps backward, covering my mouth. 

"Oh, no. no. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO! NO! NO! NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!" I started blubbering. On the floor sat two fuzzy kittens. 

"Oh, gosh, this is bad!" I took a few more steps away from the boys. They walked towards me, little fuzzy balls of joy. 

"If you come one step closer, I swear I will pick you up and pet the ever-loving tar out of you! I could resist cuddling Dumbledore because of the cat beard, but you two are too cute! It'll be humiliating! Don't. Come. Any. Closer." I threatened emptily as the kittens started rubbing up against my legs. 

SIghing, I picked up both kittens, placing one on my shoulder and the other in my arms. 

"I better enjoy this while it lasts," I sighed, decided to head to the Gryffindor common room. If they turned back into humans and didn't have any clothes, they'd be embarrassed. 

The kitten on my shoulder started to rub against my face. It purred heavily in my ear despite that I wasn't touching it. The kitten in my arms was asleep. Dumbledore was eyeing me skeptically from my pocket. 




George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now