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Yeah, OK, so the whole age thing... Grrr... Let's just assume through this whole thing you're gradually getting older and you're a 3rd year by now.


"Y/n" my name was yelled across the expanse of the great hall. I glanced down at the letter in my hand.


I'm glad you opened this letter. You ignored the last one. I suppose I'll start answering questions. I know what I know because it's happened to me already. There, see? I just answered one of your questions.

Here's what you need to know for the day. The twins may have used a spell that makes puberty effects worse. Voice cracks ALL THE TIME. Be forewarned.

WIth love,

Your Guardian Angel.

There, holding a first-year boy by the back of the neck, was Fred and George. George started to rub the head of the first year, and I jogged over there.

"Guys," I scolded, "be nice to him! He's your brother!"

Fred nodded, looking at his little brother. George gently released Ron's head. Ron rubbed his head gingerly, looking sheepishly at the ground.

"He's OUr," George's voice cracked, "brother. WHy should wE be nice to him?"

"Your voice cracked." I pointed out the obvious, grinning slightly. The letter was right again.

"No shIt," George's voice cracked again, "Sherlock."

Ron looked at George in horror. "If mom found out you cussed, you'd be so dead."

Fred hit Ron on the side of the head. "So don't tell her, dimwit."

"My vOIce," George'svoice cracked again, "won't stOp craCKing."

I placed a hand on the back of my neck. This wasn't a topic I was an expert in. "Go see Mrs. Pomfrey," I advised.

Fred placed a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. He was remembering the last prank we pulled on her. George nodded, talking a few steps towards the door. Fred took a couple long strides to match pace with George. I grinned.

"Did you just send them to Mrs. Pomfrey over a cracking voice?" Ron asked.

I nodded. "She'll get a kick out of it."

I hummed to myself as I walked away. I'd see the boys in the next class.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ACNE COMES NEXT?!?!?!" A voice like batman's came thundering down the hall.

Now curious, I followed the yelling to Mrs. Pomfrey's room. Sitting on a bed was George, Fred was standing next to him.

"Who is yelling?" I asked, looking around for another person in the room. Other than the boys and Mrs. Pomfrey, the room was empty.

Mrs. Pomfrey gave a deep sigh. "It's a natural part of puberty. I can teach you a spell to deal with acne when you get it. Until then, if you don't have an injury, please go to your next class." With that, she ushered us out of the room.

I rounded on George. "Who has a voice like batman? I didn't see anyone in there other than you three."

"Uh," George placed a hand on the back of his neck. His voice sounded deeper than usual.

"Wait, George, say something!" I demanded, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"Y/n, now's not the time for that," George started to say.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now