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Y/n P.O.V.

Dumbledore's office was nice... When you weren't in trouble. "Why did we sneak in here again?" I asked George.

"Fred, what was our plan?" George turned to Fred.

Fred rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "We suggested getting in here through the window, not what we'd do once were were in here."

The clock began to chime and we all jumped. Once, twice. Wasn't I supposed to do something at 2:00? "Holy flying donkeys! I need to leave! I was going to meet someone at the library!" I jumped towards the window, leaning out and calling a broom to me.

"I'll see you guys later!" I waved, jumping out the window and onto the broom.

The broom was fast, the wood smooth beneath my hand. Leaning backward, I began trying to slow down the broom before the Hogwarts entrance. The broom continued forward, not phased by my attempts to stop it.

"Slow down, slow down!" I muttered to myself, the broom continuing at full speed towards the door.

My fingers grasped the smooth wood with a death grip. The broom wouldn't slow down. Sweat gathered on my palms and made it difficult to hold on. Bile rose in my throat, fear rising in my chest. I was hundreds of feet above the ground with a broom that wouldn't stop. I aimed towards the Hogwarts door, hoping that the broom might slow down if I was faced with crashing. The doors were open, students smiling and walking into the open air.

"Abort, abort, abort!" I yelled as I flew through the open doors. Students jumped out of my way, sending nasty glares towards me.

"Get out of the halls!"

"No riding inside!"


"Someone get Dumbledore in here!"

"GUYS IT WON'T STOP! STOP YELLING AT ME AND HELP ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, ignoring the stray comments aimed towards me. My life was currently more important than their opinions.

I steered my broom upstairs and down corridors. I was heading towards the library doors. The tip of my broom crashed into the door, pushing it open, and sending my flying forwards. As if I was bucked off the back of a horse, I flew forwards, the broom straying towards a window at the back of the library.

I fell forwards, tumbling and rolling. My shoulder hit the marble floor with a pop, earning a groan from me.

"Why am I always getting hurt?" I grumbled to myself. A shadow of a person fell over me as they looked down on my misery. I glanced upwards, seeing Max standing above me.

"You really need to stop falling for me," He sighed and extended me a hand. I didn't move. The floor seemed like a better idea than getting up. Seeing I was contemplating staying on the floor, he sighed and crouched down at my level.

"You can't stay there all day, you know. Let's make sure your shoulder is OK," he extended his hand again. Taking it, I rolled my eyes and let him pull me to my feet. Leading me to a table, he pulled out the chair for me.

"Um, sorry, but can I touch your shoulder? I want to check if it is injured, but we can go to a female teacher if you're uncomfortable." Max looked at me, his hand still hovering over my shoulder.

"Um, sure, thanks," I stuttered slightly. The twins never asked permission before touching my shoulder or back or anything. Fred once asked permission to kiss me, but that was the only time either of them has ever asked me what I was comfortable with.

"You asked," I muttered under my breath, smiling slightly. It was nice to be treated as a human.

"Sorry, it was habit. Consent is extremely important to girls, so I was trying to be considerate." Max's hands were warm and soft. They weren't hard and calloused. He didn't seem like much of a sports player either.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now