Ashes and Bones

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George and I ran, hand in hand, down the hallways. Our hearts beat in synchronization, our fear and adrenaline propelling us forward. Snape stood outside the door, a slightly softer scowl on his lips. He stared at George and I unblinkingly, waiting for us to ask the fatal question. 

"Is Y/n OK?" We asked together. I was surprised how emotional our voices sounded. 

Snape sighed heavily, still barricading the door. I stretched a hand out towards the door handle, and Snape drew his wand. I stopped, my hand still outstretched, gazing skeptically at Snape. 

"You cannot enter," He said in a monotone voice. I exchanged glances with George. He nodded slightly, and I retracted my hand. 

"I think you mean; YOU SHALL NOT PASS," George grumbled at him as we turned away. "Oh, wait, that's Dumbledore's line." Together, we walked out of the hallway and into the next. We dashed behind a portrait and into a musty passage. Dust tickled my nose, and I pinched it. I didn't want to sneeze here. 

"I hope Y/n's ok," George said. I patted his shoulder for comfort, trying to remind him that we were in this together. 

"I'm worried too. She's probably fine, the teachers here are good at solving problems." I reassured both myself and my brother. 

Our footsteps were light, our steps landing together. The cold and dark air seemed to press around us menacingly. "This dust reminds me of ash," George suddenly said. It was blunt, reminding us both of our worries. If Y/n was dead, would she want to be cremated? I pushed away such thoughts, turning my mind to Snape. He was acting strangely. What was he hiding?

Sadness pooled in my gut, but I wasn't quite sure why. I clutched George's hand tighter for support. "She's going to be fine. We're almost there." George whispered, squeezing my hand back. 

We lifted a tile on the floor carefully, George poking his head up to look for potential threats. When the coast was clear, he pulled himself out of the floor and extended a hand down to me. With a heave of effort, I was lifted from the ground, sliding the time back into place behind me. 

We walked through the empty ward, looking for Y/n. Curtains were open, all the beds empty. Two areas stood, closed off. We paused next to the first area with the curtains closed. George carefully slid the curtain open, hesitating for a moment. I joined him and pulled the curtain completely open. 

Our jaws dropped, and we both let out gasps of anguish. "Y/n" I whispered in a horrified voice. George took a careful step toward the bed, not believing what his eyes were telling him. 

I also took a step forward, the shock of the situation hit me like a brick. 

Y/n was dead. 

"No! No! No! No! No! No! You, of all people, can't be dead!" My feet carried me towards the covered body, my fingers itching to pull the black cloth off her face. I wanted to see if it was her, but I was afraid to look. My gut told me she was dead, but my heart refused to believe it. 

"Fred," George grabbed my shoulder and pulled me a step backward. I struggled in his grasp. Tears stung my eyes. 

"You can't be dead! You can't be dead Y/n! You can't! I didn't even get to say goodbye!" I struggled harder against my brother's grip.

"Fred," He said softly, in a comforting sort of way. That confirmed it in my mind; he knew Y/n was dead. 

Tears drifted freely down my face. I wiped aimlessly at my nose to stop the drips. I continued to struggle against George's grip, refusing to believe it was her. I looked toward the cloth in anguish. It didn't matter that we were going to be expelled. She was my second best friend. WIthout her, the troublemaking trio wouldn't be complete.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now